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Knees soon to be fixed!


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What will I be able to do? Will my club survive without me teaching "properly" for 3 months? If it was personal training that would be fine as I would have no serious commmitments and anything I forget or loose, I could be retaught them, but I'm the most senior so who's going re teach me?

Well at least it will be "fixed" I'm thinking

Strange, I would say as my knee is starting to ease off from the pain of the reinjury (A few month ago) but dare I say (not too hastily) that it actually feels much better. the constant ache (from the Meniscal Cyst putting pressure on the LCL) seems to have gone. I actually feel my knee is easier to use. although I am taking it easier. Under instruction from my Doctor I've wheened myself of the knee splint then knee brace (although my first class back I wore the brace and didn't actually do anything as such)

One thought is that on coming back I may have a new set of life into the Bunkai & Oyo of the Kata etc that I always practice etc.

I got a few Black Belts who I'm going to have to trust with my baby (the Dojo) I nurtured it from "0" students to where it is today. It will be strange letting someone else take control.

I have decided on coming back I'm going to re-live the journey I took to assist with my "rehab" back into my Karate Training, working for 3 months at each grade, from 9th Kyu to Shodan. It will be a good journey as I will hopefully re-discover many techniques I have originally taken for granted right now.

I've been given a Plan by my Physio and my Gym Personal trainer but has anyone gone through the same injury and been able to return to normal. How long did it take and what did you do?

my first goal is to be abel to loose the extra 30 KG (66lbs) I put on since I first injured my knee from being unable to run etc.

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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First of all, I'd like to offer you my support across the board in anyway that I can. No operation can be fun or beneficial at the beginning, but when all is said and done, you'll be good as new. 3 months will seem like an unending eternity, however, please be patient with the rehab and all in order for the mended knee will not have any delay and/or re-injuries.

You'll do whatever you're able to do and nothing more. Possibly you'll get caught up on some reading. Possibly you can put all of your MA thoughts/theories/methodologies/ideologies on to paper; time to rest your knee while you exercise your MA mind.

Your dojo will survive, and yes, it'll be very hard for you to relinquish your dojo at first, but for the sake of your health, you'll have to do just that. You do trust your black belts right? Then, as hard as it might be internally for you, it's outwardly important to depend on your black belts...and yes...it's going to be hard to not be there. However, when the time is right, you'll be there to lend your support for your students in any way that you can. Besides, when you walk back in through the door, your students will be so very happy to see you, even though your knee still won't allow you to be on the floor at 100%. Time heals all "wounds"!!

Who will teach you? You will, if no one else will/can. I still battle with that from time to time because my Dai-Soke is gone. Who teaches me? My students, no matter the rank! My fellow black belts! Those within our hierarchy! They're the ones that I depend on to teach me day after day. Hopefully your governing body has someone who can lend a hand to re-tune you; bringing you back to full capacity/abilities.

I believe that your idea to re-live your journey, as you did with your back, is a great idea. As you've also said, you'll begin to re-discover many a techniques that you've taken for granted before.

Stay with any plan you've been given by the varies health experts, and in that, please don't try to rush it. I've experienced an MCL injury with my right knee when I was much younger. I believe it took me just over 8 weeks before I was 95%. I'm not 100%, nor do I believe that I will ever be. For example, how I execute any right legged kick requires me to pre-load. My left foot will turn way before, milliseconds, my right leg even starts on its journey to said target. However, any left legged kick isn't dependent on my right leg support; meaning that my right knee is 100% in the role of being the supportive leg for left legged kicks. I suppose that I caused my right leg to treat my kicking abilities different because I was overly protective over my right knee. Brian can speak about this because we discussed it in some depth while we train together a few years ago.

What did I do? I followed 'it' to the letter whatever my doctor and physical therapist instructed me to do and not to do. At first I thought that the path was paved with many uncertainties, and I never thought there was going to be a light at the end of the tunnel...but there was...and there will be one for you as well.

Hang in there, and before you know it, you'll be back on the floor at your dojo, and you'll be back on the saddle. After all, they say that all one needs to do after you fall off the horse is to just...get back on the horse; it'll all come back to you.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Best of luck, with everything.

I hope that you recover well, get back to your goal weight, and that your dojo stay strong in the interim.


"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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I hope the surgery goes well! Stay positive, and listen to the doc. I think your club will survive, and when you return, the renewed energy will feed everyone there. I'd say get back in and observe as soon as you can, but keep yourself limited on the physical stuff.

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Well, operation done, Doctor gave me 1 month off, rehab exercise began, physio sorted. Looking good.

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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3 months isn't a long time, plus you can still be there. Think of it this way, they will be fixed!

I'm currently avoiding the doctor's since I think I have a badly healed broken toe and now my knee on my same leg (which probably was caused by said toe.)

Chin up! You got this! Concentrate on healing and your club will be better for it :D

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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