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On 2002-06-13 06:20, K4j4 S1n1s wrote:


Fat = Lazy and/or greedy.


It is that simple.


That's where your wrong! People are starting to look at being overweight as an illness now.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Too much TV, Playstation and the computer and little physical education is making our kids fat and they grow up to be -- fat adults.


I heard this morning that a school (in U.S. somewhere --forgot where) is banning the game of "tag" in the schoolyard. Seems its too physical and too injurous for the children. It also lowers a kids self esteem. GIMME a BREAK! Most schools now make gym an option to kids. They don't have to take if they don't want to.


I also heard on news today that they are developing a special diet pill for kids to help them lose their weight. How about getting them outside (home and at school) and getting them physically active!!! Parents too are to blame. Parents come home from work and offer fast and instant food, and if the kids are happy and electonic media babysits them.


How about playing basketball, football, sledding, inline skating, bike riding, get a wiffle ball game going, walk around the block or hike in woods, swimming, etc. etc. These are all the things I do with my kids.


My suggestion (for US) is a mass advertising blitz for physical education and healthy eating (as "Men's Health magazine suggests -- yes, I read it! :wink:) This is done for safe sex, HIV, drunk driving, drugs and so on.


Or hit their pocketbooks ... increase obese people's health insurance and give tax breaks to businesses that require their employees to be part of a regular fitness program.


Putting a pic of a fat lady on my fridge would work for me ... :nod:






KarateForums Sensei


1st dan Tae Kwon Do (ITF)


Cardio/Fitness Kickboxing Instr.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-06-13 10:55 ]

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I like the health insurance part, let's see if we can do that for smokers too.


Actually some insurance companies are already doing these, its legal because those people are more likely to suffer from health problems, so they cost the company more, therefore they should pay more.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Don't remind me about the car insurance, I've never had an accident or even a close call and last year I had to pay a third of the value of my car in insurance, I drive a poxy little two-door one-litre contraption that starts to shake whenever I go above the national speed limit.


Someone did try and call discrimination, I believe that they were overweight, a smoker and had a family history of bad hearts. The ruling was that the company was completely justified in its use of statistics. Usually whenever they raise prices for one group they cut them by slightly less for another.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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I heard on the radio that... one out of 4 people in this country.. are obese.. 1 OUT OF 4! for the love of god! its not THAT hard to lose weight sure i was chubby mc chubb chubb some time ago like 4 months but i lost weight and now i am ideal weight probably less now.

Do or do not, there is no try

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Greed, mainly!


As a genetic scientist by training I can say that there are VERY few people genuinely genetically obese; the greatest contribution is from life-style. The leptin protein is thought to have a role in satiation - the feeling that one is satisfied after a certain amount of food - in studies involving obese mice (bred to be that way) but there are elements of social and self-control too that one cannot ignore, and there is not yet clear-cut evidence of the effect of the gene that controls leptin in humans.


The rise of obesity in the West has closely adhered to the number of fast food "restaurants" - take from that what you will! If people think of food as something with no nutritional content other than lipids, that has been deep-fried and chock-full of unpleasant chemical flavour enhancers, eat always the largest portions that they can then take no exercise, is there any wonder that they're fat? The UK is a bit behid the USA in its percentage obesity in the population but we're catching up quickly! Every day I see children on their way home from school snacking on "Abysmally Fried Chicken" or fish and chips. At their school canteen they are offered (and invariably choose) chips, and at poorer-quality restaurants the children's menu is almost always deep-fried scraps - fish fingers, burgers, etc. It's quite disgusting.


In very few people obesity can be considered a disease of lack-of-control such as alcoholism, but often it is just poor habits, laziness, greed! Ever noticed how many fat people talk about their metabolism and then every time you look at them they are eating chocolate, potato crisps, drinking cola? [These same people often say they are scared to give up smoking in case it makes them put on weight (Ah! the irony!)]


I have sympathy for the person with the genuine metabolic disorder or compulsion disease, but too many gluttonous lazy-arses jump on this band-wagon!




My karma will run over your dogma


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America is the land of McDonalds, and pizzas, thats why we're fat. When a foreign country wants a piece of "Americana" they build a McDonalds in thier largest cities. People should not stop eating a McD, just have it once a week, not every day at lunch. If you eat alot of calories, you must burn it off by exercising or its going to turn into fat. After lunch don't go and watch TV but go and walk for a few minutes to burn off the calories.

Canh T.

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yes.. and so far in my life i've been into 7 different schools, and out of the 7 schools i've been to 5 of the schools served stuff like french fries, pizza(twice a week if i may add), pizza sticks, burgers, ice cream, cookies, basically all the fatty food in the world, plus one of the school gave us McD's or PapaJohns once a week.. or else no one would buy the stuff. the only two schools where they had healthy food was in Korea... so another problem is school, nowadays most kids grow up eating fatty foods for lunch at school anyway, and later it becomes normal for em. :sad: i wish i still had "young" tastebuds.. when i was young i hated pizza, spaghetti, and all fatty foods, and only liked veggies and fish and fruits.. even tho i was still fat back then lol... im still fat now, so maybe it dunt make a diff.


[ This Message was edited by: Hiya on 2002-06-18 23:42 ]

It is only with the heart that one can see clearly, for the most essential things are invisible to the eye.

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