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Might know whats wrong...


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Went and saw my neurologists tues. He finally gave me a name of what I have: Functional/Dissociative Neurological Symptom.

I always had these symptoms of blacking out, migraines, tremors, tunnel vision, sleeplessness and so on. At first I thought it was just you know part of growing up. I did just hit 40.

So, what is the treatment? well thats the thing it can be controlled with drugs but they are not sure what really causes it because my tests can show normal. He wants me to participate in a clinical study with a colleuge of his to see if they can determine the cause. I'm still thinking bout it.

What does that mean for practicing MA? well I asked the doctor and he doesnt want me to stop what I love doing but doing it at my own pace and restrictions. I can do Kata but if I feel dizzy I need to either sit or grab my cane. Weapons on the other hand I dont feel comfortable with cause when I go through a episode I will drop them. I cant go 110% like I use too. More at 50% now.

If its all right patrick I'd like to post the link for anyone that might have questions on what I'm talking about its https://www.neurosymptoms.org

We still are unsure what caused it, he is speculating when I had a major whiplash attack in the army but right now its hard saying. That is the first attack I had but my squad leader wouldnt let the medic take me in. Then after that as I said, I just never really paid any attention to it.

And on top of that when I fell on the snow and ice twice where I had surgery down on my back. I've lost feeling completed from waist down for what seemed like an eternity. I need to use a cane when I go out now.

But, practicing is gonna be interesting since I am moving back home so I have more people watching me. So if anyone wants me to keep you updated on how my very limited training is going I will. Now I know its not in my head. :D

Osu!! :karate:


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Went and saw my neurologists tues. He finally gave me a name of what I have: Functional/Dissociative Neurological Symptom.

I always had these symptoms of blacking out, migraines, tremors, tunnel vision, sleeplessness and so on. At first I thought it was just you know part of growing up. I did just hit 40.

So, what is the treatment? well thats the thing it can be controlled with drugs but they are not sure what really causes it because my tests can show normal. He wants me to participate in a clinical study with a colleuge of his to see if they can determine the cause. I'm still thinking bout it.

What does that mean for practicing MA? well I asked the doctor and he doesnt want me to stop what I love doing but doing it at my own pace and restrictions. I can do Kata but if I feel dizzy I need to either sit or grab my cane. Weapons on the other hand I dont feel comfortable with cause when I go through a episode I will drop them. I cant go 110% like I use too. More at 50% now.

If its all right patrick I'd like to post the link for anyone that might have questions on what I'm talking about its https://www.neurosymptoms.org

We still are unsure what caused it, he is speculating when I had a major whiplash attack in the army but right now its hard saying. That is the first attack I had but my squad leader wouldnt let the medic take me in. Then after that as I said, I just never really paid any attention to it.

And on top of that when I fell on the snow and ice twice where I had surgery down on my back. I've lost feeling completed from waist down for what seemed like an eternity. I need to use a cane when I go out now.

But, practicing is gonna be interesting since I am moving back home so I have more people watching me. So if anyone wants me to keep you updated on how my very limited training is going I will. Now I know its not in my head. :D

Osu!! :karate:


Wow, I'm not sure sorry to hear that is appropriate because its always better to know what's going on with your body. For me, if my tests showed "normal" I'd be every apprehensive about taking drugs to regulate my body. I would continue MA training until I was told to stop. If I was told to stop I think I'd try yoga or some other similar activity.

Good luck!

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yeah, I know what you mean geogiant. Problem is if I dont take the medication my chances of an episode as I have come to call them are greater then if I dont take. So, if dont take its like 100% if I do take them its bout 50%.

But, I will keep practicing untill i cant no more. I can do kata's as if I am doing Tai Chi which i do want to learn anyways so maybe I'll find someone up there that teaches it maybe. But will keep at isshinryu karate as its my love.

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yeah, I know what you mean geogiant. Problem is if I dont take the medication my chances of an episode as I have come to call them are greater then if I dont take. So, if dont take its like 100% if I do take them its bout 50%.

But, I will keep practicing untill i cant no more. I can do kata's as if I am doing Tai Chi which i do want to learn anyways so maybe I'll find someone up there that teaches it maybe. But will keep at isshinryu karate as its my love.

Given the percentages i would take the meds too. I hope my post didn't come across as crass, I just meant that I would research my diagnosis before I took anything. Unfortunately it seems that health care is based on insurance coverage as opposed to what is best for the patient.

I was going to suggest tai chi. That seems to be a natural transition from MAs. No matter how old you are you can benefit from stretching and exercising those stabilizing muscles.

Good luck to you!

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Sorry to hear this, Brian! :( Even though it's not the greatest news, I'm sure it's good to have a name and a diagnosis for what you have.

It looks like physical activity is a good thing for the condition, though: http://www.neurosymptoms.org/#/physio-exercise/4533198131


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yea doctor told me not to stop my MA just go at what i can do.

No geogiant you didnt come off harsh hehe. for awhile I was actually thinking it was in my mind. Ive seen so many doctors and one actually told me that before I saw this one who is very understanding and compassionate.

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Wow sorry to hear this BDPulver. Although at least you have some idea what it is now and that there are treatments available. I'm no doctor but I think one of the best things that you can do is to keep training if its something you love because not only will it keep you active but it'l help keep your morale up too.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Thanks DWx, yeah i have to claim SSI (disability ) cause its already effecting my work. Plus with my back. I'm moving back home to NJ with the parents till I get back on my feet but least the dojo is there and kyoshi said to come in when i feel like a good day.

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That's a tough deal, Brian. Keep us posted, for sure, and let us know how the training goes.



**Proof is on the floor!!!

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