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For grins and giggles as well as to fuel our discussion palates...

One thing leads to another thing which leads to another thing, and before you know it, you're in the midst of one of the most informal exchanging/training sessions of your MA life.

All of you are sitting and talking about just about anything and everything that's MA related. No one's leading nor conducting this informal gathering in any shape, way, and/or form. This meeting is for any and all styles of the MA!

Now, all of you come to a point where it's time to get down to tax-brackets of physical training, and the overall consensus is reached on the current subject that now stands before you...

Now what??...

Who's going to run THAT particular physical session? I mean...really...who??

What was once the most enjoyable training/exchanging sessions, slowly and quickly at the same time, now turns into a heated discussion. Let me welcome you to POLITICS as it rears its ugly head...it was only a matter of time.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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For discussion purposes, please put yourself in that situation. Pick a subject that YOU are extremely strong in...now...

Do you think that YOU should run that session?

Do you think that the most senior sensei/etc should?

Do you think that the landowner, where this meeting is being held at, should?

Do you think that names should be drawn from a hat?

Someone has to run the thing, if only to just get the ball rolling. Once it starts, other subjects will be addressed in the physical training part; a snowball effect so to speak.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I don't think I've ever had this problem?? Usually in situations like this, the most senior person in terms of position or knowledge tends to lead or if not, the person who naturally comes across as a leader through their personality.. In informal training time, I think someone just kind of natural comes to the fore and there isn't really an argument about it.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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It depends on how strongly each person feels about their knowledge and skills, and it could very well be a conglomeration of two people not necessarily competing for the lead, but each one contributing mightily to the topic at hand.

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Hypothetically speaking again...

I'm running a Tuite camp...I want Danielle and Brain to run separate session on Tuite at my camp, but with the emphasis on their personal style of grappling because their personal style of grappling might add something of great value to our brand of Tuite...

Would you be interested?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Hypothetically speaking again...

I'm running a Tuite camp...I want Danielle and Brain to run separate session on Tuite at my camp, but with the emphasis on their personal style of grappling because their personal style of grappling might add something of great value to our brand of Tuite...

Would you be interested?


Yes, when should I book the flights? :lol:

Do you ever do Shindokan training days like this? Our group of TKD schools get together ever 6 months or so for a couple of days and instructors take it in turns to teach sessions in their speciality area or to give their take on a subject. I think it's great for branching out from your instructor and seeing things a different way.

The closest I've come to a mixed style sharing session would be the "mashups" we had been all the university clubs. We'd take it in turns for a group to lead the warmups and then break off to do whatever and learn a bit from other people or just free spar.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Hypothetically speaking again...

I'm running a Tuite camp...I want Danielle and Brain to run separate session on Tuite at my camp, but with the emphasis on their personal style of grappling because their personal style of grappling might add something of great value to our brand of Tuite...

Would you be interested?


Yes, when should I book the flights? :lol:

Do you ever do Shindokan training days like this? Our group of TKD schools get together ever 6 months or so for a couple of days and instructors take it in turns to teach sessions in their speciality area or to give their take on a subject. I think it's great for branching out from your instructor and seeing things a different way.

The closest I've come to a mixed style sharing session would be the "mashups" we had been all the university clubs. We'd take it in turns for a group to lead the warmups and then break off to do whatever and learn a bit from other people or just free spar.

As often as possible because there's so much untapped material to still learn from styles outside of the Shindokan circle.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Do you mean kinda like when me and my coworkers were in the Denny's parking lot at 2am and my friend who works for the police department, after he was done handcuffing one of our friends and we were joking he should run into Denny's like that and run around and ask for help getting out of the handcuffs to see what happened, started showing us some random moves he learned from the police and then I had my current supervisor (who wasn't my supervisor at the time) put his hands around my throat so I could show them a quick move for getting out of that safely?

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Hypothetically speaking again...

I'm running a Tuite camp...I want Danielle and Brain to run separate session on Tuite at my camp, but with the emphasis on their personal style of grappling because their personal style of grappling might add something of great value to our brand of Tuite...

Would you be interested?


That would be fun, and I know there would be value there, for sure. Although I feel you would have considerably more experience and knowledge in Tuite, but whereas someone like myself or Alex would have more experience in using Tuite/joint manipulation to bring someone under control for arrest and detention, as opposed to just breaking someone, and where as a different instructor might use it as a way to get away and affect an escape.

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  • 1 year later...

I've been in this situation a few times. Both times we had 15 people each time, ranks ranged from white belt through to black belt (including dan gradings).

each time we all discussed if there was anything in particular we wanted to run through. Be it through Basics through to kumite, or also teach everyone something different from another style of karate or martial art. For example if a white belt (in karate) puts their hand up to show us some BJJ moves, they can take the lead but also if someone else does know BJJ they can help out. hence it is irregardless of their rank to take the lead. But if we do have things to do for karate usually some of the senior students take the lead

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