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Tricking the Opponment

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When I sparred against a friend of mine in Ryukyu Kempo, I notice that I usually follow along the lines of an attack pattern, but once my opponent catches on to this I change it. Like lets so I were to use punch, kick, punch kick... combo and then once my opponent catches on, I use a different plan of attack. This tricks the opponent into expecting an planned attack form from his or her opponent; however you can catch the opponent off guard once you switch your attacking style.

Now could someone answer this question? Is this an effective way to fight? areas of martial arts

People are bound not by limitation, but rather by the barriers of their imagination~~ Paul White-- 2004

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Sometimes. It all depends on your opponent. This is one of a variety of sparring strategies I have used. But of course that means that when you use it, I would recognize it sooner than someone who has not used this technique before. So usually the more experience a fighter has, the harder it is to "trick" him/her. But I still think this is a good approach for class or tournament sparring. It will still work sometimes even on an experienced fighter. A little too risky for a real fight though IMO.

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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This is a very common strategy. When your partner spars with you more and more, he will learn what you like to do, as you will learn what he likes to do. As you continue, you will both be trying to do things to confuse each other. Later on, you will get into drawing attacks, leading to counter, etc. Then, it really gets fun.

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I tricked my opponent in an actual fight once. Twice in the same combo as a matter of fact, and I do it all the time during sparring when I'm putting out a lot of effort.

What I did that particular time, I faked a left hook. Then I just put an open palm right next to his head quickly so he could see it. When he looked directly into it as if it were going to show him his future, I kneed him in the solar plexus.

Tricking the opponent is not only effective most of the time, but it's also very fun :D

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Yeah, when I first Changed dojos to Cornerstone I was a big head kicker.

I was winning regularly(sp?) untill they caught on that I only head kick.

Then one day I only punched. I either smelled bad and they were running away or it worked. ( I really hope it was the second one).

Signature fake-out move (fake axe kick to round house kick.

"Sword-Chucks yo."

Yes, thanks a lot guys.  Hey, kamasandsais, that was something that you knew that I did not!! 
<---blackmail hahahahhaha bushido
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My favorite fake out:

Lead with the southpaew, place the feet in a reverse cat stance, hands waving like a octopuse, and then come in with a fient kick from the right foot. Next I knee 'em in the stomic with with the left leg and follow through with a snap kick to the groin. Then as they lean down from the blow I punch em in the button while fishooking their eye.

I am the worlds deadliest Bemeese Gaia-Jin fighter. (Its my own style)

People are bound not by limitation, but rather by the barriers of their imagination~~ Paul White-- 2004

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Real life do what you do best. Real fights don't last long enough for tricks.

Sparring matches in class or in comp. yes you may need to have a trick or 2 up your slever. But I usually do the reverse I start with stuff I don't normally do and finsih with my better combos.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Every one hear knows that you are not supposed to tellagraph your attacks, but what i have been thinking of is that it could help to trick your opponent. Ex. cock your back arm back as if doing a reverse punch or hook then just nail them with a jab from the front hand. What do you guys think?

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I think that sounds pretty good specialwhiteguy3. It might take some practice though. When you cock your back arm back you might tend to move your jab hand forward, hence taking away space for you to actually jab it out. Your jab might get a little crammed up. Maybe not though. Again, with practice, who the hell knows. It could work out good.

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That would go along with faking out the opponent. Keep in mind, though, that if you are fighting someone that is drunk or otherwise inebbriated, they may not fall for a fake.

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