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Thanks KickChick...


after reading over my post, I realize what it sounded like. I meant that when I arch my back it stretches out my ab muscles...same thing if I laugh, I feel it tighten.


Thanks for the advice anyway, it's always good to know :wink:



1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Biggest abs mistake: Crunches


Crunches are just about useless. :nod: You have to have really good form to do them right, and do a lot to get a result.


Kickchick, and everyone else here have great ideas. But I'm just surprised no one's mentioned bicycles.


I do 90 bicycles every other day, 3 intervals of 30. It's very difficult, but my abs are really defined now. You can see them even when my stomache is relaxed. (Still got a layer of fat over em though...)


At first I could only do 30 bicycles. This just goes to show their effectiveness.


Bicycles are basically crunches but they cross over and are much more difficult. You can even adjust the difficulty level by raising your back.


See this website for info on bicycles and other ab excercises:






Shuriken: art of Japanese blade throwing

Shorin-ryu karate with influences from White Crane Kung Fu

15 years old

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Thanks for the link, shuriken_girl!


But, crunches aren't useless if you have the form right. Infact, I designed myself a little workout revolved around them to perform once in a while and I did it this morning before breakfast. And trust me, it kills. :lol:


That bicycle movement looks interesting, I've seen it mentioned on a fitness TV programme before - I'll add it into the next ab workout. :)


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Yes the "bicycle maneuver" looks interesting but there is a reason why I didn't mention it.


This bicycle maneuver exercise ...which is basically a crunch.... was at one time considered "contraindicated" or high risk, mainly because people tended to execute it quickly... like they were trying to win the Tour de France! The other tendency is to pull the chin into the chest to get the elbows over to the knees, which can cause compression of the cervical disks.


If performed slowly with control the core muscles serve to stabilize the pelvis and spine as the legs extend and the upper torso flexes and rotates, effectively recruiting the obliques.


Your link did not work for me shuriken so I cannot comment on technique.


If you feel that you may want to do these "bicycle maneuvers" follow these guidelines to do them safely!




The average individual or novice exerciser, may simply misinterpret the exercise instructions given ... failing to execute them properly.


I am not saying this particular exercise is bad. Actually this exercise trains the core for stabilization.also works on both strength and flexibility


It can improve muscle group balance - with opposing groups stabilizing throughout the movement and lengthening as the


opposite group contracts. And as the body is meant to move in a


multitude of directions, it works the body throughout multiple planes ... not just forward and back, and side to side.


When KickChick fails to mention something ... there is a good reason why.

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damm! kickchick seems quite clued up.Ive been to quite alot of different classes and what gets me is the fact that the instructors are giving out exercises that are high risk and dont know it, but how do you tell them without them taking offence to it, im no expert but i try to get as much info as i can.

pain is temporary, pride is forever!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow! Just had to share this incredibly awesome ab exercise that I plan on doing with my class. I only did 10 of these and I feel em'!! :up:


While in a seated position, bend your knees and bring the feet in so they are about 10-12 inches from your body. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Hunch your torso forward, tuck your chin into your chest, and hold your hands on the outsides of your knees.


Now lean back while maintaining a hunched position until your arms are completely extended (still holding on to the outsides of your knees). At this point, let go of your knees and extend the arms forward. Are you feeling the strain in your abs yet? .... there will be a tendency to start falling backward. This is due to the fact that only the abs are involved in maintaining your balance and the usual "helpers" like the hip flexors are excluded.


Slowly raise the arms so that they are pointing directly overhead (keeping the body hunched forward).


If this is too difficult, extend your feet outward until you get your balance. As you get stronger you can bring the feet in closer. Hold the out stretched arms above your head for 10 seconds. This is considered one rep. Killer!!! :o


Slowly bring down and, just as slowly, allow the torso to come up to the original position. Rest for 10 seconds. Once again, slowly lean back and repeat the movement. Ten "reps" performed correctly will be a killer ab workout.


Perform as many sets as you can or want to.


.... after 10 minutes of this type of training, your abs will be burning!

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