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Fat that refuses to leave!

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What happens normally, on a regular carb diet, is that when you eat, the protein is used to rebuild muscle tissue, and carbohydrates are converted to glucose, and used for energy. Now, when you have no carbs, the body resorts to breaking down fat and protein into ketones, which is known as ketosis/lipolysis, and the body uses these ketones for energy instead of glycogen. The theory is that this is also supposed to make it easier for your body to let go of the bodyfat it has.


When your body isn't being given sufficient water, what does it do?


It holds on to what it has, especially under your skin, and you get that slightly bloated look.


When you start getting plenty of water again, what happens?


Your body starts to release the water it was retaining!


If you starve yourself of food, what happens?


Your metabolism goes down, and you start burning less and less, like your body is in conservation mode!


(Do I need to ask this?) When you start getting enough food again, what happens?


You metabolism rises again!


When your oxygen supply is cut off, what happens?


You die! (Just making sure you're still paying attention!)




I have read that your brain operates only on glycogen, and if you don't get any carbs, your body has to produce glycogen on its own. The good thing is that your body supposedly gets used to doing this after a couple weeks. It seems that the higher your bodyfat, the harder it is to adjust.


My personal recommendation is that before you think of trying anything like this, (ketosis)you get ALL the information you can find and see your doctor. Ketosis is an extremely bad thing for a diabetic!



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I can't do the ketisis-whatever cause I have low bood sugar (boarder line diebetic). That's why I can't go on a "no-carb" diet. Sorry, Bon. No can do, but thanks for the advice anyways. I can cut down, but I need "sugar". I can cut out the bread, but then I have to keep the juice, or the other way around (I perfer juice). I definitely will cut out "fried" food, and "un-needed" sugar, like candy and soda. But the juice stays :grin: And I have to start eating in the morning :grin:



Laurie F

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yeah I know what you mean .... I was never a breakfast eating person, but I try to have something with my java (at least 2 cups). That right there jumps starts my metabo. Oatmeal/raisin bars are my fav (Slimfast).


Lots of water during day!!! <---very important!



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Same here, Kickchick. I drink a lot of water, juice, and of course, my morning coffee :grin: I have to have 3 cups :grin:


Since I read your last post, I'm trying to get myself to eat, at least, a cereal bar in the morning, and a glass of oj. My slow metabo is the "bad guy", I think. So I will try to eat a little healthier, and eat in the morning.


Thanks again, Kickchick. You've been a big help :smile:



Laurie F

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On 2002-05-23 07:56, KickChick wrote:


I have read that your brain operates only on glycogen, and if you don't get any carbs, your body has to produce glycogen on its own. The good thing is that your body supposedly gets used to doing this after a couple weeks. It seems that the higher your bodyfat, the harder it is to adjust.


Where did you hear that ? I heard the opposite, ketones are actually the preffered energy source for the brain!


I have tested this diet, so anything I do say I've found merit to. I've come down a weight class & I'm planning to come down another one.. =p



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I haven't lost any muscle mass either! I've been able to build muscle.. I can now do 80 push ups



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There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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