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Fear Of Kiai


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I am due to take my first grading soon and I'm confident with most of it but I'm terrified of having to kiai. I just can't bring myself to do it, I'm not sure why but I know I'll have to do it for the grade.

Does it matter "what" you shout? did anyone else take a while to get over this?

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Alot of people have problems kiai-ing for a while when they first start training.

I think some of it has to do with embarrassment. A simple way to move on from this is to look around the room and realise that everyone else is doing it too.

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Cross gave you excellent advice. Kiai are very important to karate. As far as what to say, ask your instructor if he/she has a preference. Personally, mine is not any word. It's just, well, a "spirited shout" that comes from deep inside.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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My instructor kiddingly says with newer students to think of all the times they want to shout really loud in class. well this is their chance!

Just a word of caution, use your diaphram (sp?) and NOT your throat to kiai. If you use your throat, you'll have a really sore throat at the end. Like ps1, my kiai isn't really a word, but a "spirited shout".

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"The spirit of defeating a man is the same for ten million men." Miyamoto Mushahi

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Kiai is nothing to be afraid of because it is a by-product of stopping the rapid exhalation of air from your diaphragm. Kiai is not an action in itself. The faster you exhale and stop that action, the louder the kiai, the slower you exhale, the softer the kiai. Thus, if you are doing exhalation properly in your body actions, the kiai will be naturally and properly according to the body action. It's "not" the other way around where you tailor a body action around a kiai...

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I see sooo many people scared of it, I got over that a while ago... only thing is when I do kiai I hate the sound of it... just sounds...pants!! working on it though...

Ashley Aldworth

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The subject of Kiai was recently covered in another thread.

The word means to unite or harmonise ones spirit.

Ki= Spirit/energy (same as the word "Chi" used in Chinese martial arts)


Although in the old schools of Budo there are specific sounds that a student is supposed to make when performing Kiai, in Karate I was always told to keep Kiais short using vowel sounds A,E,I etc.

As others have said, do it from the diaphragm or Tanden in karate terminology.

"The difference between the possible and impossible is one's will"

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I had a problem with a kiai for a very long time.After many years training I met a Goju Ryu instructor that teaches six different bunkai to Gekisai Dai ichi.One of those bunkai drills is the kiai,at every punch strike or block you yel or roar as loudly as possible with the intent to dissrupt your attackers train of thought.After a little practice you start tp realise how effective it really is.I figured if it really works I don't mind so much doing it anymore.Mine is hard to describe but it is more or a fast loud roar from the diaphram or maybe even deeper.It is a good technique hit them hard with it.

Tom Hodges

migi kamae,migi bo kihon ichi

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Cross and ps1 gave some good advise. Along with that, a good, sharp kiai will also help to relieve some of the nerves that you will be experiencing. When you go to grade, just let the shout go. You will feel good after you do it.

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