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Hip Discomfort

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Hello everyone.

I just recently started TKD and just got back from my 5th lesson. I really enjoy training but recently some hip discomfort has me worried.

The hip pain/discomfort feels in the area where my leg is connected to the hip (I guess that would be the joint). It's not a sharp or painful type of feeling. I notice the most discomfort while doing the side kick.

Has anyone else gone through this? Is this normal or should I see a doctor? Are there any supplements I can take to ease the discomfort? As a final question, if this is completely normal, how long did it take until you stopped feeling discomfort in the hip region?

Thanks again!


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You may be sore from doing movements that your aren't used to doing on a regular basis. The side kick motion is not one that is done often outside of the Martial Arts, so you may be going through an adjustment period.

If the pain continues much past two weeks time, I would go see a doctor about it.

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Could also be you're trying to kick too high before you've go the flexibility for it. Gentle stretching may help.

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Yeah, it sounds pretty normal for a new student. I wouldn't worry too much, it should start to resolve little by little over the next few weeks.

Try a bit of ibuprophen just prior to and just after class.

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Thanks for the replies. I will add additional stretching and try ibuprophen.

Someone also told me that I may be training too much for a beginner. Last week I went to class three times. I already went twice this week. Is three times a week okay for beginners? The class I attend is extremely intense.

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If I had to guess, I'd say you either might be going through an adjustment period to a new type of physical activity or you could have pulled a muscle in your hip called the " illiotibial band ".

Before I trained in martial arts, I used to get my exercise by going to a gym. I was using one of those hip flexor machines and pulled my hip band muscle doing so ( the illiotibial band ). I went to a doctor because my hips were really painful (like you describe) and it hurt to walk and that's what he diagnosed. I stopped using that machine and could not work out until it healed. In the interim, I found my current martial arts school and noticed that when I do a lot of stretching, it helped that injury.

Before it becomes a chronic thing, I would see a doctor, get his recommendations. Mine told me to do yoga and spend ample time stretching out before doing any kind of exercise. There are specific exercises you can find online that are geared toward the hip muscles (and muscles in the surrounding area).

Good luck !

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The amount of times you train per week really should be govered by what your body is telling you. As long as you're recovering. 3 times should be fine. If you're falling behind physically, back off for a few weeks and then increase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get the same type of hip pain from side kicks, either in the illiotibial band or the piriformus muscle. I stopped doing side kicks because my hips aren't flexible enough and it was hurting too much. I also can get a lot more power out of a modified back kick. Try changing your motion on the side kick toward more of a back kick and see if it helps.

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