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Which sex is stronger?

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:wink: I mean really ... ....


I've never noticed in martial arts that being a woman was a handicap or a plus. I am a woman and there are men and we train together. Sometimes I'm stronger, sometimes they're stronger - we motivate each other.


Women are like tea bags; put them in hot water and they get stronger.-- Eleanor Roosevelt



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u know i do not want to sound sexist or anything but i believe that men are stronger physically as well as mentally.


i work in the retail industry and well i have to take alot of BS from people. i can just shrug it off like it is nothing and i actually stand right back up to the person where as alot of the girls i work with break down crying.


physically men are stronger muscularly wise - broader shoulders, ability to put on more muscle mass, greater lung capacity.


a good example of men being physically stronger is the military. i have a friend in the canadian special forces and he has told me there are no women in his unit at all. he told me 15 women in the past have applied but couldnt make the cut. and these women were the best of the best female soldiers in the canadian infantry.


another example is the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team. these are some of the most mentally and physically conditioned people next to military personelle. again 7 women in the past of applied. none have made the cut.


there are many things out there that women do better then men dont get me wrong. in certain fields women are more productive. women who run their own business are more productive then men, female nurses are better then male nurses. teaching professions are dominated by women, secretaries the list goes on....


therefore statiscally speaking.....men happen to be the stronger sex

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Actually, the mental capacity deficit that so many people are referring to for women (i.e. breaking down and crying when under pressure, etc.) has a lot to do with upbringing and sociological factors rather than biological. Society conditions men and women in different ways so that as we grow up, we act and learn actions which will earn us acceptance of high or worthy status, or at the very least, acceptance into the mold.


Men act more macho and hide their feelings (even though they may FEEL like just breaking down and throwing a tantrum or crying) because they are taught to act that way to be regarded as a 'man'. For women, they are taught that in order to be 'womanly' they must be free to exhibit feelings and not so much to compress any thoughts or emotions. This is a process that is hard to stop, reverse, or even slow down and understand unless people make a strong effort to constantly educate themselves on how this phenomenon works. Social conditioning determines the main obvious differences between men and women more than ANYTHING else.


Sure men may have naturally more muscle mass to work with (advantage via quantity not quality of each individual muscle fiber), but contrary to what the quiz says I always had read that women have a slightly higher aerobic capacity. Additionally, muscle mass doesn't really have as much correlation with pure power as one would think. Look at Bruce Lee. He did not have a vast quantity of muscle fibers, yet he refined and toned what he had until they were capable of exhibiting the explosiveness and raw strength that he was so known for.


And I don't know the biological or clinical backing behind this but I have also read that women are naturally more flexible. In my line of martial arts which involves extreme flexibility, acrobatics, and a smaller frame, technically it would suit me much better to be a woman, and sometimes (although not too seriously), I joke that things would be so much easier if I was one.


In fact, if I were to start martial arts over at the beginning of my life, and base everything on what martial arts I am interested in and this martial arts would be my entire life, I think I would choose to be female. :smile:


But this is just my personal opinion and two cents on the difference of the sexes in a highly specific niche (martial arts). Examining everything else would take me well into next year. :razz:




Power can accomplish a lot of things. But no amount of power can force another soul to return your love.


[ This Message was edited by: spinninggumby on 2002-07-05 14:49 ]

'Conviction is a luxury for those on the sidelines'

William Parcher, 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND'

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wow, that's some arguement. it's not even a controversie, because the answers are all right there. just eat it. absolute strength, men are stronger, but that just means they have to carry all the heavy stuff, haha. i'm sorry that we're not blessed with a *dog* that gives us hormones. and that's exactly what the arguement came from...testosterone. makes you guys grow bigger muscles and fatter head. sorry to generalization...just for those taht aren't in the know.


you'd never hate your mamma, but you can crap out at your dad anytime


question 6 about the sweat rate sorta contradicts itself; to have a better dissapation rate is to have an efficient sweat rate, no?

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I guess if you are talking about pure strength (as in the potential to exert absolute brute force), then genetically yes men come endowed with more muscle fibers and mass so if when you say 'stronger' you mean 'pure brute strength' stronger, then yes men are stronger. But my point is that if you are referring to or including other aspects of athleticism, then it is a different story. Women often show superiority in both flexibility and aerobic capacity as well as enjoying the benefits of having a lighter and smaller frame, and in my line of training, these benefits suit me to a tee. Which is why I stated that in some ways, it would be easier for me to excel in my athletics if I were a girl/woman, :smile:



'Conviction is a luxury for those on the sidelines'

William Parcher, 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND'

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I dont agree that either are stronger. Men are just as mentally strong as women and women can be as physically strong as men. One thing that pains my mind is how women in the millitary get the same amount of points for less. I believe it should all be equal. A man does 80 pushups and recieve 80 points then it should be the same for women. Not she does 50 pushups and recieves 80 points. I have seen women who are physically strong but because they dont believe they can do something they fail. So dont tell me any one sex is stronger than the other in any way. We are all equal in the eyes of god. Just like with race. Humans are humans and it should just be left at that.


Women and Men have been caught up on this subject of equality for a long time. Equality will never be achived with anyone thinking they are better in one area than the other. That goes against equality.


So my opinion is that it is all in how you prepare yourself and no sex is better than the other. After all the mind is what counts. There are horrible women and horrible men...but also there are great men and great women.


In my class it is studied with the men and women together. I see no difference in abilities. Women have better natural flexibility than men and men have better natural strength. That can be balance out by hardwork though. So it is the mind again I say. :karate: :roll:

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all that said, they shouldnt have the olympics divided into genders... how many women would be contenders for medals then (except for non sports like gymnastics that rely on an impartial judging system)?
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Eye of the Tiger, I keep forgeting that you are still in your infancy. You still have a little bit to learn about the differences between men and women. But I do see that you could use a quick lesson. I believe that Lucida Reiker, Kathy Long, or one of the other women full-contact fighters would surely love to help you with your moments of insanity. By the way how did you get that bruise on your forehead?


Keep up the rude comments and everyone will know which woman will be giving it to you.

"let those who shed blood with me be forever known as my brother."

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lol guys need to stop being sexists. When I was in 5th grade I was able to beat 8th grade boys in arm wrestling... I can beat most boys in my class in arm wrestling too, but I'm not muscular, I just do a lot of arm strengthning stuff with my brother since I was young. That proves that with proper training females are not weaker then males, males just have the advantage in the begining. Plus, girls are naturally more flexible, but again, this doesn't go for everyone.


And I think girls are as mentally strong as men, it's just that males are embarrased of showing their emotions, because if they do they are considered gay by a lot of people. That's one of the reasons why men die early, because they hide their emotions so much(or at least that's what heard on TV).


Another thing I think is really stupid is when people say, "males are better then females at this" or vice versa... When someone says that I lose respect for them, that's like saying Americans are dumber then asians(It's been proven that asian kids are smarter, but that doesn't go for everyone, and the only reason they are smarter is because they need to be or else they will have a really bad future.. BTW, I don't mean they have the higher IQ or anything, they just know more math, science, etc).


And Eye of the Tiger, you really are a sexist...


[ This Message was edited by: Deirou Kuzan on 2002-07-06 19:54 ]

Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures. - Dalai Lama


*I am Hiya, just changed my name*

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searcher, Deirou Kuzan BRING IT ON!


I am not sexist I am just saying that women are not as strong as men, and searcher you can shut up I have to take on adults at my kickboxing club full contact, and I have to sustain nose bleed after nose bleed, black eyes. Do I hide and crawl under a rock, no I carry on playing with the big boys something not every women would be cabable of doing.



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