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Elbow injury


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Was at a tournament this weekend and may have been a little bit stupid.. Did exactly what I'm not supposed to do and ignored pain thinking it would pass, like in this thread.

I was entered in the power (breaking) category so was messing around with some of the kids beforehand on the board holder they had there. It was a bit too low for me but I was still doing it anyway. Elbow strike is one of my favourite breaks so I was doing that on a 2" rebreakable board. First attempt I slammed into the top of the holder! :o Hurt but thought it would pass and there was no way I wasn't going to break the stupid board so did it again and this went clean through. Kids were then like "Do it again!" so I must have broken with the same elbow 5 or 6 times before stopping. Didn't bother to ice or anything because I got distracted with everything else that was happening and just left it.

Today am in lots of pain and can't bend my elbow past 90°. Anyone got any ideas to what I've done? Don't think its broken as can still move it...

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Yikes! Sorry to hear about your injury!

I'm no doctor, but speaking from past situations, I would ice it as soon as possible & take a couple of over the counter anti-inflammatories for the pain. Even though you are saying you CAN move it - you also say you can't bend it ALL the way, so I would play it safe and see an orthopedic doctor to have it x-rayed to rule out any fractures - hairline or otherwise. Orthopedic doctors specialize in injuries of the bones so I think you would get better results with them.

Good luck !!

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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Again, get ice on it as soon as possible. Do this often and at least for the first 72 hours. Compression is normally a good idea as well, however, around the elbow I'd probily stay away from any serious wrapping just because you don't want to impenge on the unlar nerve as it runs thru it's tiny little groove.

Take lots of anti-inflammatories. Give it a day or two and see if you are noticing imporvement. As long as there is no tingling or loss of senstaion this should be fine. If there is, it's the md right away.

If you can give it a couple of days see if it's improving. If not, then get an ortho to check it out. If it is, slowly start back into activity. If this cauases undo pain, again, it's to the md.

Good luck with healing up.

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Haha, One of my first five animal style lessons, I got hit on the nose and it started to bleed, so my sifu stopped the bleeding, but he also stuck tiger balm up my nose, it cleaned it out so no infection would get into it, but it burned like things I rather not say. It took my 3 hours before my nose felt normal again. He said it was a lesson in mind over matter.

To fear death is to limit life - Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku

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Hey thanks for the advice guys. Have a support on it at the moment and have been using Movelat gel. Iced it earlier but have been travelling for most of the day so didn't have a chance to do it for a long time. I think that its probably just really bad bruising although I can't see any discolouring. Will probably get an appointment with the doc later this week as there may be a little bit of fluid... Why do I do these stupid things? Got to learn not to show off in front of the kids again. :roll:

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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