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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Well, most of our jail guys don't have any DT training, so we are starting fairly basic.

My DT partner is certified in Hock's system, so we are basing our training off of his system. We'll introduce palm strikes, and use the statue drill to introduce them to some basic footwork and use of angles with the strike. Then, we'll move into the block/pass/pin drill. We are also going to work with a torso twist takedown and the wrist twist takedown. The class will begin with some lecture/question/answer time to talk about use-of-force and the like.


100 push-ups log

Week 3, Day 3: 16, 21, 15, 15, 21 = 88. The last set of 21 was nasty on me.


Bench press: 190x6

Seated row: 170x6, 7 was failure

Military press: 115x4, 5 was failure

Lat pull-down: 150x7, reps 6 and 7 were not full reps

Triceps push-down: 135x6, 7 was failure

Machine curls: 45x8, the last 2 reps were tough, but not failure

Cable crunches: 105x20, 16, 16

Cable trunk twist: 80x10x3

Cardio: Bike for 20 min, then stretched.

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We'll introduce palm strikes, and use the statue drill to introduce them to some basic footwork and use of angles with the strike.

What's the "statue drill," Brian?



- jab, cross, uppercut, hook punches

- other hand strikes

- finger, elbow, and forearm strikes

Ki Cho Hyungs (Il, E, Sam Bu)

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

Chil Sung E Ro Hyung

Pyung Ahn E Dan

Class unfortunately cancelled for tonight :o

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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warm up with about 10 min of 50% rolling. work thru postions and submissions.

15 instructional block on acquiring the half guard and working to full guard. taking back option as well if presented with the opporturnity.

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from knees.

10 min of work on escaping and countering the half guard

8, 3 min rounds of free roll from standing. again, i focused on working my shots and high singles. arm drags too.

stopped from time to time to cover things. extended time on transitioning from choke efforts from back to arm bar.

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Class: Self-defense jujitsu

Guest instructor in use of knife offensively, not self-defense against knife attacks. Next Saturday, class will return to self-defense.


Leg stretches

Front swing kicks

Kicking exercises lying on floor:

- roundhouse and side kicks

Sparring exercises; Self-defense techniques

Ki Cho Hyungs (Il, E, Sam Bu)

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

Chil Sung E Ro Hyung

Pyung Ahn E Dan

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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We'll introduce palm strikes, and use the statue drill to introduce them to some basic footwork and use of angles with the strike.

What's the "statue drill," Brian?

The statue drill is a partner drill where one partner stands still, feet in a natural stance, and holds his arms straight out in front, locked, hands in fists, and at about a shoulder distance apart. Its like a human Wing Chun dummy. Its a good way to get acustomed to moving around an object, work on checks and strikes, and use of footwork. Change of plans for training, though; we are going to use forearms instead.


100 push-ups log

Week 4, Day 1: 18, 22, 16, 16, 25 = 97. This day sucked; these were tough.

Defensive Tactics: 8:00 - 10:45. My partner brought in the lineup/outline of our class for the jail, and we began going over it. I think it is going to be a good class, and we are going to cover use-of-force, the +1 usage, along with force reports. We also discussed doing some more focused classes in the future, dealing with things like searching/uncuffing, and fingerprint scenarios for when people get froggy.


Cable crunches: 105x20, 16, 16

Cable trunk twists: 80x10x3

Bench press: 195x6, 7 fail

Seated cable row: 170x6, 7 fail

Military press: 115x5, 6 fail

Lat pull-down: 150x6, 7 not full rep

Triceps push-down: 135x6, 7 fail

Machine curls: 45x7

Cardio: Bike for 20 minutes. Then stretched legs and arms.

Forearm curls: 10x10x3

Reverse forearm curls: 10x10x3

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3, 2 min rounds of mitt work- started wth coverage and combo to close. added tie up and knee to quad. findihed with holder shooting and forcing a sprawling defense.

3, 2 min rounds on the ground-n-pound bag- started with hooks from tight position. posture to strike down three times. then to elbows. also allowed movement to side mount and knee. tight knee across to transition. add elbows from side and close positure hook to body, finished with all above and hammerfists.

20 min insturctional block on two sweeps and chaining them together.

3, 1 min rounds of reversal drill from guard. focus on sweep.

2, 3 min rounds of free roll from knees

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from standing.

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Thanks, Brian. It's an interesting comparison with the Wing Tsun dummy.

Class tonight with my sons

- the boys did kicking exercises lying on the floor for the first time

- punching and kicking a WaveMaster with "squeaky" targets on it

- takedowns

- Pyung Ahn Cho Dan


Leg stretches

Front swing kicks

Kicking exercises lying on floor:

- roundhouse and side kicks

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

Chil Sung E Ro Hyung

Pyung Ahn E Dan

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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mitts of-

6, 3 min rounds of defending agasit the mitts, followed by the mitt holder attempting to clinch. push out of clinch and combo. add a jab, cross to front end of combo. finsh by adding a mitt holder shot at end. sprawl to defend, take side back and knee.

20 min insturctinal block on escaping the guard and passing to side mount.

drilled limited roll drill of escaping live guard and taking side, mounted individaul then escaped side. rinse and repeat.

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from the knees

4, 3 min rounds of free roll, standing.

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Class tonight with my sons, an "extra" our teacher offered us for today, especially with snow coming and possibly cancelling class tomorrow

- the boys did side kick exercises lying on the floor, and not against air, but against kick shields that leaned against the wall

- "sparring," one boy with our teacher, the other boy with me, the boys allowed to make contact (and I'm surprised at how high a seven-year old can roundhouse--right to my solar plexus, again and again)

- self-defense techniques

After class, there was time before the next class started, and the boys made up their own form as they went along, announcing blocks and strikes that they and Dad did together. :)

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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