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hey guys. I'm a little frustrated at the moment and a little anxious. There are going to be two dan gradings this year at our club and i am hoping to be taking the first one. There are loads of other 1st kyu's with me being the only adult 1st Kyu. I have been 1st Kyu for 9 months but it looks like it could be another few months before the grading.

Anyway my anxieties are these. There are some of the kids on 1st Kyu that i feel are great at their karate and will probably deserve to get their shodan, but i feel there are others (one in particular) that i feel are not, yet they are expecting to grade (as are their parents). One of them NEVER kia's, she always stands next to me in class and i have never heard her do it, her stance are always bad, she tends to stand up in them. No power ect.

In my mind i keep telling myself that i cannot expect to take my dan grading. My sensei hasn't said yet weather i am able to take it but i feel that i am good enough to pass. Having said that i won't sulk about it, i'll just carry on until it is my time (although i would be dissapointed).

My worry is that he may allow these others to grade, i think i'm just being silly because surely he wouldn't because he's a great sensei and we are a great club. If i see these others grading and i can't i will be gutted because i know they are no better than me. (infact a lot worse). I'm trying to write this post without sounding to big-headed or childish, it's just the way i feel at the moment.

My sensei doesn't just give belts out, he is very strict and a brilliant sensei so i know i'm probably worrying about nothing, i just can't get these stupid feelings and thoughts out of my head.

Anyone ever been through this before or had similar feelings? Thanks for listening guys.

Kez xx :karate:

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Hey, Kez.

If you believe in your instructor, then trust in what he will do, and know that he is doing it in your best interest. As for the others, don't concern yourself with them. I know it is tough, but it is about your journey, not theirs.

If what you fear happens to materialize (which, from what you have said, I don't think it will :wink: ), then speak privately with your instructor about it.

Best of luck, Kez, and stay the course! :karate:

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I agree with Bushidoman,

I have had similar experiences and concerns in the past. Just believe in your Sensei and your self and I think everything will be fine.

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Don't worry so much about other people. Being nervous is normal, but there's no need to be nervous for other people. :)

Good luck by the way. :karate:

There's no place like

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IMO you shouldn't get worked up about testing, period. I've had to test, usually hard, for hours on end, for every belt that I've ever earned, and I can't recall ever getting nervous for a single one of them. You really shouldn't "expect" to get your rank, or be dissapointed if you don't get ranked.

One of the faults with the belt system (I noticed this frequently with my own students) is that if you expect to get ranked, and don't people are often pretty depressed about it. Just don't expect it, don't let yourself get worked up over it, but train as hard as you have in your life.

A belt is nothing other than a piece of cloth is it not? Prove you deserve your rank with strong kihon, good dachi, kata, and kime just make sure you are the one people look at and think 'wow, why haven't they got their Black belt yet?' IMO Karate is something you need to do for yourself, so don't really worry about how the younger students do.. In my experience they're rarely at an adult level... but if they rank, they deserve it.

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Thanks for the cool advice guys, i do understand completely what you are all saying. I train 110% every single time and at home. To be honest i don't see how someone can say 'don't be nervous for gradings', i'm nervous every single time, this is because it's VERY important to me.

Yeah i'm gonna try and nip these feelings in the bud and get on with my own training and development..thanks all!

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Hey Kez. Good advice so far from everyone.

But believe it or not, the only test I was NOT nervous on was my second go with my 1st gup (kyu) test. Because I trained HARD for that test. The first time I failed (first time I EVER failed a belt test), but that kicked me in the butt to train and get it right. I knew my stuff the second time around (the first time I didn't).

So if you are training hard and know your stuff, who cares about the others. Do it for you.

Laurie F

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Yes Brian, i'm sure it will. I'm taking a short break off at the moment. It's only two lessons, i just needed some time off.

I will just concentrate on myself in future, i just find it difficult to pair up with another 1st kyu that doesnt really care about what they are doing, or putting no effort in because that means i can't train to my full potential.

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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