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On the "KI power" Link and it's falsitys

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I am not trying to disprove this link and whether it works or not but i can tell you it is certainly not chi being used for the Ki Balls and the like. Chi is an INTERNAL force found only in ourselves, there is a chi produced from eating and sleeping, the scientific ways of producing energy, and a chi that passed on from our parents and has been there from the day we are born and will remain there until the day we die. It DOES NOT EXIST OUTSIDE THE BODY IT IS NOT AN "ETERNAL ENERGY" FOUND EVERYWHERE. as to whether "psi" exists i have no idea.
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It can be channeled through the physical body. That's how Yoga, Qigong, accupuncture, and other such techniques work. It's an amazing thing, really. Scientists haven't begun to study it until very recently, and from what they can tell, what we consider ki is the energy discharge from the magnetic fields that build up around nerve clusters. The more nerves active, the more electricity. Excercises like those mentioned above help 'open up' major clusters, getting over 80% of your brain going at once, as opposed to the normal 10-20%. Besides increasing awareness and overall composure (power, balance, speed, etc.), ki also helps in correcting many ailments, from psychological disorders to lower back pains.


It truly is sad, the lies some people fabricate, attempting to pass them off as 'mystical ki power'. But really, there's nothing very mystical about it. Amazing, yes, but beyond that, hard science.




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80% of your brain going at once? I hate to say it, but that sounds like propoganda to me. Do you have any links to studies on this?


As for the energy discharge from magnetic fields around nerve clusters, that's a theory of a tiny number of scientists. Many more have managed to find no evidence that its even a phenomena, unfortunately saying 'Nope, we've not found anything that can prove it' doesn't make good news and so doesn't get reported.


Chi is anything but hard science.


Finally isn't yoga just a form of meditative stretching, I've tried classes before and Chi was never mentioned.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Whether scientists can explain it or not, chi is there. Athletes have chi, boxers have chi, singers, dancers, musicians, anybody. It's nothing mystical. Can scientists measure brain waves? Yes. That's the very basis of chi. The question here is not whether chi works or not. It's that chi does work, and the question is: how?


Yoga is a LOT more than just stretching. Have you ever done the mountain palms? That's where you push your palms together, arms parallel to the ground. Y'know, that thing Dhalsim does on Street Fighter. Most people can't hold the mountain palms for more than 5 minutes, and yet Yogi (Yoga practitioners, not bears) can hold it for hours on end, without the slightest muscle fatigue. It's mental focus. Your mentality affects your physical state. Remaining calm, decreasing mental tension created by the pushing of the palms, and keeping your composure loose results in power without exertion. It's simple body mechanics, and yet it's chi at its finest.


I can recommend http://www.qi.org for some good reading, but beyond that, there are few authentic and reliable resources to be found on the web. Everything is a science, CKD, and the depths of the mind are no exception. After all, if biochemistry hadn't been deeply researched, wouldn't we consider adrenaline to be along the lines of what we now call 'chi'?




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I don't deny that the mind can exert incredible control over the body, or that adrenaline is what might once have been described as Chi. What I do find a little strange is using a word which means 'air' to describe concepts we now have words for.




Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Excuse me, but are you saying that the can of liquid chi Ibought the other day is worthless???? :kaioken:


Now I'm really mad!


I am going to march right down to that Chi-Mart and open up a can of whup ass!




"Annoying the ignorant since 1961"

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In front of one of the Shaolin temples in China (the Henan temple, I believe), there are these vending machines that sells Shaolin Cola. The commercialism's just sickening, but as a joke, there's a chi percentage listed along with the other nutrients.


Btw, the whole 'air in the arteries' was part of the Greek medical system. Beyond that there is the German medical system, which is the one used today, and the Chinese medical system, which is completely different from the other two and as yet unexplained by modern science, but the important thing is: IT WORKS. Anyone can speculate. But have you experienced?




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- "Btw, the whole 'air in the arteries' was part of the Greek medical system. Beyond that there is the German medical system, which is the one used today, and the Chinese medical system, which is completely different from the other two and as yet unexplained by modern science"


Interesting. I think of note is the fact the the German/Swiss medical system actually split into two factions - the "germ" theory of disease, following Pastuer, which became modern medical science, and the "natural health" theory which was in some ways similar to Chinese medicine. (Particularly in the way it tried sometimes to preserve or resurrect the traditional European herbal medicine, almost lost to folklore today)


The basic idea was that, like maggots on a wound, germs only attack organs that are already unhealthy or sick in some way. Proper nutrition with natural foods, exercise, fresh air, and simple herbal remedies aimed at strengthening internal organs (sound familiar) were characteristics of the style.


Widely ridiculed as quacks and ignored by the "mainstream" medical practise, the ideas of the Swiss "natural health" movement have been slowly assimilated as they have been proven effective. Thus today everyone has heard about vitamins, high fibre diet, anti-oxidants, acidophilus yogurt, and diseases caused by nutritional deficiency. All things once scoffed at by "mainstream/germ theory" medicine. Even vitamins are only grudgingly accepted by the medical profession, in my experience, and as anyone who has seen standard hospital food can attest. (How does anyone recover eating that junk...)


Anyway, the basic theory is that your body has its own effective immune system, that will cure and heal itself if kept in good working order.


I'll bet Pastuer with his tube of penicillin never foresaw the evolution of the anti-biotic resistant "super-bug"... I think the next step in medical advancement will not be zapping germs with ever more toxic stuff, but finding ways to boost the bodies own immune system in order to cope - whether those ideas come from east or west is irrelevant, as long as they are successful.



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