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loosing fat around the stomach


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spending 2 weeks in japan and eating large quanities of everything!! (we were full every meal i ate mayve 10 times the ammount i did when im back home) i lost 10 pounds without one bit of muscle loss (in 12 days mind you)


ramen, eel, rice, more sushi!, tofu tofu, a big mac~ more Real ramen!!!!! (mroe rice more rice more rice.) i have nothing but respect for sumi wrestlers... how anyone gets fat in that country is beyond me. you walk every where (you can get to anywhere in the country practicly by train and foot)


so to get skinny dont diet... Just move to tokyo......


p.s. when you move back expect to gain 20 pounds.....



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Ad, do I recall you saying in the first lost of posts that were lost in this thread that you worked out your Basal Metabolic Rate?


If my memory isn't failing me, would you mind telling me where and how you worked it out, and if it includes daily activites such as walking, climbing up stairs, and office work?


Thank you.




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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yes i do recalling telling you my metabollic rate


i got it calculated from an internet site


by taking my height, weight, age, and percentage of fat consumption, it calculated my bmr to be 1654, and no it didnt include activities such as walking , climbing up stairs and office work



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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I am new to the forums. This Thread is great, but I wanted to know if it is good or bad to eat late at night before you go to bed, espeacially after a rough night at the gym

In search of the Temple of Light

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1-2 grams of carbohydrate per kg of body weight ASAP after your training is an easy to calculate general estimation. But...depending upon the intensity and duration of your training session, and how big or small a person you are, you might need more or less carbohydrate/protein ...the more intense the session and the longer duration it is, the more muscle glycogen you will have burnt off. So, you may need as little as 50 grams or as much as


200 grams of carbohydrate.


A good rule of thumb however, is to eat/drink at least 50 grams of carbohydrate ASAP after exercise and then follow-up with a carb-rich meal within the next 2 hours. The latest research shows us that this carbohydrate in combo with some protein (3:1 ratio)will enhance the muscle glycogen repletion immediately after training, so take 50-100 grams of


carbohydrates with approximately 15-30 grams of protein for maximum effect!


I don't suggest immediately going to bed thoughafter eating ... especially protein!


Try not to workout close to your bedtime.How can you sleep anyhow ... I find I'm on a high after working out for at least


an hour or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is my daily regiment, ill do 2km between breakfast and lunch


and then another 2km jog between lunch and dinner


thats all im really doing, and not really cutting of any food


in total i lose 300 calories by running that much


and ive been told that to loose weight that you should really cut down by 300 calories of your daily intake, so im doin that arent i


or should i be doin more??, cuz any more will really wear me down

Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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ad .... what you need to do is figure out how many calories you need daily to maintain the desired weight you want to be.... and to make sure you are eating the "right" calories (fat, protein, carbs, all have to figure in)


I imagine you are also martial arts training on top of the running so in fact you may be burning more than 300 calories.

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