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Pressure Points, Dim Mak, and more...

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There are videos out there of some Dillman students that have gone into a BJJ school to test their Dim Mak skills on other athletes, and they really didn't have much affect on them. Most of what I've seen from Dim Mak demonstrations have been with students directly under the instructor demonstrating, and with no resistance whatsoever from the uke.

Exactly. Put Dillman's top students in an MMA bout. Doesn't have to be UFC level or the like; actually I'd like to see them in a local circuit amatuer match. Put them against a striker so the excuse isn't that they got taken to the mat before they could employ their techniques, real fights don't go to the ground very often, etc. Then see the excuses. Kind of like when Dillman tried the no-touch KO on the psychologist.

Pressure points have their place. There's anatomical weakness throughout the body. Certain areas are far more sensitive to pressure, rubbing, etc. than others. No doubt they can help. But the concept of knocking someone unconscious with light touches is ridiculous. My previous dojo had a Japanese ju-jutsu sandan come into work out with us. He was into kyusho. He tried knocking us out demonstrating it. Maybe a 1/3 success rate. He grabbed my arm and tapped my neck. Tried several times It didn't feel good and would have hurt more with some force, but nothing like Dillman's claims happened. Wouldn't have knocked me out if it was full force either. He'd have been far better off keeping the arm lock and throwing me. We learned some good stuff from him. I discarded the nonsense.

Too few people practised Dim Mak. it is not liking the boxing practicers or karate practicers have a lot of precaticers.

Edited by lilysong
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Dillman has lost credibility in the MA overall; it's his own making. For me, he really done his credibility in when he spoke about "No Touch", and in that, how he could move people in line at a Starbuck, hence, he was able to go from the back of the line to the front of the line.


Dim Mak should touch. check my videos, all dim mak need touch.

also Dim Mak came from china. why you believe a fake western Dim Mak fake masters?  and don't believe the origin place real Dim Mak masters ?

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So how many men have you killed?

i didn't learn any martial arts. i am just a fun about it.

i just want to say, dim mak is real, it still exist in China.

You have an awful lot to say and prove for someone who "didn't learn any martial arts." Unless you've personally used it or have had it demonstrated on you, you have little credibility. Please learn it for yourself, then come tell us what we're doing wrong.

I have no problem with people who've got differing views than I do. That what makes this world so interesting and in fact makes us all learn more. I have a problem with people touting things as fact who admit they have zero personal experience with it.

i am a fan about Dim Mak. even i had no any experience about it. but i search lots of Videos, i read lots of articles, also news, papers, articles by the website.

because these videos made me sure the Dim Mak are the real kung fu. there are also two experiment and science research about the Dim Mak.

Even i didn't experience it, from all of these materials , i had know dim mak is the real. i am not that stubborn, i can judge what is real, what is fake.

There's a big difference between what you see in a video and in books, and real life. Videos get edited. Not sure if you've ever heard of George Dillman. He's a kyusho "Grandmaster." He's written many books, conducted "research" and made many videos. He's recently been demonstrating no-touch knockouts.

Before his no-touch knockout days, several people I trained with went to a few of his seminars. The videos show his techniques of light touch knockouts working every time. At the seminars, they work maybe 2/3 of the time. There's people at the seminars that they don't work on at all. Those never get put on video or in books. His reasoning for why - some people are skeptics, they must have done something to counter his chi, etc. It's nonsense.

There are places on the body that will produce knockouts far easier than others. But light touch isn't going to do it. Hitting someone or rubbing their arm or leg or torso the right way isn't going to render someone unconscious. The only way that works is through a form of hypnosis. The person believes it'll knock them out, and therefore it does.

If this stuff really worked as reliably as the "masters" claim it does, every police officer, prison guard, and military person would be throughly trained in it, even if it took a few years to become effective in it.

If it really worked every time (after enough training), everyone with any interest in self defense would train in it.

If it really worked every time, every professional fighter would learn it and use it. Professional fighters have challenged dim mak and kyusho masters countless times. I haven't seen a single report of the professional fighter losing.

I'm not saying the masters are frauds. I think many of them genuinely believe in what they're teaching. I'm saying their students are being hypnotized without the teachers or students truly realizing it. Much in the same way placebo drugs can be almost as effective (sometimes more effective) than the real drug.

Go out and study it for yourself instead of reading about it or watching it.

i searched too much . Now, i am sure Dim Mak is the real, so many different dim mak masters, so many people had experience it, their response are the same.

and dim mak is hit points, not pressure points .

anyway, i had sure dim mak is the real.

check this videos, so many dim mak masters , so many people experience the dim mak.

Because i had researched it a lot, so i got the conclusion Dim Mak is real. i spend few months to researched it.

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Dillman has lost credibility in the MA overall; it's his own making. For me, he really done his credibility in when he spoke about "No Touch", and in that, how he could move people in line at a Starbuck, hence, he was able to go from the back of the line to the front of the line.


Dim Mak should touch. check my videos, all dim mak need touch.

also Dim Mak came from china. why you believe a fake western Dim Mak fake masters?  and don't believe the origin place real Dim Mak masters ?

I've checked your videos; thank you for sharing.

You say that Dim Mak is touch, but what I've seen in your videos isn't a touch; it's a forceful impact, imho. I don't believe in Dim Mak in general; no matter where it's being practiced. Like Kyusho jitsu, Dim Mak is inconsistent BECAUSE THE PRACTITIONERS AREN'T PERFECT; mistakes DO occur, for one reason or another.

In short, if Dim Mak is an EFFECTIVE MA, then I've yet to see evidence. I'd have to experience it for myself personally!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Dillman has lost credibility in the MA overall; it's his own making. For me, he really done his credibility in when he spoke about "No Touch", and in that, how he could move people in line at a Starbuck, hence, he was able to go from the back of the line to the front of the line.


Dim Mak should touch. check my videos, all dim mak need touch.

also Dim Mak came from china. why you believe a fake western Dim Mak fake masters?  and don't believe the origin place real Dim Mak masters ?

I've checked your videos; thank you for sharing.

You say that Dim Mak is touch, but what I've seen in your videos isn't a touch; it's a forceful impact, imho. I don't believe in Dim Mak in general; no matter where it's being practiced. Like Kyusho jitsu, Dim Mak is inconsistent BECAUSE THE PRACTITIONERS AREN'T PERFECT; mistakes DO occur, for one reason or another.

In short, if Dim Mak is an EFFECTIVE MA, then I've yet to see evidence. I'd have to experience it for myself personally!!


i mean, to touch other people's body mean hand should connect with victim's body, not non touch that kind dim mak. I only heard some very very great masters can do the dim mak using the stone or a little distance far from victim's body, but i don't know who can do this kind dim mak ,now.

yeah , for my understanding, the large hand dim mak is hit points,it is not pressure point. the dim mak is hit points. and the small hand dim mak, i talked with one five hundreds money dim mak practicer, he said, that need to practise the yin force, and when touch victim'd body, use this yin force to pour chi inside victim's body. i didn't find other videos about the small hand dim mak. Only one people show his small hand dim mak. i think i should wait more masters post their videos on website. i still don't understand the small hand dim mak very well, why a slight touch can make animal die ? i still doubt it.

about the hit point i can understand, because pressure points can work, to used a trained hand to hit, it should work.

No,no,no, dim mak is very very stable, if you learnt and practise it hardly, then you are good at it. it will never change. maybe, if you don't practise it anymore, for example, after 5 years, maybe, you are not good at it at all.

yeah, maybe the PRACTITIONERS are not good, so you should find the real and good practicers, not these guys who didn't learn and practise it hard, and are bad at it.

as far as i know, Kyusho jitsu was dim mak, because it said karate came from white crane quan, but following the time, japanese practicers lost the dim mak skills, so it become Kyusho jitsu, pressure points skill. but all of these i just heard and saw their discuss on the website. i don't know what is the truth about Kyusho jitsu

yeah,you can go to find these masters in the videos. In fact, i feel Liang yi Dim Mak is very based Dim Mak . and it is simplest dim mak, learn it easy, use it also easy. they also have the international school


the most venomous dim mak is the Zi Men quan Dim Mak (that is five hundreds money dim mak) . Shao lin dim mak , tai chi dim mak, wing chun dim mak ,other dim mak seems in the middle.

yeah, you can don't believe it, because you are more precise than me, you should to experience them. but for me, i can trust things by videos, book, articles, papers, discussions, website, maybe, i am not precise too much, lol.

Edited by lilysong
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Dillman has lost credibility in the MA overall; it's his own making. For me, he really done his credibility in when he spoke about "No Touch", and in that, how he could move people in line at a Starbuck, hence, he was able to go from the back of the line to the front of the line.


Dim Mak should touch. check my videos, all dim mak need touch.

also Dim Mak came from china. why you believe a fake western Dim Mak fake masters?  and don't believe the origin place real Dim Mak masters ?

I've checked your videos; thank you for sharing.

You say that Dim Mak is touch, but what I've seen in your videos isn't a touch; it's a forceful impact, imho. I don't believe in Dim Mak in general; no matter where it's being practiced. Like Kyusho jitsu, Dim Mak is inconsistent BECAUSE THE PRACTITIONERS AREN'T PERFECT; mistakes DO occur, for one reason or another.

In short, if Dim Mak is an EFFECTIVE MA, then I've yet to see evidence. I'd have to experience it for myself personally!!


i mean, to touch other people's body mean hand should connect with victim's body, not non touch that kind dim mak. I only heard some very very great masters can do the dim mak using the stone or a little distance with victim's body, but i neve heard any people can do this kind dim mak.

yeah , for my understanding, the large hand dim mak is hit points,it is not pressure point. and the small hand dim mak, i talked with one five hundreds money dim mak practicer, he said, that need to practise the yin force, and when touch victim'd body, use this yin force to pour chi inside victim's body. i didn't find other videos about the small hand dim mak. Only one people show his small hand dim mak. i think i should wait more masters post their videos on website. i still don't understand the small hand dim mak very well, why a slight touch can make animal die ? i still doubt it.

about the hit point i can understand, because pressure points can work, to used a trained hand to hit, it should work.

No,no,no, dim mak is very very stable, if you learnt and practise it hardly, then you are good at it. it will never change. maybe, if you don't practise it anymore, for example, after 5 years, maybe, you are not good at it at all.

yeah, maybe the PRACTITIONERS are not good, so you should find the real and good practicers, not these guys who didn't learn and practise it hard, and are bad at it.

as far as i know, Kyusho jitsu was dim mak, because it said karate came from white crane quan, but following the time, japanese practicers lost the dim mak skills, so it become Kyusho jitsu, pressure points skill. but all of these i just heard and saw their discuss on the website. i don't know what is the truth about Kyusho jitsu

Sound opinions.

To the bold type above...

Do some meaningful research to learn about Kyusho jitsu...you might be pleasantly surprised.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Dillman has lost credibility in the MA overall; it's his own making. For me, he really done his credibility in when he spoke about "No Touch", and in that, how he could move people in line at a Starbuck, hence, he was able to go from the back of the line to the front of the line.


Dim Mak should touch. check my videos, all dim mak need touch.

also Dim Mak came from china. why you believe a fake western Dim Mak fake masters?  and don't believe the origin place real Dim Mak masters ?

I've checked your videos; thank you for sharing.

You say that Dim Mak is touch, but what I've seen in your videos isn't a touch; it's a forceful impact, imho. I don't believe in Dim Mak in general; no matter where it's being practiced. Like Kyusho jitsu, Dim Mak is inconsistent BECAUSE THE PRACTITIONERS AREN'T PERFECT; mistakes DO occur, for one reason or another.

In short, if Dim Mak is an EFFECTIVE MA, then I've yet to see evidence. I'd have to experience it for myself personally!!


i mean, to touch other people's body mean hand should connect with victim's body, not non touch that kind dim mak. I only heard some very very great masters can do the dim mak using the stone or a little distance with victim's body, but i neve heard any people can do this kind dim mak.

yeah , for my understanding, the large hand dim mak is hit points,it is not pressure point. and the small hand dim mak, i talked with one five hundreds money dim mak practicer, he said, that need to practise the yin force, and when touch victim'd body, use this yin force to pour chi inside victim's body. i didn't find other videos about the small hand dim mak. Only one people show his small hand dim mak. i think i should wait more masters post their videos on website. i still don't understand the small hand dim mak very well, why a slight touch can make animal die ? i still doubt it.

about the hit point i can understand, because pressure points can work, to used a trained hand to hit, it should work.

No,no,no, dim mak is very very stable, if you learnt and practise it hardly, then you are good at it. it will never change. maybe, if you don't practise it anymore, for example, after 5 years, maybe, you are not good at it at all.

yeah, maybe the PRACTITIONERS are not good, so you should find the real and good practicers, not these guys who didn't learn and practise it hard, and are bad at it.

as far as i know, Kyusho jitsu was dim mak, because it said karate came from white crane quan, but following the time, japanese practicers lost the dim mak skills, so it become Kyusho jitsu, pressure points skill. but all of these i just heard and saw their discuss on the website. i don't know what is the truth about Kyusho jitsu

Sound opinions.

To the bold type above...

Do some meaningful research to learn about Kyusho jitsu...you might be pleasantly surprised.


yeah,you can go to find these masters in the videos. In fact, i feel Liang yi Dim Mak is very based Dim Mak . and it is simplest dim mak, learn it easy, use it also easy. they also have the international school


the most venomous dim mak is the Zi Men quan Dim Mak (that is five hundreds money dim mak) . Shao lin dim mak , tai chi dim mak, wing chun dim mak ,other dim mak seems in the middle.

yeah, you can don't believe it, because you are more precise than me, you should to experience them. but for me, i can trust things by videos, book, articles, papers, discussions, website, maybe, i am not precise too much, lol.

yeah, i will try to do some research about it. i had know it is pressure points. and it hit the neck and head more to make other people faint or lost sense. i think i will research its history and how did it develop. but for me, i still like dim mak more, i prefer to learn the liang yi dim mak for me, i am a women, for the self-defense, still liang yi dim mak fit to me.

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Who do they get to practice the "Death touch" on?? Can't be too many volunteers. Just wondering.............

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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Who do they get to practice the "Death touch" on?? Can't be too many volunteers. Just wondering.............

Reportedly, in the "old days" it was first demonstrated on animals to be slaughtered. When that wasn't good enough, they did it on death row inmates.

Reportedly. I think that was in Bubishi by Patrick McCarthy. Could be wrong, it was a while ago.

Jean Claude VanDamme demonstrated it on a stack of bricks in Bloodsport.

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but for me, i can trust things by videos, book, articles, papers, discussions, website, maybe, i am not precise too much, lol.

Well there is your problem, right there! Get out and try it for yourself. I did and I was quite disappointed.

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