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Gentleman (and ladies), I have a goal- to rebuild myself as much as possible from now until September. Here are the current stats:

Height: 6'0

Weight: 127

Build: Somewhat of a wide chest but otherwise quite skinny

Favorite Color: Blue (wanted to include it just in case)

I actually used to be over 180 pounds and under 5'8 back in the day, but something must be in the water around these parts...anyways I want to gain weight in build, not fat, and how to go about it I am not quite sure. My metabolism is not what you would call normal: I can gain 2 pounds one day and loose it the next, and my appetite isn't exactly huge. This isn't bad in of itself, but since I am hoping to join a Judo or BJJ team, I really could use the extra weight. So how am I going to bulk up? Eat lots and do high weight low reps? Really I need a trainer but that can't be done for at least another month...thoughts?

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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Look into protein drinks/shakes. Also, consider eating 5 to 6 smaller meals per day.

The higher range weight training with fewer reps should help to gain muscle, which is the weight that you want to gain. I can't offer a lot of help, because I am not a personal trainer.

Here are my stats:

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 235

Build: Short and stocky.

So, I envy your inability to gain weight, and to weigh 127 pounds. :P


Just keep a regular workout schedule

the best fight is one that doesnt happen


First thing is to set a realistic goal. You are not likely to go from 127 to 180, all muscle, in such a short amount of time. Your weight gains of 2lbs in one day and losing it the next is likely due to water and bowel changes. Don't weigh yourself every day, it just gets depressing. I would suggest weighing yourself two or three times per month. Just make sure it's at the same time of day and you're wearing the same stuff.

You get big by eating! High protein is what you will need. Try to cut out lots of fats. Be sure to get protein into your system within 15 to 30 minutes of your work out. You'll need to do alot of lifting. There's a book available called "Super Squats" that is excellent for what you want to do. It's available at https://www.ironmind.com I highly suggest it.

Good luck with your program and work.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."


What time of day do you weigh yourself? Is it the same time each time? Most people's weight can vary from 1 to 5 pounds from the time they get up to right after the last meal. Not everyone remembers to consider this when weighing in. Not to mention that the average person wears about 5 pounds of clothes/shoes. So try to dress (or not dress) the same each time. If you have already ruled this out, then the advice already posted should help you out. Steady workouts (not necessarily intense) and proper nutrition including ample protein each day are two of the best things you can do. Good luck.

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

  ps1 said:
First thing is to set a realistic goal. You are not likely to go from 127 to 180, all muscle, in such a short amount of time. Your weight gains of 2lbs in one day and losing it the next is likely due to water and bowel changes. Don't weigh yourself every day, it just gets depressing. I would suggest weighing yourself two or three times per month. Just make sure it's at the same time of day and you're wearing the same stuff.

You get big by eating! High protein is what you will need. Try to cut out lots of fats. Be sure to get protein into your system within 15 to 30 minutes of your work out. You'll need to do alot of lifting. There's a book available called "Super Squats" that is excellent for what you want to do. It's available at https://www.ironmind.com I highly suggest it.

Good luck with your program and work.

Thanks PS1 ! I usually weigh myself in the morning with minimal clothing and after erm, 'purging.' I know that to get to 180 in 2 1/2 months would be ridiculous, but I am hoping to get to at least 140 if possible. A friend of mine used to compete in power lifting so I'll see if I can pick up anything from him as well.

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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