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first shotokan class


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Well, I went to my first actual class last night. I really liked it. It's going to take some time to learn the terminology though. I've been looking on google trying to find what we did so that I can write correctly here. There are several people in the class but only about 4 white belts. So sensei had everyone start on some kind of punch or something that we, the white belts, couldn't have possibly done but he told us just to do the punch slowly and work on doing right instead of fast.

So from what I can remember this what we, the new people, did. gedan-barai into jodan age-uke then jodan choku zuki. I think that's what it was. From gedan-barai, my left arm came up for the block in front of my face and then just a counterpunch to either jodan or chudan without moving forward. We also tried a kick I think it was some sort of side kick. And then we tried the kihon(?) kata with the yellow belts. That didn't go so well. With not having any idea how to do it or which way to pivot, trying to follow them was very confusing.

All in all, I really enjoyed and I'm looking forward to the next class.

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thanks. Had my second class last night and am going to my third tonight. After this week though, I'll probably only be able to do 2 nights a week instead of 3. 2 classes a week seems ok to me.

I'm definately going to have to find a way to work on my balance. Sensei had us go into mae geri but without completing the kick. Needless to say, I was quite wobbly on one leg but I did it today to try and had no problem. It might have been because it was the end of the class and my legs were tired. Don't know.

Any suggestions on how to improve balance?

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To improve my balance, I like to practice my kihon on grass instead of just the floor. The bumpy, sometimes muddy and slippery, surface will make you work harder to keep your balance. So then when you practice on your usual floor, it will become much easier.

Also, if you do a YouTube.com search for "kihon kata", you will find a ton of video clips of people performing the kata. YouTube actually has video of most of the shotokan kata, which I have found very helpful when trying to learn a new one.

Good luck!

Why did I have the bowl, Bart? WHY DID I HAVE THE BOWL???

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YouTube actually has video of most of the shotokan kata

Yeah I know. Since I decided that I wanted to do ma, I've spent alot of time there. I've actually sorta learned how to do that first kata by watching videos of it so when I start to learn it in the class, I should be able to pick it up pretty easily. I hope anyway.

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Any suggestions on how to improve balance?

Do the kick very slowly and hold it at the end of the kick for as long as you can without leaning your body very much as a counter weight. It will improve balance and also strengthen the leg muscles.

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Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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In stead of posting a new thread I'll just add on here.

Had my first Shotokan class today, I enjoyed it a lot. We went over most of the basics and learn the flow of class with opening and closing class and all of that fun stuff. A lot of funny stories go with this though as we were praticing in a church gym. This weekend the day i cashed my check and the day before i was to finally sign up for class.. we had a lot of rain and the building attached to our Dojo (think old down town buildings) actually clasped in on its self, demolishing its self and soaking the Dojo and causing a gas leak. I was to heart broke to post the story the Sunday that it happened as I feared the school was done for. Anyways while thats being repaired we are meeting in a church gym. Me and two older middle-aged men one who happens to be a preacher and the Sensei of our class who is the main Senpai of the school. He is a year or so older than me and this was the first class he had ever taught with out Sensei Vernon there. Anyways the class has been moved to 3:30 and i did not know that fact so i thought class started at three. Excited and ready for my first day I got to the church early to make a good impression... early as in about 2:30...

By 3:00 I was freaking out and disappointed because I thought either the Senpai had forgot or that i had the wrong day or something or who knows what?!! Anyways the Sensei/Senpai got there at about 3:10ish and everything worked out fine.

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Good on you for showing up early. In the future, you will have good warm-up time!

Glad to hear it all went off, after the mess you had. :karate:

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