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upper back/shoulder/neck injury

turbo wrx

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I hurt myself while weight-lifting yesterday. I was doing barbell curls when the pain started, so I ended my work-out there.

It hurts a lot near by right shoulder blade, so the pain is affecting the upper back and neck area. If I move my right arm too much, it hurts. I couldn't sleep well last night because of the pain. Just laying down and sitting up is very difficult. I can't do neck circles or look up.

Anyone else have this specific type of pain before? I'm trying to pinpoint the cause. I want to see a specialist, but x-rays and such can cost a lot of money.

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Seems if you hurt that area doing barbell curls, I would say you are using too much weight and bringing your back more into the workout instead of your arms. Your back should remain straight and while to some degree the shoulders are also stabilizing, It's hard to see how the shoulder blades could get hurt except if there is too much weight/improper form.

Just take some ibuprofen and give it a few days. soak in a tub of warm water with epsom salt should help as well.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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Here's my disclaimer: I am absolutely not a doctor, but i do know a bit.

Im pretty sure(like 95%) that you just pulled your trapezius. It's a muscle in your upper back that controls some arm movements and controls your ability to nod, etc. Anyways, it is a HUGE muscle, because it controls alot. as you hear from the name, it's a large trapezoid that stretches from the back of your neck across your whole upper back, the tops of your shoulders, all the way down to your mid back. So you just pulled that muscle while you were lifting because we all the curls don't just affect your biceps. But anyways, it's just a strain of a pull, the best thing for sleep is to sleep face down. As for pain ibuprofen, it will reduce the swelling and scar tissue buildup and make your recovery quicker. I wouldnt lift again for atleast a full week because even though three days from now you personally may feel fine, it may be inches away from healing completely and any lifting will bring you back to square one. Warm showers and of course epsom salts can't hurt. The only other thing i'd do for it is LIGHT stretches, reach down touch your toes, lay on the floor bring your knees to your chest, etc. Hope this helps, and good luck.

I wouldn't go to the doctor, i'd do some of those things and get some rest, give it a week and then go to the doctor. but this sounds very very standard and i wouldnt want you to have to pay uneccessary doctors fees, because they're ridiculous.

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  • 2 months later...

If you want to be certain, I would see a doctor, get an x-ray.

Edited by Tiger1962
"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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I float in between the advice already given. I'd give it a few days of rest, ice and your choice of an anit-inflammatory agent (advil, ect.)

Maybe try this for out to a couple of weeks. If it's just not showing any improvement, or it starts getting worse, then get it looked at.

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Having torn a trapezius once I can say that it is not a pleasant experience and took a long time to heal. The biggest problem is finding ways to let it rest as it engages with almost every movement! In addition to ice and anti-inflammatories, I sought the services of my chiropractor who used massage and light manipulation to control the spasms of the surrounding muscles, etc., until it healed. Bum luck!


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