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So, I'm laying here on my couch watching Season Three of Sliders on Netflix on my laptop, and the muscle in the front of my thigh keeps twitching. I wouldn't bring this up, but it's twitching fast (probably about three twitches every two seconds), and has been going on for a while (maybe an hour, off and on). And it's happened a few times before, maybe three times in the last week. The last time it happened it was going off and on all day. Today was an upper body in my weightlifting routine (if that matters at all), I stretched out pretty well before and after, stretching doesn't help any, hitting it doesn't help any, and when I put my really cold hand on it a few days ago the twitching stopped for maybe 20 minutes before starting back up with a vengeance. It doesn't hurt, and it isn't interfering with my ability to do any thing (like standing, walking, or going up stairs), it's just really irritating.

So, what's going on here?

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I would call a doctor. I'm not a doctor, I'm a seamless gutter installer, but I think a doctor would tell you to see a doctor.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

  Wolfman08 said:
Ironically enough, I have no insurance as of just about one month ago.

I had similar issues but not quite a bad as yours. I've had twitching in one of my leg muscles (front) and my chest. Both were irritating but the twitching stopped so I never gave it another thought.

If i were you I'd do some searching online to find others that have had your problem.


My index finger started twitching uncontrolably yesterday. I would have gotten worried, but I was too busy laughing about having a "twitchy trigger finger". I have little muscle spasms a lot-- usually just above my knee or just under my eye. I don't know what it is, but it never bothered me besides being slightly annoying while it's happening.


I wouldn't jump straight into assuming Parkinson's just yet. As was suggested, if its something that persists, you should see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. Those of us on the internet would not be capable of providing a qualified diagnosis.

Muscle twitching is not unheard of after strenuous exercise. So you could be experiencing something as simple as that, or yes, it could be the early signs of something else. Having a qualified professional check it out, is the best way to figure out what's causing the issue.


Great. Second time I've actually needed health insurance, and I don't have any. Freakin spectacular.


There are some doctors around that have set up clinics for free or discounted exams for those without insurance or who can't otherwise afford medical services. If you're not sure where to look, you might just go to a local Red Cross, or even a Salvation Army, to inquire about any that might be in your area.

I'm not sure what your situation is, and I'm sure they'll have established criteria for who is and is not eligible, but it might be an option to check out.

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