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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Power clean: 135x10, 155x5

Squat: using safety squat machine, no weight on bar, 45x5, then 95x5. Yeah, its weenie weight, but my knees don't like the squat, but doing this and going all the way down to parallel, and then coming up, didn't bother my knees. So, I'll work my way up slowly.

Dead lift: 205x10


Bike: 20 minutes. Then stretch.

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Last night was my night off (I work midnights, so usually my "evening" is 8am in the morning) so usually I stay up so it doesn't affect my sleep schedule. It's technically a day off for me right now, but since I've missed a few workouts due to court and overtime I decided what the heck, let's do this.

So while I watched TV, I did the following:

**Warm-up (alternating jumping jacks, running in place, seiken pushups)

**Joint rotations and stretching

**Tsuki waza and uke waza from Sanchin stance (10 slow, 30 fast, many different techniques)

**Geri waza from zenkutsu or kiba (10 slow, 20 fast, again many different kicks)

**Renraku waza (from the simple oi tsuki to a few different techniques in each set, each about 10-20 times)

**Sanchin kata - 5 repetitions

**Elevated seiken pushups, situps, squats

**Neko ashi dachi hold for time, left and right


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modified crossfit:

50 inverted burpees

50 normal burpees

1/2 mile run, max elevation on the treadmill

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Kihon workout as soon as I got out of work (similar to the above one, but more abbreviated) then hit up the gym. Bottom position squats, quarter squats, trap bar deadlifts, glute ham raises, and finished it all off by carrying a 120ish # sandbag for a 1/8 mile.

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got one in before work tonight-

1 mile jog

1/2 mile of windsprint intervals

1/4 mile coll down jog

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Bench press: 225x7, 8 fail

Row: 190x7, 8 fail

Military press: 125x4, 5 fail

Lat pull-down: 160x7, 8 fail

Leg extensions: 160x8, 9 fail

Leg curls: 175x12

Curls: 60x5, 6 fail

Triceps push-down: 180x6, 7 fail

Decline crunches: 22 lb ball, 2 sets of 10


Bike for 25 minutes, then stretch.

Edited by bushido_man96
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MA workout

Defensive Tactics: 9:00 - 10:00. This was another of the DT seminars that the Criminal Justice proffessor at the college is putting on monthly. We worked on ground fighting again, and we covered the kimura from guard, the reversal for when the kumura is defended, then we did a top-side kimura and an Americana. After some work on these, we did more of an active rolling drill where our partner would make us work for one, and if we didn't get it, we worked for the reverse or othewise. It was really fun, and I think I am really getting the hang of the kimura. Its too bad that I didn't get more time in, but the first 20 minutes went to some stretching, and more yapping than I would have liked, but oh well.

Aikido: 10:00 - 12:00. We did a mock testing in class to prepare for the testing this week. So, I got to do some falls and rolls with the 2nd kyu we have testing; that was a good time. It only takes about one time to fall wrong, and then I had it pretty well figured out. He has a TON of techniques to do, both from standing and kneeling position. We had two 3rd kyu girls go next, and then I got to do my testing requirements. I felt pretty good, and got a few things to work on, but other than that, I think I'll be ready to go.

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