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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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I've always been impressed for your numbers and for kicking the heck out of each work-out!! You, my friend, are the Beast!! Keep training and training hard, Brian!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I've always been impressed for your numbers and for kicking the heck out of each work-out!! You, my friend, are the Beast!! Keep training and training hard, Brian!!


Thanks, Bob! :)


TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class. I taught this class. We did Do-Kangs 1-4; 3 and 4 twice, to get those familiar with them that haven't got them down yet. We finished with Ho Sin Sul. We started simple, with wrist grab releases, and worked up to lapel grabs and punches. We used our white belt one-step #1 as the basis.


Strength Training

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 185x1, 227.5x5, 227.5x5, 227.5x5.

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 320x5.

The wrist straps are helping with bench press. I've ordered my own pair. Deadlifts are feeling good, although I've got to keep an eye on how my back is responding as it gets heavier.


TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-Shirt Class. I did some bag kicking tonight, and did a lot of two-kick combinations. Spent some time stretching.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 285x1, 330x5, 330x5, 330x5.

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 185x1, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5.

I switched the days I'm doing bench press and press. Now, I'll find out if bench affects the press more, or vice versa.

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Strength Training

Press: 45x5, 85x5, 115x2, 135x1, 160x2, 160x4, 160x2, 160x3, 160x4.

Power Snatch: 45x3, 65x2, 95x2.

Power Clean & Jerk: 115x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2.

Press was a struggle. I think the bench press the day before really affected it, so I may switch those days back. I decided to start practicing the power snatch, too, so my lighter power cleans sets became my snatch sets. As it gets better, and the weight goes up, I'll figure out how to start working it's own day into the mix.

Later that day, after my workout (of course), I got my wrist straps and 1.25 lb plates in that I ordered. The wrist straps will be welcome additions, and I may try to use them for the Olympic lifts, too.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 285x1, 332.5x5, 332.5x4*, 332.5x6*.

Press: 45x5, 85x5, 115x2, 135x1, 164x4, 164x4, 164x4, 164x3.

* On set 2, I ended up squatting one of the reps high (I think rep 5). I had a guy watching my form and overall giving encouragement. I felt it right away on that rep, too, and was very frustrated myself, knowing I cheated the rep. So, I did 5 reps on that set, but one was high, and didn't count. My buddy was giving my a friendly poking, too, saying I needed to get 6 reps on the last set to make it all count. I laughed it off, and said I don't know if there is any way I can hit a set of 6, after what rep 5 feels like. Set 3 rolled around, and after hitting 5 reps, I decided to go for that 6th rep, and I got it. That made me feel a lot better.

Now, the press. I managed to miss load the bar, going heavier than I intended by 2 extra pounds. I decided to go back to pressing on days 1 and 3, and benching on days 2 and 4, after the way the press felt last Friday.

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class: Did all 4 Do-Kangs, and then worked on breakfalls and rolls with some of the students to get ready for Ho Sin Sul work. For Ho Sin Sul, we did "sparring," which went ok, I guess. I think soon we are going to start working more ground work into it.

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Strength Training

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 325x5.

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 195x1, 232.5x5, 232.5x5, 232.5x5.

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TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. T-Shirt Class: I did a few rounds on the speed bag, even doing a combination to work in elbow strikes. I also did work on the standing bags, doing lots of round kicks and side kicks, and then some combination kicking, touching down and firing right back up. Stretched throughout.


Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 285x1, 335x5, 335x5, 335x5.

Press: 45x5, 85x5, 115x2, 135x1, 166x1, 155x5, 160x3, 160x3, 160x3.

Squats went well. Feeling heavy, though, and after set 1, I was really doubting myself for the next two sets. But I got under the bar, and got them done. It was a grind, for sure. Press went poorly. I got 1 rep of 166, but failed the others I tried, so backed off weight, unsure of what to do.

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Strength Training

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x3, 195x1, 235x5, 235x5, 235x5.

Power Snatch: 95x2, 95x2, 100x2.

Power Clean & Jerk: 115x2, 125x1, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2.

Bench press continues to improve, but I'm feeling a catch in my right shoulder, which had the operation all those years ago. I feel a bit of pain, but nothing that subsists after the training session, so I'll continue to increase the weight.

Power clean is an enigma or me. It seems like I either nail the rack, or I nail the split, but not both for some reason. I'm going to keep at it, though.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 295x1, 337.5x5, 337.5x5, 337.5x5.

Press: 45x5, 85x5, 115x3, 135x1, 160x5, 160x5, 160x5.

It's gotten to the point that I worry a bit about getting the squat sets done. But they keep going back up, and man, I love that feeling!

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class: Stretched and tried to loosen up prior to class. Do-Kangs 1-4, and then we went right into Ho Sin Sul. We did quite a bit of ground work tonight, working on a reversal, to passing guard, and even worked on Americana for a finish. Good class.

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Strength Training

Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x3, 295x1, 330x5.

Bench Press: 45x5, 115x5, 135x5, 195x1, 240x5, 240x5, 240x5.

The nagging pain I'd been having in my back for the past few weeks is finally gone! And deadlift did not reaggravate the issue, at least not today.

Had a funny incident with bench. I've been going up by 2.5 lbs per workout. Today I had 235 loaded, and had my buddy come back to spot me. I was checking the weight over again, and then rechecked my log, and I should have been at 237.5. However, my buddy had thrown on 5 lbs, putting it at 240, and talked me into doing it. Went for 3 sets, and felt good.

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