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I’m looking for a bit of advice. I am not sure what to do really. The situation is this I am a 1st kyu in shotokan karate and have been doing this since I was about 8. Recently as I am doing my a levels I haven’t been able to train regularly as obviously revision for my modules is my main prioritory as I need good grades to get into uni. I have really lost the motivation for karate and I don’t see the point of set techniques and forms basically because nobody will attack like that and it doesn’t benefit your improvisation skills. I will have to leave in September anyway as I will be going to uni. So I don’t see the point in continuing to train. I still love martial arts but I want a more realistic approach in the martial arts that I take. I wanted to do JKD but the problem is the closest club is about 30miles away and as I cant drive this is a problem. So im trying to decide what to do for the next 9 months. Should I train myself? This is a cheaper option but it will be hard to motive myself as training alone isn’t much fun and not really useful for self defence as you not training with anyone. Should I go to another club for 9months? I have no idea what martial art I would take. Im also quite small 5.7 and weigh 58kg so a martial art such as Judo wouldn’t suit me. There are only really 3 choices of clubs around my area, Shotokan, Aikido and TKD. None of these really appeal to me.

Any ideas will be welcome. Thanks

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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You've gotten far in your training already, it would be a serioiuis shame if you walked away now. The forms and training routines are important because they trian your legs, and help develop muscle memories. You'll end up surprised in a fight that your body will react according to your training. Trust that your sensei is teaching you: both obvious and subtle.

If you're concerned there isn't enough "realism" in your training ask your sensei to go through bunkai with you. You'll learn very quickly how realistic a lof of your routines truly are.

As for self-training at this point I personally wouldn't bother. But that's a choice you need to make of course. :)

Also, chat with your sensei about how you feel. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the information you'll get.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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It would be such a shame to give up now after getting so far. I am also 1st kyu in shotokan and i wouldn't dream of giving it up now, but then our circumstances are different.

I agree with Cathal about speaking to your sensei about how your feeling. I think you don't have very many options if the only available arts to you don't appeal to you. I would suggest to continue with your training if thats at all possible.

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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my brother made it all the way to 2nd brown and then quite karate. i can tell he regrets it now when i talk about my black belt. stick it out and you will be happier in the end.

When practicing Nunchaku, it is best not to stand under lights....seriously; I have broken more lights that way. :-P

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I would go ahead and try to get to black belt, before going into something else. Speaking with the sensei is a good idea, as he may be able to advise you better.

In the end, you have to make the decision that is right for you, whatever you think that is. We can give suggestions as to what we would do, but we are not you. If you want to move on, I think that is great. I don't think training by yourself is going to help you achieve your goals of realism (unless you have a Fight Club moment, :wink: just kidding! :) ). By not training with someone, your timing and distancing will go out the window.

It sounds like you may be suffering from a mild case of burnout. Maybe back off of classes for a week, and then head back. See how you feel afterwards.

Best of luck in your decision! :karate:

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Judo is such that a small person can do quite well. Jigoro Kano(Judo's founder) was quite small(I believe he was only 5'2"). I also agree with what's been said here. You've invested all that time into your Karate. Hold out till you get your black belt.

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You would do fine in Judo, but if you cannot get there, see if you could find someone to go and train with you. Offer to pay for the gas to get there. If you really have lost your passion for Shotokan, talk to your instructor. It may not change your mind, but at least you will get it off your chest. Also, look into what is offered in the area around the University you will be attending. Good luck.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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