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Competition in martial arts can lower confidence.

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I don't see how competing in tournament can lower anybody's confidence level. If you go in confident about your ability without any illusion, you have already won. Its my competive nature that drives me to go into tournaments. I know I'm good and am just going to have fun. I use tournament as a measuring device to see how I am compared to others. If I lose, I'll just train harder and know that I have a long way to goal to reach where I want to be. Nobody is perfect, but when a judge hands me a trophy that says first place and shakes my hand, I know even for just that moment, I have reached perfection. I was the best.

Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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They are just some people out there who are not as good as they think. They are not ****y but are just not arrond enough quality people to know better. When they go to compation they see the real world. I konw this is a rare situation but it happens.


We had a kid in class back when I was in the mid ranks comming up who went to a touranment and got his head smacked. LOL. Well it turs out that the guy he was fighting was a higher rank fighting in a lower class. Stuff like that happens a lot in WV I don't know about other places but every tourament I have been to with my club or went too with another club someone came away from it with a bad expierance.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Personnaly I feel that most competitions are useless. They just teach students to always go for the stomach and to tap not hit.


I think I'm going to go rant for a while in a new post.

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky"


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