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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-Shirt Class. Warmed up with some speed bag work. Did Choong Jang three times, Se Jong once, and Gae Baek once. A little bag work, and then a few rounds of sparring. I did take a solid side kick to my side, too. We'll see how that feels in the morning.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 295x1, 345x5, 340x5, 340x5.

Press: 45x5, 85x5, 115x2, 135x1, 162.5x5, 162.5x5, 162.5x5.

I miss loaded my first set of squats. And boy, did I notice it. Rep 4, I almost lost my balance forward, and rep 5 I thought was going to get stuck. Then I checked my book, and noticed my error. I backed off the weight to what I was supposed to do for the last two sets, and got it, but it still was a struggle. Press is going up, but it goes up sloooow.

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Strength Training

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 195x1, 242.5x4, 242.5x5, 242.5x5.

Power Snatch: 95x2, 105x2.

Power Clean & Jerk: 115x1, 125x1, 145x2, 145x2, 145x2, 145x2, 145x2.

That first set of bench was horrible. I'm not sure what the issue was, but I hit sets of 5 on the last two sets. I may need to adjust my warmup sets a tad. I think I strained my neck by pushing my head back into the bench. I got to fix that issue...my neck was sore for the weekend.

I started wearing my wrist wraps when I clean and jerk, and they help a ton with my wrists. The rack is cleaning up, and the split is getting more consistent. Snatch needs more practice.

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Strength Training

Power Cleans: 115x3, 125x3, 135x3.

Deadlifts: 175x5, 225x3, 265x1, 300x1, 335x5.

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 185x1, 205x1, 242.5x5, 242.5x5, 242.5x5.

Missed the Monday workout due to scheduling conflicts. I hate missing my workouts.

Started warming up deadlifts with power cleans. Since I wasn't finishing with the jerk, I did sets of 3. Good practice. My back was really fatigued getting through the cleans and then the deadlifts, but I got through it without any real pain. Bench press went better, but the first set always feels junky. Sets 2 and 3 were much better, as far as form went.

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TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-Shirt Class. Speed bag warmup. The rhythm is coming back, but I still need some work. After that, I worked exclusively on the Powerline tonight. Lots of sidestepping and throwing techniques, working into some combinations. Finished with some stretching.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 295x1, 315x1, 340x5, 340x5, 340x5.

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 185x1, 205x1, 245x5, 245x5, 245x4.

Missing Monday really showed today. Squats were heavy all around, and I wasn't sure on that last set. Bench...went well, until that last set. I was driving with my feet, and my left hamstring cramped up on me on rep 4. On rep 5, it was really cramping, and I got stuck on the way up.

Unfortunately, I'm going to miss my Friday workout, due to travelling for football. I'm sad about missing out on my Olympic lifts.

On a side note, Kenneth had a tough day today. He missed Monday because I did, and he missed Tuesday due to being sick. He nailed one heavy set of squats, but then failed on his second set. He got upset about it, but we talked it all out, backed off the last two sets, and worked through it.

Last week, though, he had a positive experience. He was getting stuck on his bench press, hitting reps of 5, 3, and 3 of a weight he really wanted to hit. He made the decision that he would keep trying at that same weight until he got 3 sets of 5, and by the end of last week, he had done it. It showed me he is starting to understand how this all works.

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TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:10 pm. T-Shirt Class. I was the only one in the room this night, so after some work on the speed bag, I did a half hour of forms. 19 forms in all, Chon Ji up through Choong Jang; should have been 20 forms total, but for some odd reason, I left out Gae Baek. After forms, I spent about 10 minutes stretching.


Strength Training

Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 215x3, 275x1, 305x5, 305x5, 305x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 130x1, 145x5, 145x5, 145x5.

Missed several days of training, and was sick early Tuesday morning. So, 10% backoff, and working back up. I've also streamlined my warmup weight selection, so I'll be more consistent with that.

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Strength Training

Bench Press: 45x5x2, 110x5, 150x3, 190x1, 215x5, 215x5, 215x5.

Power Clean & Jerk: 115x2, 125x2, 125x2, 125x2, 125x2, 125x2.

The deload continues with this workout. Hopefully, I'll be able to clean up some form on the bench press. Both the splits and the racks felt good on clean and jerk, but I had issues with the recovery.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 275x1, 310x5, 310x5, 310x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 135x1, 147.5x5, 147.5x5, 147.5x5.

Lat Pull-downs: 110x10, 110x10, 110x10.

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Strength Training

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x5.

Bench Press: 45x5x2, 110x5, 150x3, 190x1, 217.5x5, 217.5x5, 217.5x5.

Lat Pull-downs: 112.5x10, 112.5x10, 112.5x10.

I didn't deload the deadlift near as much as everything else. Bench technique was pretty good today. A rep on each set kind of went weird, but otherwise, the sets were pretty clean. 2 1/2 lb jumps it is, going forward.

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