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A friend and I were talking about just how many people nowadays are not only fat but truly obese. Now I know there are many reasons as to why ...(ex. genetics, special circumstances....) but for the most part the majority of the people I see (as I people watch at various functions) are just fat by their own choice and outta shape!!




Who is to blame for this obesity epidemic? Society? ... and how do we solve this problem?



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They are lazy, to much time on the pc, to easy to get faty foods, etc. There is no one answer but it all boils down to the obese person. Nobody makes them fat but them selves.


BTW where abouts in CT are you located? I used to live/train there and my mom owned a gym there too.



Semper Fi

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I know people who have adhered to strict, balanced diets their entire lives and are still overweight. I know others (myself included) who don't even know the meaning of the word healthy as it applies to food (I'll eat whatever's put in front of me on a plate, and lots of it) but still maintain a decent, healthy figure.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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I agree with Knuth. Its there own fault apart from some people with a bad metabalism where they absorb more food than others, but even them can do something about it. Advertising and media and the highly popular fast food meals such as Mc Donalds drive thoughs.


Its all about the right frame of mind. If you dont have anything to do with your time you just eat, instead do exercise and eat well. I cant stand people that just keep on saying that there fat and want the whole world to feel sorry for them. Not me. Its there own fault.


If you want to change CHANGE! Stop being negative and do something about it!


At the end of the day the people that are fat are the people that give into temtation.



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I think a lot of it comes from stress at work. Nowadays work is so stressful and demanding that when people leave work they are just so wiped out they go home and crash. This causes them to be mostly inactive esp. if their job consists of sitting in front of a computer all day. Plus, with all the video games kids of this new generation don't go outside and play as much. Parents would rather their kids be inside and safe than being outside and doing activities. Exercise is something that needs to be done as a child so it becomes a way of life.





2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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There is some involuntary basis behind it. Yes they could probably overcome that, but the question is why did they start eating so much in the first place?




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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I'll put it down to syndrome X, most people who are overweight have it.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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