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Running as part of a MA workout


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I read this and couldn't quite make sense of it either as if you seem fit enough for the other exercises i don't know why the 5 min jog is hard.

This might seem daft but perhaps the 'jog' isn't a jog! do you tend to sprint round the dojo? because then that would make sense and its very tiring keeping max pace for 5 mins! as for running itself its quite gud for the MA's (she says not having started herself lol!) as it helps to build stamina. A few of the members at our club run for ages when thay are training for their 30 man kumite so they can fight non-stop for 40 mins.

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I don't think I sprint. I have a habit of keeping pace with whoever's next to me though so I can sometimes end up with the class super-robot setting my speed or with someone who's slower. I've been trying out different speeds and breathing this week trying to find a comfortable pace. I find if I run slower (a lot slower) I'm fine with breathing but I'm nowhere near warmed-up enough at the end.

Also going that slow makes it impossible to do some of the running exrcises we do (there's this one where you have a partner and they keep jogging round and you've got to race everyone else to be the first person to lap your partner twice). Just gotta keep trying to find my pace I suppose.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Hello, My daughter does Wrestling and there was a girl who train for many years....than in a couple of matches she was finding herself having a hard time breathing.

She saw the doctor(S)...Not quite sure..but they say her heart murmer..now they say asthma.

Anytime you feel your body is NOT right? ....Please see your Doctor as soon as possible........................Aloha

PS: a smart one too!

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Sometimes a high-impact activity like running or jumping can induce slight vertigo or spatial disorientation in your brain. This is exaggerated if you are dehydrated or ill. If you are landing hard on your feet as you run and jarring your head, it could be a cause. You're basically banging your brain lightly against the inside of your skull.

Try gliding more as has been suggested. If you can't solve it, you might try giving up the running and do another type of aerobic activity to see if it improves. Try skipping (not jumping) rope.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Well I try not to land on my heels at all, more like running on the balls of my feet?!? Unfortunatley not running is not an option as if my instructor wants us to run in class I don't have much choice

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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If you are jogging, you should be moving slowly, arms completely relaxed, heart rate no more than about 65% of max, and you should be able to breathe fairly naturally, and just about hold a conversation. You shouldn't even have to think about breathing, it should just come naturally.

As you pick up the pace of your running, your heart rate will rise, and your breathing will become heavier and more rapid. You will be unable to talk.

Eventually you will reach the threshold of your aerobic running (hence, runners call this a "threshold run"). This pace is uncomfortable, but you should be able to sustain it for a while., depending on your current fitness.

Increase the pace again, towards sprinting, and you will begin to use anaerobic energy. This is uncomfortable after a short time, and if you try to keep it up you may well become dizzy and nauseous.

Do bear in mind that fitness can be specific. So you can be fit for swimming, but find that you struggle when you run (and vice versa).

If you are running at a relaxed pace and still getting dizzy, then you need to see your doctor.

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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