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loosing fat around the stomach


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in terms of diet stoppage, im sort of lost,


this is my normal daily in take


Breakfast : 2cups of tea + 2 toast with butter on


Lunch :Chicken burger in two toast, with a ver small portion of lightly salted chips and three chicken nuggets


Dinner : 4 minced beef tortios,


within the three meals i would normally drink robinsons beverage drinks with the odd ready and salted packet of crisps,


i started the diet by advoiding tea and toast and sticking to cereal, then cutting down my sugar in take, but in general i havent really done anything else in terms of diet, what else can be done towards the diet


i calculated that my BMR was 1517, give a take a few, and my lean weight was 116 pounds, so how could i cut lets say four hundred calories of my given BMR considering what i eat and the excercise on top it



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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Ad, what you will find helps you greatly in loosing weight is that you do not have to stick to eating three meals a day - that is simply tradition. Eating more frequently and smaller portions is better for you since it helps to keep the metabolism elevated and prevents the body going into starvation mode. Try eating 6 small meals throughout the day. Try to have a source of protein and a source of carbohydrate in each - aim for 120g of protein daily to minimize muscle loss as you lose fat, that would equate to about 20g for each meal if you ate 6 meals a day.




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Well, try having breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner, and a snack before bed consisting of cottage cheese or milk.




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I always used to wonder why I was skinny and could seemingly eat "whatever I wanted" while everyone else bulked up around me. Then I found that most people's idea of "whatever they want" was a little different from mine, and that my idea of "a full meal" constituted a snack to them. Look at the traditional Japanese diet. THAT's what you eat to not get fat. THAT's the sort of quantity to you eat to not get big, and still eat "whatever you want". Westerners just eat too damn much, then whinge and moan about it later. (Yet still insist on 1kg steaks, eating a litre of ice cream at a time, or guzzling 1 litre Cokes and Fantas).


Lets look at your diet:


Breakfast : 2cups of tea + 2 toast with butter on


Lunch :Chicken burger in two toast, with a ver small portion of lightly salted chips and three chicken nuggets


Dinner : 4 minced beef tortios,


within the three meals i would normally drink robinsons beverage drinks with the odd ready and salted packet of crisps.


Right. Ditch the crisps. Drink water, not flavored drinks. Have "a beef tortio" for dinner, i.e. one, or maybe two. Fill up on salad. Or steamed vegetables. Ditch the chicken nuggets and other greasy processed deep fried stuff. Have a salad sandwich for lunch, or a vegetarian pasta, not a piece of frickin' fried chicken. Eat bread if you're still hungry, preferably whole meal, not whatever your idea of a "small serve of chips" is. Or fruit. And more salad. Have fruit for breakfast sometimes. Toast, cereal, all these things are good. You can even have a few whole eggs and whatnot, just not six at a time, every day.


I've yet to meet a person who's "genetic build" was not, on closer inspection, obviously determined by diet and exercise, regardless of how fat, thin, muscled or flabby they were.

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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Taikudo that is a great example of a diet, yet I feel that he would lose a lot of muscle too if he were to follow that, and having trouble recovering from intense workouts, due to the lack of protein in that diet. If he were to have, say, a snack between breakfast and lunch, and another between lunch and dinner, he could just have a small serving of fish or meat in either, like a can of tuna or slim jim. This would help him to keep some muscle as he slimmed.




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Hehe yeah it sounds drastic, but you get used to it and in reality its probably not followed that rigidly... :smile:


I didn't go overboard mentioning protein because everyone else has, and I'm sure in practise he'd get enough.


The problem is that most "typical" protein sources are high in fat - meat, dairy, eggs, nuts, etc. Beans are good in that they're low fat, high protein, (and technically also a vegetable). In fact most foods contain some protein, even tomatoes. Grains, vegetables, tubers (potatoes, etc), dried beans, tofu (a soy bean extract) all contain some protein.


Technically, it is possible to get enough protein from a purely vegan diet... you just have to eat a LOT. Gorillas are 99.9% genetically identical to humans, largely vegan in diet, yet grow huge because they eat all the time - VAST quantities of salad and fruit constitute the typical gorilla diet, plus a few nuts and seeds. Of course, all this food must come out again, and we can't all spend 8 hours a day eating constantly.


If you combine a small amount of animal protein (meat, dairy) with the rest, plus some nuts, it enhances the overall combination of proteins in the food, allowing better use of the proteins in the grains and vegetables as well.


So a typical Japanese dish might have rice, a small amount of meat, vegatables, tofu, plus some sesame seeds sprinkled in there, which all combine to enhance the overall protein combination in the meal. Or maybe an egg mixed with a small amount of beef. You can't beat sashimi and rice for a high protein, high carb, ultra low fat dish. Particularly when you add something ultra mineral rich like seaweed.


As an ex-vegetarian, I'm OK with eating meat, but not to excess. It's a good food, but there ARE other protein sources. Fish is great too, and often overlooked. I still think of fish as a type of meat, although I know others don't. (????) The main factor is getting lean meat, and not cooking it in fat. Most takeaways are processed, high fat meats deep fried in lard... Not good. Deep fried KFC nuggets - bad. Spit barbequed chicken (where the fat drips out) - good. Battered, deep fried fish - bad. Sashimi - good. Fried sausages - bad. Lean beef strips steamed in broth w/ noodle soup - good.


I actually think most obesity in modern society is due to the ease with which calories are drunk. Mainly flavored milk, thickshakes and softdrinks. Dairy in particular. I mean a glass of milk is supposed to be a whole meal. That's what it's "designed" for. A liquid meal designed to pack on the fat and calories and make you grow big and fat. All by itself! Imagine what it could do combined with a few cheeseburgers and fries! :bigwink:



KarateForums.com - Sempai

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Lol, you make some very good points. Some low fat, high protein foods include as you said beans, and fish, but also chicken and turkey. I love a good can of tuna or chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato on wholewheat bread. I do however drink a lot of 2% milk due to the whole host of good things in it, as well as the casein protein (good to drink before bed, keeps your body recovering properly overnight). I havn't personally been to a fast food joint in at least six months, unless it was just to stare at the pictures and drool. :lol:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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a long with the 2.5km metre jog every day


i have also decided to inlcude one hour of bag work, and also shadow boxing aswell


plus on top of that to cut down on second servings, overdoing it with sugar, and having he unhealthy snack such as crisps and sweets


sound good enough to loose weight


the reason why i aint really concentrating on the diet that much is that the idea really puts me off and im still slightly lost with it


thanx Taikudo-da for that helpful information



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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