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Training with famous martial artists.

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I nearly had the opportunity to attend a seminar held by Bill Superfoot Wallace a few months ago. He was supposed to be coming to Australia for a few seminars but it had to be canceled for some reason. I'm only new to the sport and didn't really know too much about him except for that he is highly skilled. It wasn't until earlier today when I was reading through the topic about sparring shorter opponents that I realised how well know he is. I've since done a little research and now I am rather disappointed that I missed the opportunity to learn from him.

Has anyone else here attended one of his seminars or something similar from another high profile martial artist?

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A few over the course of the years.

Way back when, I was on the floor a few times with Bart Vale, who was the heavyweight champ in shootfighting at the time and the guy running the ISFA.

Later, I got the chance to train under Keith Hackney of the early UFC's and worked with one of his fighters Gideon Ray, who would go on to be on the Ultimate Fighter series.

Well before his UFC fame, I had the opportunity to train on the same floor with Matt Hughes as well. We had been introduced by a mutual friend while attending school.

I've spent alot of time when our schedules allow it training with Jim Theobald, who during his career was one of the best known mma fighters in the state.

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I've only really trained with famous TKD people. Got to train with GM Choi Jung Hwa once (Gen. Choi's son), he walked right in front of me and nodded at my front punch :D. Also did a 3 day seminar with M. Hwang Ho Yong who did a lot of the aerial kicks for Gen. Choi's encyclopedia.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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i went to one of mr. wallaces seminars in 2006, we now have adopted his stretching routine into our routine and i learned alot in that short seminar

"Live life easy and peacefully, but when it is time to fight become ferocious."

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I hear that Superfoot seminars are a lot of fun. I'd like to try it sometime.

When I was at my ATA certification camp, then GM H.U. Lee held a class every evening that we practiced in. That was pretty fun. I've also been to a seminar with the GM of my current organization, GM Chae Sun Yi.

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A few Months ago our School where i train in BJJ had Royler Gracie there to give a 2 and a half hour seminar. Man that guy is great. very knowledgeable and also a very nice and personable guy.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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