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help for reducing weight...

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Eat a well balanced and varied diet of nutritional food and do more exercise.

You need to balance the energy in with the energy out.

It really is that simple.

Other little tips are:

don't go food shopping when you're hungry

use smaller plates

drink plenty of water

eat smaller meals more regularly throughout the day as opposed to 3 big meals.

It's ok to leave something on the plate if you feel full.

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That's really it: outputs must be greater than inputs. So, you can reduce your calorie intake and do the same things, eat the same things and increase your output (workload/exercise), or you can both increase your workout and decrease your caloric intake.

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Having taken off 85 lbs with a low-carb lifestyle, I can attest that all calories are not equal. Aside from the practical advice already given, if you find that you're stuck with a metabolism that doesn't respond well (and have checked out any possible underlying physical problem, such as a thyroid condition, diabetes, etc.), I'd suggest you look into a diet that is low carb with adequate protein to nourish your muscle mass.

Leaves fall.

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I had issues with weight loss, since I gave up smoking I went from 90kg up to 132kg over the next couple of years. I stuck at that weight for the next few years. Apart from a stint on Oralstat from the doctor where I lost 40kg but put it back on again with the year.

This year I decided enough was enough, I got Oralstat again lost 6kg within a month then nothing for the next 2 months. A friend give me a Meal replacement programme (https://www.be-yu.com) shakes where I had 4 shakes a day, nothing else except Tea or water, for 2 weeks then re-introduced food over the next week, therefore in 3-4 weeks I've lost 17kg an I've not finished yet, my target weight is 105kg so 10kg more to go. After a diet a complete lifestyle change IS needed etc no more stacks of biscuits, cakes or sweets etc. My portion size has gone really small too, good luck on yours

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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Here is my diet prescription. If you are already eating pretty healthy food, the easiest way is to just cut portions. Eat less. Duh! Easier said than done, maybe, but I find it not too hard. Put less on your plate to start with. Sometimes we just eat until the plate is empty, so if there is less on there, you will be OK.

If you have a propensity for a lot of fatty and processed foods, the first thing is to gradually introduce more healthful foods into your diet. It is widely agreed, I think, that this means unprocessed/whole foods -- fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans, fish and low fat meats, low fat dairy. The beauty of it is that you can eat whatever you want! Just eat small amounts of the really fatty high calorie things, large amounts of fresh fruits and veggies, and moderate amounts of the rest. Otherwise... don't think about it too much, work out a lot, and enjoy your life! :-)

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Here is my diet prescription. If you are already eating pretty healthy food, the easiest way is to just cut portions. Eat less. Duh! Easier said than done, maybe, but I find it not too hard. Put less on your plate to start with. Sometimes we just eat until the plate is empty, so if there is less on there, you will be OK.

....... Otherwise... don't think about it too much, work out a lot, and enjoy your life! :-)

Another way around portion size is get a smaller plate. if the plate looks fuller even though the portion size is smaller you will "feel" better about the portins you're eating

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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I would be amiss if I didn't at least say...Before engaging on any diet, consult with your doctor first. Then and only then, proceed forward, but always yielding your doctors instructions and advise.

I've been on a many diets over the many years. Some good and some not so good. Some on the approval of my doctor and some not. Whenever I followed my doctors advise, all was great. I don't have to tell you what can happen when you try diets of your own device...disaster!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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