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I feel proud to be a member of our club!

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Hello guys.

I just thought i would share this with you all. I don't know if this is in the right place so feel free to move it.

This week all our children have broke up from school for the half term holidays. My instructor has been runnning a course during the week for the local kids to come in and have a look and take part for the week if they wish. He has asked me to assist him in the teaching, which i jumped at the offer. So far the course has been running from Monday this week and it's going very well. My sensei cannot take the class on Thursday (tomorrow) so i will be doing it alone, well for the most part until he can get back. I am so proud to be able to do this. I have never taught on my own before so i'm very nervous.

What is making this harder is that the kids are from a very rough local housing estate so they are not the easiest kids to teach, especially since they have never had any Martial Arts experience before. To be honest this makes it all the more rewarding. I'm worried they may give me the run around when they realise my sensei isn't there but i am sure i will cope if i try and make it fun for them.

I am at the moment wracking my brains trying to think of what i can do with them. probably working on basic punches, blocks and kicks and then maybe incorporating them into self defence techniques...any idea's guys?

Anyway if these kids see the rest of the week through they will earn themselves a certificate and a group photo will be put on our website. I am just so proud to have a been a part of this and to teach these kids something rewarding and constructive. Also keeping them off the streets making mischief :lol:

My sensei has now said to me that because i have involved myself so much and help out with the teaching a lot, that my own karate lessons are now free and he is even considering insuring me permanently...how cool is that, im so happy! Thanks for listening guys.


Kez :karate:

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Very nice.

I'd say your spot on. Basics, let them have some fun with something. What always goes well at my place is letting them beat on you with a padded baton and callingit a sword fight. The big poffy blocers are good for ki v. kid.

Good luck and have fun with them.

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That sounds WONDERFUL! Enjoy the experience. Working with children in any capacity is something to be admired, not all people can do it, nor do most WANT to. :lol: Good for you!

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That sounds great, Kez. I'm sure you will do just fine. Project your voice, and be confident in what you show. Keep it simple, and try to incorporate some games or competitions into it, if you feel they can handle it. Hand's on stuff is always a good time, too. If you can do some pair work, they will like that.

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Woohoo...i did it! go me lol :D

I went through gedan bari and front kick then paired them up, then showed them how to block the front kick with the gedan bari. I also did the same with age uke head block and the jodan punch.

We also practised the front kick on the kick pad which they really enjoyed. Went on to some basic freestyle, tennis ball games and wrist locks and grabs. It was so fab. These kids have been hard work, but they have enjoyed it and im sure at least two or three of them will join up.

Tomorrow we are having a presentation and maybe some games and pictures..I can't wait.

Thanks for letting me share this with you all! :)

Kez :karate:

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Awww we had our last one today..it was sad but we finnished feeling very fullfilled and it seem we have some new interest in our club, which is an added bonus. The kids were proud as punch this afternoon when they recieved their certificates and had their photo's taken. I can't wait to see them on our website. :)

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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