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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Hooray!!!! My friends called, and said that we could do our SCA Combat for the first time in many months! So, we had a fight session, from 4:30 - 5:30. It was a great time, and it was nice to knock the rust off. Next week will most likely be an off week, but the week after, we should be at it again.

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Between 12:25 am and 1:30 am this morning, I worked on various hand technique combinations while at work, back in the kitchen, and outside the bay area. I did various hand combinations from basics, forms, and the like. In between sets and reps, I did some reading.

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Dumbell bench press: 50x10, 60x10, 65x8

Cable crossovers: 60x6, 50x10, 10

Triceps push-downs: 90x10, 105x8, 8

Overhead triceps extension: 70x10, 80x10, 90x10

Vertical butterflies: 100x10, 115x8, 130x6

Dips: 3x5


Lunges: 3x10x30 lbs. Ouch on the knees, and ouch on the glute and hams!

Calf raises: 3x10x160


Roman chair crunches: 3x15

Side raises: 3x20x30 lbs.


Gripper machine: 3x12x30 lbs.

Wrist curls: 3x20x20 lbs.

Solo workout: 9:05 - 9:15. Worked on Choong Jung 1 and 2 Poomsaes (ATA forms). This is the first time in a while I went through them at full speed. They need work to be back up to par, but I got a good sweat going.

Combat Hapkido: 9:15 - 10:15. Worked on Green and Purple belt material. We got through the most of it pretty well, but still worked on some little things to make it flow smoother. We also did some hand and foot techniques on the heavy bag.

Traditional Class: 6:00 - 7:00. Still working on Yoo Sin hyung. Still sucking at parts of it. Coming along slowly. At the end of class, we did some sparring, and then ended with a 3-for-all that was a good time. I did ok, but ended up on the floor once from a missed spin heel kick. :D

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My legs were really sore today after the Lunge exercises I did on Monday. I may have to keep doing them, to build some more leg strength. We'll see how my knees react to them, I guess.

I also noticed that my upper body, especially the triceps, were sore from the changed up routine I did on Monday. I have not noticed any gains in bench press over the last few months, so I have decided to give it a rest, and try some new things. We'll see how they go.

Solo Workout: 3:35 - 4:00. I worked on forms that were heavy into hand techniques, so that I could warm my legs up in the stances. I did our Do-gans 1 and 2, Poe Eun hyung, and then worked on Yoo Sin hyung. I worked on the segments of Yoo Sin that are giving me problems, and I think that they are slowly coming along. That forms just bugs me, though.

Taught Kids Class: 4:00 - 5:00. Only 3 students today. I worked the basics hard.

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Traditional Class: 6:00 - 7:00. Good class tonight. I really worked my arms off in Basics. I tried to visualize my power manifesting at the end of each technique. In sparring, I had kind of a personal victory; I threw a wonderful spin heel kick, right up to my 6'3" partner's head, and I controlled the speed on it a bit, and he pretty much acknowledged it as sufficient to get the job done. I was so happy. :D After the class, I had a good stretch.

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Firearms training: 12:00 - 2:30. I went home to visit my folks and brothers, and we went to the PD range their and shot for quite a while. I shot mainly a GLOC, but also a .357 Magnum. My dad is a Rangemaster with the Highway Patrol here, and was able to work with us on some basic stuff. I had a great time.

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1-arm dumbell bench press: 3x8x50 lbs. 8 reps each arm.

Vertical butterfly: 100x10, 115x8, 130x6

Cable crossovers: 50x10, 50x10, 60x6

Triceps push-down: 90x10, 105x8, 105x8

Overhead triceps extension: 90x10, 105x8, 6

Dips: 6, 5, 5


Lunges: 3x10x30

Calf raises: 3x10x160 lbs.


Gripper: 3x12x30 lbs.

Wrist curls: 3x20x20 lbs.


Roman chair crunches: 3x20

Side raises: 3x20x30 lbs.

Solo workout: 9:25 - 10:25. I warmed up with Do-gans 1 and 2, did Choong Jung Poomsae 1 and 2, and then stretched out. After stretching, I dove into Yoo Sin hyung. I slowed down the first half of the form, working on getting some hip movement into my hand techniques for power. I am getting better with the target-strike crescent kicks followed by the side kicks, but they still don't feel great.

Combat Hapkido: 10:30 - 11:30. We worked on defenses against punches, and different applications for them, along with some different side wrist grabs and the like.

Traditional TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. I worked on getting my hip motion into some of my basic techniques. I think it went ok. When we got to forms, I told myself that I was going to slow it down a bit, and especially take some extra time on the target-crescent kick to side kick spots. The instructor noticed that I kind of slowed there a bit, and he said that I am doing it well, and just need to give it a bit more time. He said it is coming together well. So, I guess I am my biggest critic. Aren't we all? After forms, we did one-steps, and then spent the last 15 minutes of class working on advanced one-steps, which was kind of fun to do. Then, after class, me and a few others got into talking about different kinds of variations for the advanced one-steps. A good time, all-around.

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Combat Hapkido: 11:15 - 1:00. We worked on Blue Belt material today. A good workout. It is nice to get an extra day of work on this.


Assisted pull-ups: plate 10x10, 9x8, 8x6

Back hyperextensions: 3x12

Dumbell shoulder press: 40x10, 45x8, 50x6

Barbell curl: 75x10, 80x8, 85x6


Physio ball curls: 3x10

Hip adduction: 3x10x115 lbs.

Hip abduction: 3x10x115 lbs.

Hip flexion: 3x10x85 lbs.

Hip extension: 3x10x145 lbs.


Physio ball crunches: 3x15

Taught Kids Class: 4:00 - 5:00. Today, at the side kicks portion of basics, I noticed that the kids did a very good job of chambering their kicking legs tight and doing good side kicks, and not shortening them and making them look like round kicks. It made me feel good to see the results of my continued nagging at them. :D Throughout the basics, I held a traget pad in my hand for the kids to make contact with, just to spice things up a bit. Everyone loves to hit the pads, right? :P For the side kicks, I held a kicking shield, and lined them up to get some reps on it as well. I find that I have to constantly remind the students not to change their techniques just becasue they have a target in front of them to hit. The techniques should be executed the same way, with the same power.

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Traditional TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. Good overall class tonight. My right leg was a bit tight, so I took it easy on the kicks as far as height goes. However, after class, I managed to tear up my left leg really good. It still hurts right now. One of my buddies was working on a jump 360 degree axe kick that he likes to do for board breaking. I was giving him some suggestions on it, and then demonstrated it...on my left leg, because my right one was tight, and I didn't want to pull it. :P Well, I ended up ripping up my left leg really well. I iced it for a while, but it is still tight.

Going to have to work on training around this injury, it appears! :o

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Well, bushido_man96 is really dominating this thread:)

Ran on the treadmill (6:28 mile)

Benched for a bit, benched my own weight once, did curls, pull-ups, worked my shoulders.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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