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Situps vs Crunches?

Which do you prefer?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you prefer?

    • Situps
    • Crunches

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I have always heard that the "main" reason for doing crunches rather than situps was primarily because the situps are apparently "worse" for your back than the crunch is.

I however do not find that to be the case, in that situps do not hurt my back *near* as much as crunches will... though I feel about the same stomach muscle soreness from both.

Am I just one of the rare that do situps with "good form" and crunches with "bad form" or is there better reason than back soreness/injury that I am missing for doing crunches over doing situps?

Or am I just completely mistaken in thinking that that was ever a reason for the switch everywhere from situps to crunches these days? What are the other reasons (if any) why someone would be better off doing crunches over doing situps? Or is it that they just do a better job of working the stomach muscles?

Just curious

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What you state is what I have heard. Supposedly, sit-ups cause some sort of strain on or poor alignment of the spinal column in the course of doing them and crunches do not, or are much less severe than sit-ups. I wonder what a kinesiologist would have to say about this.



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I have always heard the same thing. I used to do situps a lot (even held an unofficial record back in high school) but I stopped when I heard it could eventually affect your back/spine.

The reason is that when you raise your torso completely off the floor, you cause more pressure (specifically torque) on your lower back due to having to support more of your body in the air. It's like holding one end of a broom handle with the other end on a chair. If someone moves the chair, you will feel more weight on your hand and wrist since you are supporting it at only one end. Of course, this is not because it's heavy since you could easily hold the broom handle in the middle and feel no strain at all.

Two groups of people feel very little or no strain when doing situps:

1. Young, strong athletes

2. Females

I was in the first group when I did these a lot, so I never had any problems with this. Having very strong muscles around a joint can help reduce (or sometimes avoid) joint strain. But eventually, even a little strain can catch up to you. (That's why well conditioned marathon runners can still get shin splints after years with no problems.)

You are in the second group, so you have an advantage. Women have a lower center of gravity so less of your body weight is carried in your torso. That's one reason you don't feel any discomfort. That does not mean it won't affect you. It just means it may take longer. Eventually, you could have back problems when you are older. Not everyone has them but most people avoid situps just to be safe.

Personally I do crossing knee/elbow touches instead. They are very effective and they work all the ab muscles at once.

Sorry for the long post. I hope at least some of this helped.

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You are in the second group, so you have an advantage. Women have a lower center of gravity so less of your body weight is carried in your torso. That's one reason you don't feel any discomfort. That does not mean it won't affect you. It just means it may take longer. Eventually, you could have back problems when you are older. Not everyone has them but most people avoid situps just to be safe.

... Sorry for the long post. I hope at least some of this helped.

Indeed it did. Makes some sense.... cus I am a woman AND I am a fairly short woman (5'-3") whos center of gravity is even lower just cus I'm more bottom heavy than top anyway.

Also even though I have never considered myself to be "athletic", I *may* have inadvertantly also strengthened the muscles around my lower spine due to needing spinal surgery when I was 16... so afterwards I was always making sure that my posture was *excellent* just cus I was afraid that I might get used to slouching if I allowed myself to after the surgery (never was really told that that might happen it was just a fear I had) and also tried to strengthen my back as much as I could (though didnt do *that* much to assist with it, but a little).

Thanks, never had it broken down for me like that. Dont worry bout the long post... most of mine are longer and much more pointless than yours :P

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I had heard the same things about sit-ups.

I have always preferred crunches, because I feel like they concentrate the abs more. I get a better burn out of it.

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I feel the same amount of workout from both, but I get dizzy doing sit-ups (almost motion sickness) :) Crunches have me traveling less so I'm less likely to feel like I'm on a back-and-forthy carnival ride :)

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When I have the choice, I go for crunches, mainly because when I usually do them I'm wearing a tshirt... if I do a full sit up, I end up strangling myself with the collar, crunches are much safer. :)

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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