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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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I let the student know that it was not my intention for that to happen tonight. He said he understood, and that it was good, so he could learn what he was supposed to do from it.

At any rate, I felt that it could have been approached better, and handled a lot better, by the instructor.

You really did the right thing talking with the other student, Brian. Just by starting this conversation, it gave you the opportunity to keep things fine between you. You'll likely be working together at another point, with no friction as baggage.

I'm going to assume that both you and the other student addressed the instructor respectfully, so that leaves me concluding that the instructor was overreacting to things not going according to plan. If he doesn't usually act like this, then maybe he had a bad day and it (inappropriately) came out in class. If he's usually like this, then you've got a grouchy one on your hands. (I'd have said "grumpy," but there's already a Grumpy as one of the seven dwarfs. :) )

What is unfortunate is that this isn't really out-of-character behavior for the instructor. I could see it coming when it started, and there just wasn't much I could do about it. We were respectful to the instructor, but it was also one of those situations where we weren't going to be right, no matter what.

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Not a lot of my own training today. We went over to the NAGA in chicago with a fighter from my class and a group from the school I help with on and off in Rockford.

I did get three warm up rounds on the warm up mat. Just gettting the guys (and gal) loose. That was about it on the physical end.

Cornered another three bouts for our people. We had a good showing. Placed a couple, won a few more individual bouts. Pretty good day all and all.

It sounds like your people had a pretty good day, then. Above all, it sounds like you had a good time. Kudos!



Push-ups: 2x15

Cable crossovers: 50x10, 60x6, 6


Assited pull-ups: plate 8x7, plate 9x7, plate 5x3, narrow grip, palms out.


Leg press: 205x20, 228x20, 320x10


Cable trunk twists: 70x10x3

Combat Hapkido class: 10:00 - 10:45. We focused on the same side and cross grab defenses for orange belt today, and spent time on little nuances to make the techniques better. We didn't cover as much as far as curriculum material went, but what we did cover was more in-depth, and will help us with more techniques down the road.

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Off at training all week at the State Police HQ, nothing cool. But they do have fitness facilities.

1 mile run

3, 4 min rounds on the heavy bag. Punching combos, add kicks, elbows and knees, last round slid into takedown positions.

10 min bike cool down


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Almost forgot-

10 min of working stikes against thier BOB dummy. Mainly eye gouges and throat shots, some brachial nerve work as well.

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10 min of working stikes against thier BOB dummy. Mainly eye gouges and throat shots, some brachial nerve work as well.

When I saw this reference to the brachial nerve, Tallgeese, I had to look it up. From Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brachial_plexus -

"It proceeds through the neck, the axilla (armpit region) and into the arm."

The drawing on the Wikipedia page shows that it can be gotten to either at the neck region or what appears to be where the pecs and shoulders meet under the clavicle. Is it that you strike or squeeze? Do you go for the neck area or the pec-shoulder connection? It resembles a pressure point to me. The definition refers to the armpit region, but the drawing doesn't show it. Can you finger strike the armpit and still hit it, again, like a pressure point?

If it can be used to shut down someone's arm and stop the fight before it escalates further, it's a good one to know. (Or it could be the nerve in the neck that Mr. Spock squeezes with his uncanny Vulcan abilities.)


~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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- variety of front kicks

- crescent kicks (bag paddle helpful)

- side kicks, lead and rear legs, w/ and w/o step

- roundhouses, w/ and w/o step

- roundhouses, MT style

- back kicks (donkey style)*

*And experimented with a backwards "hop" or "quick step" variation; still donkey style, not spinning. Worked all right.

Chil Sung E Ro Hyung--repeatedly, due to so many "balancing acts" in the hyung

Class at night with David and Patrick. Was allowed to work with newest special needs student, a friend of my sons.

~ Joe

Vee Arnis Jitsu/JuJitsu

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The brachial strike that I utilize is the one on the outside of the neck. It's more properly the brachial plexus orgin. I strike it with palms, foreartms primarily. But I will also practice putting other weapons there as well. ce the effect of shutting the upper arm down, but I usually throw it with the intent of ko-ing someone, or at least taking their head off via kenetic force. BOB really excells at this type of training.


1 mile run

4, 3 min rounds on the heavy bag

back and bis

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I like the brachial stun, too. I actually had that done to me once, as a dummy for an instructor of mine. He was doing a demo for a criminal justice class he was taking, and he was demonstrating PPCT stuff. He whacked me, and I almost went to sleep.



Hip adduction: 100x10x3

Hip abduction: 100x10x3


Triceps press: 177x10, 215x10, 10


1 arm dumbell row: 40x10, 10, 50x8

Barbell curls: 70x10, 75x8, 80x6

TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. We got to spar without pads on tonight, and it was a nice change. It really makes people want to stand and slug it out less.

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