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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 200x5, 200x5, 200x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 75x5. Each work set started with a Power Clean, and then the Press set; PC x105 - x5, PC x105 - x5, PC x105 - x5.

Power Clean & Jerk: 85x3, 85x3, 85x5, 85x3.

The decision to start each set of press with a power clean was mainly due to available equipment and time allotment. The gym only has one power rack, and I was using the inside for squats, and Kenneth was using the outside for his squats and presses. So, I loaded my presses on the deadlift platform, and decided I would do the press old-school - clean it first. This was kind of nice, as I added more power clean reps to my workout. I may do this again, until my press pushes past what I can clean.

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MA Training

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. I did all of my black belt forms, starting with Choong Jang and working my way back to Kwang Gae; didn't do Choong Moo, though, which is our skunk belt form. Helped a colored belt on some of our trickier one-steps, which we refer to mainly as "jumps" due to jump kicks making up the one-step. Also helped one of the young black belts working on his flying side kicks. Finished with doing all 12 three-steps, and a stretch.

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Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5.

Power Clean & Press: 45x5x2, 75x1+5, 110x1+5, 110x2+5, 110x1+5.

Deadlifts: 135x5, 155x5, 185x4, 205x1, 230x5.

The 45 lb warm-up sets on press were not cleaned first. On set 2, I did two power cleans because I didn't re-grip for the press right. But, more practice is good!

When I press from the rack, it's easier to take a narrower grip on the bar, thus maximizing my range of motion for the lift. When I clean the weight first, I have to really work to re-adjust the grip to press. Once this gets too difficult, I'll move to pressing from the rack soley. For right now, though, I'm really enjoying getting the extra power movements worked in.

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MA Training

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. After warming up with some ground kicks/doggy kicks and light stretching, I completed the first two stations of the kicking class, front leg side kicks and front leg round kicks of various types. Worked on some jump spin side kicks on the bag in regards to board breaking. The last 20 minutes of class was used for sparring. There were only 4 of us, but all black belts (one kid). I don't know what the deal is, but it seems like I spar better if I haven't sparred in a while. Stretched at the end of class, too.

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MA Training

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. Did all of my black belt forms: Kwang Gae, Poe Eun, Gae Baek, Se Jong, Yoo Sin, and Choong Jang. I did three stations on the heavy bag, two kicking and one hand techniques. I helped the chief instructor with jump spin heel kicks, and then the other two black belts in the class did axe kicks on the target pad. Stretched before and after class.

Station 1: Front Kicks: FL front kick, BL front kick, FL stepping front kick, FL jump front kick, BL jump front kick (jumping away).

Station 2: Punches: Jab, Cross, Jab/Cross, Lead Hook, Rear Hook, Lead Uppercut, Rear Uppercut.

Station 3: Round Kicks: FL round kick, BL round kick, FL stepping round kick.

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MA Training

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class, consisting of Kicking Stations. I got through 6 stations, which I felt pretty good about. FL side kicks, FL round kicks, BL side kicks, repeat kicking combos, axe kicks, and crescent/hook kicks were the stations. Each station had 5 different kicks to do, doing 5 kicks on each leg (and the combos would be double the number of kicks). 350 kicks, if I count right. Finished with a nice stretch.

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MA Training

TKD Forms: Spent about 30 minutes doing the colored belt forms, white up to skunk belt with one of the 2nd dans who happened to be practicing at the gym during some open floor time. Then I sat in the sauna for about 10 minutes. Kendall is working on dropping some weight for the wrestling season, so I'm taking him to the gym so he can do some cardio/HIIT work. He did some walk/running work on the treadmill for about a half hour and then went to the sauna.


Cardio: Walked on a treadmill for 20 minutes, then did rowing for 5 minutes. Kendall did this as well, but he did walk/run intervals on the treadmill.


Cardio: 20 minutes of walking on a treadmill while Kendall did walk/run intervals.


Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 85x5, 85x5, 85x5.

This was a fun day at the gym, mainly because I had both my boys working out there with me. Kendall is still sticking with cardio/HIIT stuff until the end of this week, so he wasn't lifting. But Kenneth got back under the bar today, so I had a training partner. I really enjoyed the time.

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Strength Training

Deadlifts: 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 205x5.

Chin Negatives: 5.

Lat Pull-downs: 100x12, 100x12, 100x12, 100x12.

Those chin negatives made me VERY sore.


Strength Training

Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 190x5, 190x5, 190x5.

Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5.

Lat Pull-downs: 110x12, 110x12, 110x12, 110x12.

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MA Training

TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class. We spent the first 20 or so minutes of the class having the young black belt students make their first attempt at teaching some techniques. It was educational for them, to say the least. After that, I did Do-Kang 1 twice and Do-Kang 2 twice. Next, I spent time working on our first 6 three-step sparring.

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