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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 175x5, 205x3; work sets: 265x5, 265x5, 265x5.

Push Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5, 90x5; work sets: 115x5, 115x5, 115x5.

Power Cleans: 95x3, 95x3, 95x3, 95x3, 95x3

Power Snatches: 67x2, 67x2, 67x2, 67x2, 67x2


Defensive Tactics Club: 1:00 - 2:00 pm. Worked lots of reps on pistol disarms.

Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 175x5, 205x3; work sets: 270x5, 270x5, 267x5. These were really tough. It felt like I hit a brick wall. At one point, I wasn't sure I'd get out of the bottom of the squat.

Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5, 85x5; work sets: 107x5, 107x5, 107x5.

Deadlifts: warm-ups: 135x5, 165x5, 195x5, 225x3; work set: 320x5.


Defensive Tactics Club: 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Warmed up with some bag work, and then did about a 5 minute round of stand-up sparring, kicks included. I get my legs kicked a lot, and am working on defending that better. I did a few brief bouts of rolling, and some stick work. I had two of the students in there that have worked technique on the ground, but haven't done a lot of free rolling, so I had them start in different situations and roll a few rounds. We also had a brief discussion about articulation in self-defense reporting, should that need ever arise.

Taught TKD Classes: Little Lions: 5:10 - 5:40 pm. Focused on Control; used punching in sitting stances to work technique control, and taught a jump front snap kick to work control. Some target work on pads, punching with control to a target (accuracy).

Mixed Class: Basics, added in a lo/mid/hi punching drill, outer crescent to spin outer crescent kick, jump round kick after the jump front snap kick, and added hop side kicks and step behind side kicks. Forms, then skipped to sparring, doing 30 second round robins, kids with the kids and adults with the adults.

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Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 175x5, 205x3; work sets: 250x5, 250x5, 250x5. I deloaded after the last session.

Push Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5, 90x5; work sets: 116x5, 116x5, 116x5.

Power Cleans: 97x3, 97x3, 97x3, 97x3, 97x3.

Power Snatches: 68x2, 68x2, 68x2, 68x2, 68x2.

Now, a brief note on my current training partner's progress. I've mentioned it in passing, but I wanted to note that I started my 9 year old son, Kendall, lifting weights to build strength, using the same program I am using, the Starting Strength program that is promoted by Mark Rippetoe. I'm sure I might get some ridicule about starting my young son in strength training, and I'll gladly take on that conversation. But for now, here is a look at his progress so far:

We are at about 10 and half weeks into the program. Kendall started all his lifts using a 17 lb. bar that isn't as long as an Olympic bar, but is long enough that it fit on the pins of the squat rack. We started out with an empty bar, learned technique, and then started progressively loading. Here are where he's at to date:

Body weight: between 95 and 100 lbs, 4'6" tall.

Squats: 93.5 lbs for sets of 5.

Press: 30.5 lbs for sets of 5.

Deadlift: 122 lbs for 1 set of 5.

Bench Press: 45 lbs for sets of 5.

Power Cleans: 32 lbs for sets of 3.

For squats, deadlifts, and just now on bench press, Kendall is using a 45 lb Olympic bar for all sets, except bench press, which we use the 17 lb bar for warm-ups, and he is using an empty Olympic bar for his work sets. The fractional plate set that I got has been a huge benefit for the both of us, and has really helped me in keeping him adding weight progressively. We focus on technique a lot, and he's doing a good job so far, I think.

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Final night of butterfly guard work. Sweep to ankle attacks followed by transition to X Guard.

40 min free roll


Seminar with Henry Akins. Absolutely amazing stuff.

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2 hour private and rolling with Prof. Akins.


Review of seminar material in class.

PTK- knife patterns and sd drilling empty hand


1.5 mile run

Bodyweight routine

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Range Training: 8:00 - 10:30 am. Simunitions training, doing building search scenarios, domestic disturbance calls, and suicidal subject scenarios. Good times, and some of our DT club kids got to help out being role players. Great training!

Taught Little Lions Class: 5:10 - 5:40 pm. Finished up working on drills for the control stripe. Worked with doing the jump front snap kick, as well as some target pad punching with partners.

Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, one-steps, spending time on forms review with the students.


Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 175x5, 205x3; work sets: 252x5, 252x5, 252x5.

Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5, 85x5; work sets: 108x5, 108x5, 108x5.

Deadlifts: warm-ups: 135x5, 175x5, 225x5, 275x3; work set: 325x5.


Defensive Tactics Club: 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Did some single-stick drills, and then spent time free-rolling. When I don't go with the collegiate Wrestling stud, I do a little better.

Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 135x5, 185x5, 205x3; work sets: 254x5, 254x5, 254x5.

Push Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 70x5, 90x5; work sets: 117x5, 117x5, 117x5.

Power Cleans: warm-up: 65x3; work sets: 98x3, 98x3, 98x3, 98x3, 98x3.

Power Snatches: 69x2, 69x2, 69x2, 69x2, 69x2.


Department Defensive Tactics Training: 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Worked on choke defenses: front, rear, side, front with push, front against wall, rear against all, rear with push.

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22 June 2015.

-60min Kyokushin class.

23 June 2015.

-90min enduance session, farmers walk, cardio, sled push, grip training and isometrics.

24 June 2015.

-60min Kyokushin class.

-30min weights session.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Department DT Training: 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Worked on choke defenses again for review and just getting more reps, and also pistol disarm from the front.

TKD: Palgwe 1 and 2, and Choong Jang x2, then a good stretch. My left knee really didn't enjoy Choong Jang.

Taught Little Lions Class: 5:10 - 5:40 pm. Finished week on balance, and also reviewing control, working a lot of jumping front kicks, from one leg up, then switching and kicking. We did this with and without pads for targeting.

Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, and one-steps.


Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 185x5, 205x3; work sets: 254x5, 252.5x5, 254x5. Kendall and I were switching out some of the fractionals for our sets, and I forgot to put them back on mine for my 2nd set. :roll:

Push Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 70x5, 90x5; work sets: 117x5, 117x5, 117x5.

Power Cleans: 99x3, 99x3, 99x3, 99x3, 99x3.

Power Snatches: 70x2, 70x2, 70x2, 70x2, 70x2.

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29 June 2015.

-HIIT #1: Tabata, 20sec burpees, 10sec rest. 8x rounds no break.

-HIIT #2: 15sec sprint, 45 sec jog. 10x rounds no break.

-Weights session:

Dumbell press, deadlift, hammer curl, preacher curl, fly. Sets 20/15/12/10/5/8/15.

30 June 2015.

-60min kyokushin strength and conditioning class. Basically 20min intense cardio and bodyweight, 20min kettle bells and 20min cardio and dynamic stretching.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 180x5, 205x3; work sets: 255x5, 255x5, 255x5.

Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 65x5, 85x5; work sets: 108x5, 108x5, 108x5.

Deadlifts: warm-ups: 135x5, 195x5, 225x5, 275x3; work set: 315x5. I managed to do what felt like pull an abdominal muscle during one of the warm-up sets. It hurt, but I put a belt on, and pulled the work set. A few days later, its not bothering as much. It really bothered me that day, though.

Defensive Tactics Club: 1:00 - 2:00 pm. Palgwe 1 and 2, Choong Jang. Practiced takedowns with Kendall, focusing on getting a good penetration step, and keeping the hips under him, and his head up on the drive. I was a warm body for one of the students to work reps on the arm bar from the guard, and then from the mount.


Defensive Tactics Club: 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Review of armbar and Americana from mount, and some work on the guillotine choke from guard. Some single stick work.


Strength Training

Squats: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 140x5, 180x5, 205x3, 225x1; work sets: 257x5, 257x5, 257x5.

Push Press: warm-ups: 45x5x3, 70x5, 90x5; work sets: 120x5, 120x5, 120x5.

Power Cleans: 100x3, 100x3, 100x3, 100x3, 100x3.

Power Snatches: 72x2, 72x2, 72x2, 72x2, 72x2.

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TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, one-steps, and sparring. I have to protect my left knee more and more now in basics, so some things are getting changed. I'm not doing right leg jumping front kicks, because landing on my left leg is killing my knee. Pivoting with footwork is hurting, too. My form went well, Choong Jang, but there is a point where I have to do a front kick, then rechamber, pivot and face the opposite direction on the right leg, and then set down the leg to the rear, with some reaction arms stuff going on in there, too. Its the biggest pain in the form right now. Sparring went well. I got tagged by a few of the young guys a time or two, but got my shots in.

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