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100 push ups


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I've started (a few times :roll: ) but have yet to finish it. But you still get a lot of benefits just doing the program as long as you can. You will definitely see some strength/size gains.

the program was actually the catalyst to switching from weight training only to body weight training, which has been very beneficial for me.

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My advice would be to give it a go! I started it, but it fell by the wayside when I started my own plan for reaching 100 push ups...my routine was using a ladder set: I started at 10 reps, then 9, 8 and so on down to 1 (totalling 55). Each week I added a set with 1 higher rep, until I was doing 15 reps, then 14, 13 and so on down to 1 (120 reps total). In fact, I actually did this in about 4 weeks as I advanced a bit quicker than my proposed routine. If you can't do 10 down to 1, then start with a lower starting set.

For me, I found the best way of doing things was to do a set of push ups then a set of sit ups, alternating the two in the ladder sets without a break. After about 6 weeks I integrated a low number of squat thrusts per set (started at 4 per set I think), until I stopped the sit ups completely and replaced them with the squat thrusts.

Now I'm doing an ascending then descending lader set of 1-9, 9-1 (of push ups & squat thrusts) which totals 90 reps, all back to back. Not only is it a great way of building endurance, but it also gets the heart pumping and helped me drop a jean's waist size in about 2 months, plus I'm leanber and more toned than I've ever been. I've also integrated pull ups into my routine either within the above routine or seperately, to balance my back and bicep muscles with all the pushing exercise, though I really hate them!

Anyway, hope my ramblings helped, good luck with whatever plan you go with!


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I dunno.... I guess taking it in context, it's a good concept; giving structure to the discipline-challenged amongst us.

From a mechanical standpoint, I'm not a fan of doing a hundred reps of anything to failure once per week.....let alone three as the site proposes. IMHO, for lack of more sophisticated Anterior Upper and Core musculature training methods; having to rely solely on pushups to do the job -- I'd look to add ballast after consistently repping more than 15/set.

Just $0.02 from the resident gym rat ;-)

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I like the way you think. I started doing the first set yesterday and while wating began doing leg raises to pass the time. I have a hard time just sitting there doing nothing. I have a limited time to work out so I like to make the best of it. I'm going to give this a try for a few weeks and see how it goes. If I don't likeit will switch it up and try your way. Or hell just try both at the same time. Do one in the mornign and one at night. I think it is more of see if I can do it more than wanting to do a 100 push ups in a row. I think doing a 100 reps of anything is counter productive. Better to add weight or an incline to the excerise.

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Go for it! Personally I hate waiting around doing nothing too (or jogging on the spot, still seems pretty wasteful of time). Now I know I can do 120 push ups in one go, probably more if I pushed myself. Interspercing the push ups with burpees really knackers me, but feels good! :)

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My advice would be to give it a go! I started it, but it fell by the wayside when I started my own plan for reaching 100 push ups...my routine was using a ladder set: I started at 10 reps, then 9, 8 and so on down to 1 (totalling 55).


(it would be too much to quote the whole thing)

I'm trying this =D

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There was a thread about the same program a while back:


Don't think anyone got to 100 but it looks like a pretty good workout for the arms anyway. You could probably modify it for other exercises too for like 100 situps or something. Good luck with it :D

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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