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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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30 Sept 2013.

Missed out on kyokushin class tonight, so did some circuits to fill the void.

Rocky #2 - STAIR WORKOUT (set of 35 stairs).

Warmup --Run up and down staircase at 75% for 5 sets.

Circuit #1 (no rest between exercises):

-20 pushups.

-Sprint 5 flights.

-20 decline widearm pushups (feet on 3rd step).

repeat x2- rest 60sec and straight on to #2...

Circuit #2 (no rest between):

-Standing jumps to highest star possible, x10.

-Jumps base to first stair, to base, to second stair to base. x10.

-Mountain climbers up stairs, x30.

repeat x2- rest 60sec and straight on to #3...

Circuit #3 (no rest between):

-Bulgarian split squat, 10 each leg.

-Sprint 5 flights.

-Split squat jumps, 40 reps alternating legs.

repeat x2- rest 60sec and straight on to #4...

Circuit #4 (no rest between):

-15 pushups on flat.

-10 pushups feet on 1st stair.

-10pushups feet on 2nd stair.

-10 pushups feet on 3rd stair.

-8 pushups (failure) feet on 4th stair.

-last sprint x1 flight at 100%.

-5min walk to cool down.

-Dynamic leg, hip and back stretching to finish.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Range Training: 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Practiced shooting from different, odd-ball positions, like lying on our back, and on our sides. We had to draw, shoot, and reload from these positions. We also did some fun shooting with one hand, both strong and weak. We also had to do reloads and clear malfunctions with one hand, on both strong and weak sides. Doing the reloads and clearing malfunctions with one hand went pretty well one-handed, but my accuracy wasn't great. Nor was it while lying down. Something to work on.


Taught TKD: 6:00 - 7:30 pm. This was the last class before testing, so we did a review, pre-test type of class. Basics, moved through at a good clip. Forms, everyone did well and looked sharp. One-steps, did them testing-style, and got plenty of reps in. Sparring, did testing-sparring, without pads, making sure to use control and good footwork. After sparring, I had the students work on side kicks for breaking. I had the students kick the kicking shields for power, and then we switched to using the target pads, so they could work more on focus and accuracy.

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lite warm up - a few sit ups and pushups.


Rest of the 2hr session dedicated to hand combinations mixed with hiza geri, all at full power.

x2 punch combinations

x3 -------"------"-------

x4 -----"------"----"---

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Drilled sweeps from bottom side leading to sub set up.

30 min free roll

2 rounds of sparring. Focused on distancing and interceptions

Knife disarms.

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TKD Testing: 6:30 - 8:00. This was kind of a smaller testing, but we've got quite a few new white belts that didn't test yet this time around, so things will be picking up the next few testings, I think. For this testing, we did have some higher colored belt ranks testing, and we had 3 high brown belts testing for their recommended black belts, and they all did pretty well.


Defensive Tactics: 10:45 - 11:30. I got to teach a few things in this class today, working on standing headlock defenses, one of them with the bad guy braced up against the wall. Finished the defenses with an armbar.

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1 Oct 2013.

Not much today, just a few sets of pull ups and chin ups alternated with some kicking drills.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Drilled sweeps from bottom side.

30 min free roll

3 rounds of stand up. Focus on interception and angles.

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60 sit ups

60 push ups

2 min leg lifts

1hr plus - (sorry lost track) knockdown combinations


(Started much earlier than normal)

40 sit ups

60 push ups

1 hr kihon

40 min bag work (legs)

40 mins bad work (arms)

40 mins lag & arm combination (bag work)

40 mins knockdown bouts (20% power...apparently! :lol: )

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Taught TKD: 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Basics, forms, doing review of at least one if not two belt ranks below for everyone, plus their current form. One-steps, review lower rank and current ranks. Sparring, got lots of rounds in, and at the end, talked about using proper blocking tools for the attack that comes in, and using footwork to gain an advantage as opposed to always moving away. Plan to hit on this more next week.

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