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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Been really under the weather lately. I spent half a week in the hospital, and haven't worked out much, nor really felt like I had the energy to. I did manage to make myself stretch out for 15 minutes tonight, though.

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Squats: 2x10

Turn back kick: right - 3x5. leg - 3x5

Stretch: 10 minutes.

Really focused on breaking down the turning back kicks. Points I focused on were the turn, high and tight chamber, and making sure the toes pointed down as much as possible on the kick.

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Stretched out for 25 minutes, and then I worked on Chon Ji hyung a few times. It isn't much, but it got me moving around.

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Went back to the gym today, and did a very general workout. Not too much, I hope.

Squats: 2x10x135 lbs. I never do squats, so these killed me today.

Bench press: 3x10x135 lbs.

Decline abs: 3x10

Barbell curls: 3x10x50 lbs.

Triceps press: 3x10x40 lbs.

Solo workout: 9:45 - 10:00.

Chon ji Hyung x 2

Wall back kicks: 10 each leg.

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Back to training today, in the dojang.

Traditional TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. Class got started late, so I warmed up early doing some forms. I did Yoo Sin hyung, Gwang Gae hyung, and then Chon Ji hyung, and worked on some back kicks to get the blood moving. When we got into basics, my body was just tired and worn out. I felt like I had no snap in my techniques, no power, and no strength in my arms. I must be taking cold as well, because my lungs were burning up pretty good, too. My form went ok, and then I spent some time breaking down the beginning of it, and working on that.

Overall, it was good to get back into the groove. However, I hope things come back soon. In February, I am going to be attending an Instructor's Seminar for the TTA, and I want to be in good shape for that when it rolls around. It will be a 6 hour seminar, covering forms, sparring, basics, Do Kangs, and self-defense and knife defense. I am looking forward to it, but I want to be ready, as well.

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Bench press: 135x10, 155x8, 185x4

Triceps push-downs: 90x10, 105x8, 6

Overhead triceps press: 50x10, 55x8, 60x6


Decline sit-ups: 3x10

Sit-up and twists: 20, 2x10

Solo workout: 9:10 - 9:50 am.

Chon-Ji hyung

Wall back kicks: 10 each leg

Dan-Gun, Won-Hyo hyungs

Wall back kicks: 10 each leg, slowly

Stretch: seated splits, reaching right and left, butterfly, 3 times each

Yul-Gok, Jung Gun hyungs

Wall side kicks: 2x5 each leg, slowly, locking out

Toi-Gye, Hwa-Rang, Choong Moo hyungs

Stretch: seated splits again, reaching right and left, butterfly, calf stretch, and hurdler stretches, 2 to 3 times each

Wall side kicks, hold and pulse: 3x10 each leg

Defensive Tactics training: 10:05 - 12:00.

We did some "Rambo drills," which were palm to palm reaction drills with weapons. We did gun vs. gun, gun vs. knife, and gun vs. unarmed. We used rubber band guns for our training session, and we really learned a lot about buying just a few seconds time to save yourself. We then did some technique analysis, breaking down and discussing what we learned in the drills. We finished up the session working on rear takedowns.

Traditional TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:15. Class got started late tonight, but it was all black belts, so we did all of the forms. From Chon-Ji up to Yoo Sin hyung, 15 forms in all. So, I got a double-dose of forms work today, which was good. A brief stretch afterwards finished out the session.

Edited by bushido_man96
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Assisted pull-ups: 3 sets, plate 10x6 each set.

Back hyperextensions: 3x10

Overhead dumbell shoulder press: 3x10x40 lbs.

Barbell biceps curl: 60x10, 70x8, 80x6


Squats: 135x10, 155x8, 6

Dead lift: 135x10, 155x8, 6

Stretched the legs: front kick stretch, quad stretch, side kick stretches, 3 sets of each.


Decline sit-ups: 3x10

Taught Traditional Kids TKD Class: 4:00 - 5:00. It was a good class for the kids today. Basics looked pretty sharp, and one of the kids that I was having trouble getting to keep his body tight, especially his hands when punching, was really on today. He looked great.

Taught Adult Traditional TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. The class was mostly black belts tonight, but we had one green belt. The class went pretty well.

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Dumbell bicep curls: 3x10x20 lbs.

Dumbell triceps kick-backs: 3x10x20 lbs.

Overhead dumbell shoulder press: 3x10x20 lbs.

Cross-body dumbell hammer curls: 3x10x20 lbs.

Overhead dumbell triceps press: 3x10x20 lbs.

Dumbell shoulder raise: 3x10x20 lbs.


Lunges: 3x5 each leg x 20 lbs.

Side kick hold and pulse: 3x10 each leg.

Stretch: 20 minutes, seated splits, reaching to each side, reverse hurdler.


Crunches: 3x15

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