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hey wuddup ppl i was wonderin how many reps and wut type of excercises would help me get abs...and how long should i stay in muay thai for....wuts the appropriate age to stop becuz i heard at a certain age...ur body wont be able to handle it anymore... :grin:



i rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6........think about it

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If you want to strengthen your abbs you shouldn't just do crunchies and sit ups. Both those exercises work the same part of the ab muscle. :dead:


THere are three parts of the abs; the upper ab, the lower ab, and the obliques. You should do 2 exercises for each part with 3 sets of 15-20 with only a 15 second brake inbetween. YOu should also do all you ab training on an empty stomach, like right when you wake up in the morning.


As for how long you should stay in Muay Thai that is up to you. Do it as long as you want.

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thanx alot guys for the advice...i wanan lose sum flab around my stomach too...is skippin a good way to slim it down?>



i rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6........think about it

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Yes, when you jump your abdominals contract so that is a great way to lose the fat. Hoiwever you will never lose by just exercising you have to cut down on your food consumtion and rapidly decrease it to 3 meals a day without snacks in between and make sure the food is lean meaning that it does not contain a lot of carbohydrates. I ftraininjg becomes boring and you cant be bothered might I suggest you listening to some motivational music like 'Eye of the Tiger' or what ever motivates you like thinking what your look like after this workout.


hope this helps :smile:



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Eye of the tiger, yes you are correct on cutting the calories you eat to something like 500 below maintenance per day, but 3 meals a day is poor advice. Eating 6-8 smaller meals a day boosts your metabolism, burning more fat and preventing your body from entering a starvation mode.


Peace. :smile:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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If you wan't to obtain a good "6 pac" you need to do a few things. First, if you have ever heard the saying "abs are made in the kitchen" that is partially correct. You need to monitor what you eat. To loss fat, you need to have a greater expidenture of calories then you are consuming each day. So either eat very little, throughout 5-6 meals a day, or, stay very active. I wouldn't recommend eating very little while staying very active, because your hormones get all jumbled up, and you end up lossing alot of muscle as well as fat. As for which exercises to perform, you can choice from many to target your obliques or rectal abdominus: V-sits, extended leg crunches, leg raises, hanging leg raises, hanging leg twists, weighted crunhes, regulation sit ups, and many more, including breathing techniques and such. But if you really get down into the specifics, each exercise can be complicated, and make sure you do Correct form at all times! To be honest..the easiest way to learn all of this...is to pick up the latest copy of "Muscle and Fitness" or "Muscle Media", i find those 2 to be very helpful :wink: If i left anything out..which i know i did b/c this is actually a more complicated subject then it sounds...well then im sorry :razz:


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Great advice BladeLee.


Eating 2-3 large meals in the day is not as effective as eating 5-8 smaller meals throughout the day. Your body can only handle and absorb a certain amount of food at one time, once your body has been filled with the nutrients it needs, the excess will either be stored or excreted. If you eat smaller meals frequently however, less food is stored as fat and more is sent on to be excreted.


Also, say you're awake 14 hours a day and eat three meals. That's eating approximately every 4-5 hours. In those 4 hours your body will be deprived of nutrients, and your body will feel hungry - your body telling you to eat.


"After your body is used to such large breaks between meals, it will start storing more and more of what doesn't get absorbed into muscle cells. This, means that it will start depositing the excess into your fat cells. This leads to growth in your fat cells, which means you might turn into a tub of lard!" (quote from Icex999, Bodybuilding.com forums)


Eating frequently will also prevent hunger pangs, and teach your body to use the nutrients it's provided and to not cling onto the excess you get from large meals.


This is what bodybuilders do yes, but if you want a six pack, you want less fat, and if you want less fat, it involves doing the above for optimun results. :smile:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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