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Arm Going Numb


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Saturday I attended our grappling session, we did some harder sparring and ground work and before leaving decided to play some bombardment (dodgeball) and some takedowns.

That night my arm was feeling very odd. I went to a massage therapist a month ago about and after 3 sessions was able to clear up a lot of scar tissue in my elbows and forearms. But Saturday night I felt a stinging pain in my right arm. The source seems to be in my shoulder blades, however the pain is shooting down through my delts, down to my elbow and my thumb. My entire right arm goes numb for a solid 15 seconds every few minutes.

The hot tub seemed to relax it last night, and after getting some knots worked out the majority of the pain is gone, but I definitely can still feel it. I might get some more serious work done sometime this week.

Anybody else experience this? Any "home improvement" ideas before I can get it looked at?

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Defintalty sounds like a nerve impengment of some sort, somewhere along the way. If it hasn't gone away quickly, I'd get it looked at.

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It's best to make the appointment with a specialist now, Truestar. Speaking as someone who's had injuries from weight-training, most specialists are people for whom you'll encounter a long wait before you get that first office visit.

Your family doctor would most likely be able to recommend someone. In the meanwhile, you should continue with the heat treatment of the hot tub, since it seems to be doing some good.

Good luck with this, Truestar.


~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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I went through something similiar a long time ago. my doc pretty much said I was using muscles I havent used in a long time and they weren't use to that kind of stress.

I went in for the electro therapy and took some pain pills till it started healing itself. Problem is once you start experiencing what you have its hard to actually get rid of unless you know what exactly you are doing to trigger the spasm.

I try to keep up with all forms of exercise to make sure I work everything out. But what you are doing is bout the best home treatment. Heat and cold is your friend for these kind of injuries till you can be scheduled in for the therapy.

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I got it looked at a little last night after dinner (friends mom is the therapist). Basically she tried to shove her hands underneath things I didn't know I had in my back, started working a few knots and did a medium pressure stroke on my triceps. We were only able to fit in a 15 or 20 minute session, but it definitely feels much better today. Not perfect, I'm not going numb but I can still feel some knots in my shoulder blade area.

Compared to the past two days, I'm much better. :karate:

I never knew adrenaline hardens in your muscles, so she definitely mentioned thoroughly stretching after forms and workouts to release toxis chemicals from my muscles. I guess I wasn't doing a good enough job stretching, I'll have to keep that in mind. :)

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I'd recommend seeing an MD so they can refer you for an MRI. I was having neck issues and numbness in my left arm...turns out I have 3 bulging and 1 herniated disk in my neck. The bulging disks go towards the spine and cause the numbness.

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