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Getting Started


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I'm sixteen years old, five foot six, and last time I checked, one-hundred and fifteen pounds. I'm also very unfit. I've been searching through past topics in this forum that talk about the types of training you need to do for the martial arts, but I've just been overwhelmed by the amount of information. Plus, I just can't seem to find any information that talks about how you should get into training if you're just unfit, not overweight.

I'm not new to the martial arts, but I know that I have a lot to improve on (I'm definitely not a tenth-degree black-belt, so that's obvious). I need to work on my overall technique, balance, flexibility, power, strength, and endurance, but I also need to work on getting fit. So, my obvious question to you is how do I go about starting to get fit and working on what I need to improve on? I know that I just can't go outside and run two miles, I'll need to gradually work up to running a mile first. So how do I start improving my technique, balance, flexibility, power, strength, and endurance, what are some of the things I can do?

There are a couple of things that will definitely get in the way though: I severely lack motivation, and because of this lack of motivation I can't go about getting the necessary training equipment because it will more than likely do nothing but collect dust, so how do I go about motivating myself? What are some of the ways that I can improve all of the things I want to in the list above without my parents buying expensive equipment? (I can't buy my own equipment due to not having a job. I'm looking for one though.) I want to do this until I at least get motivated enough to do these exercises on a daily basis without getting discouraged and stopping.

Please don't be hesitant to respond, I could use all of the advice. Thank you in advance. :)

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Getting over the lack of motivation is going to be the major thing for you. You are just going to have to work through it mentally. Try using visualization to see in you mind how you want to do certain techniques. Then, you practice them to make them look that way.

As for improving technique, make sure to work with your instructor on this. Ask him for suggestions, but just a few at a time, and work on them...lots. It will all take time. Same with flexibility, balance, etc. Take a few stretches, and do them. Find a few balancing exercises, and do them.

As for general physical fitness, do simple things like push-ups and crunches, squats, lunges, etc. If it ever becomes a possibility, get to a gym, and ask a trainer to help you get started in lifting weights.

The two things you are going to need the most are hard work and dedication. There is no magic pill. Good luck, and dive in!

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Sometimes motivation comes after you get started. E.g. you have a good exercise session, so it makes you feel good, so you look forward to the next one - then you get into a virtuous circle of training regularly, feeling good and enjoying training. Demotivation can work the same way - when you're not training you get used to not doing it, fall into the habit of being unfit and it becomes harder to break that habit the longer you let it go on.

So take the first step, and hopefully you'll find the motivation to continue.

If you want to get fit, start by walking for 15 minutes each day. Gradually build it up to 30 minutes, then start running (gently) for part of it, alternating running with jogging. Keep increasing the running component until you can run the entire 30 minutes, then start running faster for some of your runs. There's no pill you can take to make you fit, unfortunately, you just have to put in the effort.

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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