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  BDPulver said:
Went and saw my neurologists tues. He finally gave me a name of what I have: Functional/Dissociative Neurological Symptom.

I always had these symptoms of blacking out, migraines, tremors, tunnel vision, sleeplessness and so on. At first I thought it was just you know part of growing up. I did just hit 40.

So, what is the treatment? well thats the thing it can be controlled with drugs but they are not sure what really causes it because my tests can show normal. He wants me to participate in a clinical study with a colleuge of his to see if they can determine the cause. I'm still thinking bout it.

What does that mean for practicing MA? well I asked the doctor and he doesnt want me to stop what I love doing but doing it at my own pace and restrictions. I can do Kata but if I feel dizzy I need to either sit or grab my cane. Weapons on the other hand I dont feel comfortable with cause when I go through a episode I will drop them. I cant go 110% like I use too. More at 50% now.

If its all right patrick I'd like to post the link for anyone that might have questions on what I'm talking about its https://www.neurosymptoms.org

We still are unsure what caused it, he is speculating when I had a major whiplash attack in the army but right now its hard saying. That is the first attack I had but my squad leader wouldnt let the medic take me in. Then after that as I said, I just never really paid any attention to it.

And on top of that when I fell on the snow and ice twice where I had surgery down on my back. I've lost feeling completed from waist down for what seemed like an eternity. I need to use a cane when I go out now.

But, practicing is gonna be interesting since I am moving back home so I have more people watching me. So if anyone wants me to keep you updated on how my very limited training is going I will. Now I know its not in my head. :D

Osu!! :karate:


Thats crazy.

I get the dizzy alot when i do my spinning back kicks, katas, or anything where i have be going backwards..

I always have to sit out when we do things backwards..

Now an orangebelt!!!

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