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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Reducing the number of cardio sessions from 5 to 3 per week has gone OK so far. It's a little early to tell for sure but VO2Max seems to be holding. Have decided to drop back to 2 longer duration sessions per week. This will allow me time to start in to a 5 week strength training cycle leaving plenty of time to do either power work or more kumite and kata self training in the last month before the nidan test.

I've decided on the following general strength workouts...

Workout 1

Bench Press 3x15

Deadlift 3x15

Military Press 3x15

Inclined Abs 4x12

Chin-Ups 5xF (right now after the first set they're basically sets of 1 :blush: )

Workout 2A

Power Clean 3x15

Inverted Rowing 3xF

Workout 2B

Squats 3x15

Chin-Ups 5xF

I've worked my way up to training weight on all the weighted exercises over the last couple weeks and boy are my arms tired :lol: So...

My schedule for next week...



Monday AM

VO2Max Test

Workout 1

Tuesday AM

Karate - 25 min Kata/Kihon Self Training

Workout 2A

Tuesday PM

Cardio - 30 min - Intervals to 90% Maximum Heart Rate

Workout 2B

Karate - 1 hour Basics Class

Wednesay AM

Karate - 30 min Kata/Kihon Self Training

MedBall 400 @ 12lbs

Thursday AM

Workout 1

Thursday PM

Cardio - 45 min - Constant @ 80% Maximum Heart Rate

Friday AM

Karate - 25 min Kata/Kihon Self Training

Workout 2A

Saturday AM

Workout 2B

Karate - 1 hr Black Belt Class

Karate - 1 1/2 hr Yellow and Up

Thursday Night is a new time slot for me. Negotiating with my wife for the free time should go smoothly enough but it looks like I'll have to cough up Chuck. I THINK that's on Thursday nights but it's not that I've been watching it.

we all have our moments

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Angle drills on the mitts, 45 min. Worked slipping off to the outside, countering. Moved on thru setting up the sent arm shulder takedown off the inital movement. Knife control for the low sets of attacks.

Finished iwth 3, 3 min rounds of knife sparring.

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Drilled with rounds of moving from side to mount to side while keeping pressure down. Went on to side to knee in, counter to a hip check down man makes, move to mount. Finished drills with rolling work to back.

For technique we drilled a sweep from half guard, followed by a movement ot knee in and a far side arm bar.

Finished with 50 min of free roll. Worked on some holding stratgies with the gi lapels.

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3 mile run


lots of work with the kettlebells

Cool down with hip work and shrimping on the mat, as well as some work on Boomer with half guard and high guard.

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Worked drills on keeping weight down on partner and transition between top positions.

For technique, we hit same side arm bar from knee in. Followed by sweep from the half guard.

50 min free roll.

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Drilled over hip bump set ups for several submissions. Worked on keeping weight down as well.

3, 3 min rounds of maintain/escape the guard

3, 3 min rounds of maintian/escape the side mount

12, 3 min rounds of free roll

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3 mile run, outside. I hate winter.



Worked on some kettlebell exercises for core and BJJ-centric ones. Cool down on mat with hip drills and shrimps.

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Angle drills on the mitts for rounds. Moved into tying up and takedown from there. Moved to knife defense off the same pattern.

On the ground, we drilled some two man hip drills and went over weighting an opponent.

3, 3 min rounds free roll

3, 3 min rounds free roll with the random introduction of a weapon to the area, in this case we used a knife.

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Mitt work on basic combos, jabbing out. Followed with work on coverage as well and lastly incorporated takedowns as well.

4, 5 min rounds of free roll.

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