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On the "KI power" Link and it's falsitys

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I agree. The key to advancing modern medicine is in going back over the older methods and incorporating them into contemporary systems. To this day, 3rd-world countries like India use traditional medicines, many of which are much more effective than the synthetic junk they have now, with more side-effects than healing properties.


What's the point of a heartburn medicine that causes diarrhea and headaches? Such modern medicines are a joke. Traditional Sufi treatment for heartburn is Neem leaves boiled in mustard oil, which has worked without fail, and without side-effects, for hundreds of years. That's the kind of medicine I'd like to see advanced in the modern medical world.




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- "You know I ate one of those healthy biological yoghurts once and spent two days throwing up."


Hmmm... some people don't handle dairy products well... From your name I'm guessing you're Asian. I've heard that many Asians can't properly digest dairy products, because they lack a certain enzyme or bacteria in their digestive system. Something hereditary - dairy has not been a part of that cultures traditional food therefore the system hasn't evolved to cope... You'd probably get real sick trying to live off the Massai diet of curdled cows blood and milk, but they all grow 6-7' tall on it.


I was weaned from breast onto raw goat's milk, straight from some tiny farm out in the bush, so my system is probably more tolerant and durable.


I've heard a bit about traditional Sufi and Indian medicines as well. People often forget India has a system of ancient, self contained sciences at least as old and detailed as the Chinese systems.


The problem with neem leaves and mustard oil is that no-one can synthesize and patent it, then charge high prices for an "exclusive" product. With many modern doctors at the beck and call of the pharmaceutical companies, many drugs are prescribed based on the kick-back received by the doctor, rather than whether they are effective or not. Big drug companies have a vested interest in keeping herbal medicines out of the mainstream and will do anything they can to stop the "competition" from gaining a foothold.


The other problem is that most westerners expect instant convenience and solutions in a pleasant tasting pill. The idea of actually cooking up a revolting tasting herbal mixture from leaves and sticks is deemed "beneath them", too hard and inconvenient and unpleasant and "primitive" - even if it works.


Thus most are happy to pop their sugar pills and put up with the side effects, and would rather have troublesome organs surgically removed under anaesthetic than modify their diet and medicines to improve their health and allow sickness to heal.


Those that want an alternative are prey to easy, non-specific quick fixes like "magic crystals" and "aura healing". And believing they can make a ki shield to block kicks to the groin...

KarateForums.com - Sempai

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Actually I'm a Brit through and through, but there ya go.


I always found it easier to ignore any non-serious diseases and simply continue with my life, if its serious I'll generally just go to bed for a few days until it calms down.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Literally translates to 'Certain Victory', in fact we use it as just about anything, running from a greeting to Pil Sung spirit which is either persistance or sheer bloody-minded stubborness.


Its the slogan of CKD.


[ This Message was edited by: ckdstudent on 2002-06-23 10:23 ]


Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Regarding the Neem: A couple of American botanists went down to India to study the Neem tree, which has been used for medical purposes for millenia. Even sleeping under one makes you feel better (I've tried it). Anyway, they did intensive research and such, and in the end, being the capitalists they are, they PATENTED the neem tree! Have you ever heard of something stupider than that?


Hey, what's up? You see, we're Americans, and we're now going to legally claim the rights to these trees that have been growing here for...oh, I don't know, 17 million years now?


Anyway, they tried to monopolize the export of any neem-related products, but in the end, the Indian government took away the patent, and now anybody can make anything from the neem. In fact, that liver medicine, Lev41, or whatever, comes from the neem. Everybody go buy neem products! the capitalist within you demands it!




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For those of you who dont believe in KI, try tying a small object to a rope and holding it on top of a flower or plant. You will notice the object start to rotate, it is the same energy at work in all living things, and can be controled through practice. Plants can easily control their KI, they use it to break through the ground and to overcome obstacles such as rocks in their way, it has been documented that little weeds have broken through huge pieces of concrete and pavement. Imagine what this energy can do for a human if properly controled...

Green belt TKD student

Learning innner energies

Hate ppl who critisize tkd fighing potential

15 years old

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