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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Replacement

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Hi guys, had mine replace October of last year, wondered if anyone has had it done, and where there recovery is up to etc..

How long did it take you to get back to full movability at karate, and do you still have portions of your leg you cant feel?

Im just at 6 months after the op now, the main problem is that as they replaced the ligament with two of my hamstring ligaments I have quite a substantial deficiency in the strength of my leg now, wondered how people got over this?

Cheers guys x


Karate Ni Sentinashi

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In my last life (ie. career) I worked as a first assit for an orthopaedic surgeon so I can give you some perspective from that end. However, I've never been in your shoes and every recovery in a bit different.

First off, remember that six months out is still early, even by todays advances. You've got time. As for full training mobility, depending on what style your doing and with how much contact you're doing it with, you could be out to a year before your're ready to go 100%. You'll probibly notice a different feeling with the surgical knee even past that, but it shouldn't hurt your performance.

Numbness is to be expected in things like this. It's more common with the patellar tendon repair, but ceratinly not unheard of with the hammie. It should receed gradually. If it dosen't it's only a minor skin numbness, again, it will not hurt your performance.

The strength deficet is the most common complaint with the hammie reapir. Keep up with your therapist. They know what they are doing and will keep you on the right path. Just make sure you're keeping up your appointments. When they cut you lose, and they may have already depending on your md's protocols, keep doing the home program they gave you. This too will pass.

If I could offer a bit of advice, don't get too caught up in comparing results of improvement with others who've gone thought the surgery. It will either get you over confiedent in your recovery or bum you out because of some perceived failure. Stay out of this trick bag. Your body will heal at it's pack, accerlated by good rehab. What everyone else is up to dosen't matter. They might not have had the same style of procedures, differnt complications that did or didn't occur, different implats, ect. There are too many variables that effect outcome. Keep moving your kneed forward, forget everyone elses.

Good luck with your recovery. Take your time and make sure you do it right. The MA's will still be around when you get back.

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Hate that for you man. I tore mine completely into around 15 years ago, and granted the technology today is way more advanced than from back then. The only thing I can remember about the recovery process, was that I tore mine during a football game in October (which also stunk cause I was leading the state in tackles when it happened) but I was playing baseball that following spring (March). I was also pitching and the knee I had surgery on was my planting leg but I done fine. Had to wear a bulky brace but I done fine.

I do remember the donor ligament they used was from my patellar tendon. Dr. James Andrews done my surgery in Birmingham, AL. He was also the guy that operated on Bo Jackson when he messed his hip up. Dr. Andrews was one of the coolest guys you will ever meet. Anywho, good luck in the recovery process. It will get better I promise.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

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I gotta say, that stinks man. I wish you much speed in this!

But i haven't had my ACL done. But in september i blew everything and i mean EVERYTHING in my left ankle except for the bone, which actually would have been better for me. It was devastating because of what an athlete i am. Up until the point of my surgery i ran 3 miles daily then did my abs and arms everyday, no burn out, and i loved it. Then karate m-f teaching or learning. So it was a hard blow to my psyche to say the least.

Well i got my reconstruction surgery on april 16th, it was pretty heavy duty, they repaired, they drilled, a piece of my bones gone and re-growing, and a permanent plastic piece is now housed in my bone. That was april 16th and i was walking 12 days later on the 29th while i was teaching my tang soo do class. I wasn't walking well but i was walking at the least. I've been since then and as of now i have 5 weeks of rehab until i can start jogging and lightly kicking my way back up. It will be a total of 12 wks recovery from the surgery. And it's been a rough journey. It's really made me quite greatful of the body, general health, and physical stamina i have. I can't wait to get back to training, im very very excited.

I wish you the best! :karate:

"Smile. Show everyone that today you're stronger than you were yesterday."

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