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Paleo Diet


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Has anyone on here ever tried the Paleo Diet? Pretty much it's a low carb, high fat diet that concentrates mostly on meats, fruits and veggies and with a little bit of diary. I've been interested in it ever since I watched Fat Head for the first time (now up to about five times) on Netflix (it's also available for free on Hulu). The past week or so I've been eating mostly paleo at home although I've been eating school lunches (they're free and I'm poor). Any experience/opinions?

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Paleo is THE way to go, IMO. I can't say that 100% paleo, but I try to eat as much as possible the paleo way. I find that my energy level is higher and I'm more alert when I eat this way. Even if you're strapped for cash I recommend eating paleo-style as much as possible.

"Honour, not honours." ~ Sir Richard Francis Burton


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  • 1 year later...

Hey. I forgot about starting this topic.

So I started this topic a year and a half ago when I was one week into the paleo diet. And I'm happy to say I pretty much stuck with it for the past 18 months (although I'm much more primal now than paleo, and I take the 80/20 rule to be more like 70/30-- I cheat way more than I should). I don't know about "best" diet. I think best diet is kinda like best martial art-- what's best for you won't always be best for someone else. But since I first started, I'm down about 80 pounds. I find it pretty easy to stick to in the long term as I allow for my cheats a few times a week and the types of food I eat are very filling and satisfying for me. I don't usually miss the junk and when I do, I let myself have it and usually realize it wasn't nearly as good as I thought it'd be. I think it's definitely turned out to be the best diet for me.

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Don't hate me...

I've no experience with the Paleo diet, inasmuch, please, and always check with your doctor before starting any diet.



**Proof is on the floor!!!

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What kind of meals do you typically eat Lupin? I've heard good things about paleo but would struggle I think to come up with meals for myself. I have reduced my carbs down and upped the protein ratio but I find myself craving bread (of all things!).

How do you think it fuels you for training too? As my other concern us being able to last those long training sessions without a steady sugar release from my pasta :D

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I try to get in a lot of fat as well as protein. That's what keeps you full and helps (me, at least) cut down on the bread and sugar cravings. Although after about a year on it I lost almost all the bread cravings except every once and awhile when I'm very hungry and someone's making toast or something and I can smell it. But usually now the sight and smell of bread doesn't even register as "food" with my brain. Walking through the bread aisle in the grocery store can even be a bit nauseating.

I usually do meat and vegetables for dinner (with butter, cheese, sour cream, etc to up the fat where I can). Lunch can be a salad with meat and cheese and a homemade dressing, some lunch meat "roll ups" with cheese and condiments rolled up in the meat, or (usually) leftovers from the previous night's dinner. I usually skip breakfast and just have coffee with lots of heavy whipping cream, but on weekends when I have a little extra time (not today) I'll make bacon or sausage and eggs. Snacks are a little meat, some nuts, raw vegetables, or some fruit. My favorite dessert is frozen mixed berries with heavy cream poured on top. The cream freezes around the berries and it's better than ice cream.

I do eat a good amount of carbs still. I'm probably at about 100-150g a day, which is a little high considering I've still got some weight to lose. But I eat a lot more fruit than I should and I won't turn down a potato if it's offered.

I usually have a big meal with lots of protein right before working out and I've never had problems with energy. I get hungry by the end of it, but it's not the gnawing, nauseating hunger I used to get. It actually feels kinda good running on fumes when they're quality fumes-- feels light and freeing. After practice I'll have an apple or banana to quickly get some sugar into my muscles and then I'll have some more protein and fat. But I feel like I've got a lot more energy. I never feel myself running out. Grok wouldn't have stuffed himself with carbs before a long hunt-- in fact, he probably would've done most of his intense exercise on an empty stomach.

Those are my personal experiences, anyway. Can't stress enough that everyone is different.

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Don't hate me...

I've no experience with the Paleo diet, inasmuch, please, and always check with your doctor before starting any diet.



While I agree, Id be more inclined to tell people to check with there doctor before eating McDonalds! :D

I dont like the term "diet", as to me this is just eating more sensible (particularly where the OP noted that they cheat more than they should - sounds like me :D

Ive been trying to eat more natural for about 18 months now too, having started with Keto-diet in the beginning, losing a considerable mount of fat (with a lot of hard work mind you!), and then shifting it to a non-packaged food and fresh produce at every meal type lifestyle.

Works a treat!

Basically (well on a bio-chemical level) what your doing is re-setting your metabolism.

There are three main metabolic pathways in the body if we dont count that for micro-nutrients, which are:

1) Glycogenic (metabolism of Carbohydrates) which largely can contribute to storing fat where there is excess energy consumed.

2) Triglycerides, or metabolism of fats.

3) Amino acid and protien breakdown.

All of these can be used for ATP in one way or another for energy in the body - problem is, since the advent of processed and packaged food, most people rely largely on Glycogenic diets instead of a healthy mix. I believe that this has lead to a range of diseases such as diabeties and cancer (though that is debatable in the scientific community).

At the beginning of trying to re-set ones metabolism there can be side effects such as nausea, headaches and other ailments, though these are normally short lived.

I can safely say that in the past 12 months I feel lighter and more energetic than I think I ever have, and this has been coupled with fat loss and increases in power without bulking too much muscle on!

Its pretty simple - balance natural foods (if its not fresh, or wont go off dont eat it!), eat healthy fats and a good amount of them, and look at protein rich foods, slow release carbs and fresh veggies/fruits with every meal.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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What kind of meals do you typically eat Lupin? I've heard good things about paleo but would struggle I think to come up with meals for myself. I have reduced my carbs down and upped the protein ratio but I find myself craving bread (of all things!).

How do you think it fuels you for training too? As my other concern us being able to last those long training sessions without a steady sugar release from my pasta :D

Craving bread may be the result of not totally eliminating wheat from your diet as it has a morphine like effect on your brain which gives you a "high". In a sense, you are a wheat junkie! Paleo eliminates ALL grains thus detoxing the body from these addictive substances that wreak havoc on your metabolism. Thus, once you detox, you will not crave it anymore.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume it's decent enough, though the only Paleolithic people it seems to be based on appear in kids' cartoons.

My main concern with the meat-based diets in the past few years is that our fuel and land supply can't handle it on a large scale unless we switch to insect protein. It might still be a really good diet, but people have eaten a lot of things. The main thing that seems to trip us up is the huge amount of obscenely sweet and fatty stuff that is all over the place whenever we stop trying to micromanage everything we eat. Pretty much any special diet seems to accomplish that.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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