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Black Belt Promotion Pictures

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As promised, pictures of the belt promotion last night!


Just tied on my Black Belt for the first time.


Yep, there's the certificate to go with it!


The three of us from Logan that were promoting, along with our instructor.

So my mom and I left for the promotion at 4:00, the drive to Provo should've only taken about 2 1/2 hours. But traffic was at a crawl the whole way down, to top it off just north of Ogden we got bumped by the guy behind us. It didn't do any damage to our car or his, I have no idea how... He hit us doing probably 10 or 15 miles an hour. Then we weren't sure if we could leave or not. So we ended up calling 911 and asking (seems stupid I know, but didn't know the number for the local dispatch), since there wasn't any damage my mom and the guy exchanged information and we got back on the road. It added another 30 minutes to the already long drive.

I ended up being 45 minutes late. Luckily I'd called and left a message with one of my classmates that was testing. She let everybody know. My instructor came over and told me that they were going to have me demonstrate a form, but I guess the board changed their minds. Actually I think it was that they were running short on time. That and three people on the board knew me and told me I was ready beforehand. I just jumped in and started doing self-defense. Then we went do doing show-time kicks. I didn't have time to warm up for the kicks, but I think I did fine (my hips were screaming at me later though!

So hell yeah! My goal is to be back there in a year promoting to 2nd degree!

Thanks for all the support everybody!

"I'd rather have 10 techniques that work for me than 100 techniques that work against me." -Ed Parker

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Hello and congrats. :)

Since there is already a thread on this promotion, I am going to go ahead and close this one and send you over there. I appreciate it.




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