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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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100 Push-ups

Week 5, Day 1: 17, 19, 15, 15, 30 (needed 20) = 96

MA workout

Defensive Tactics: 3:30 - 4:15. Worked on red belt Combat Hapkido. While doing one of the reaping takedowns, one of our TKD instructor's daughter came by and watched. Well, I have a habit of slapping the ground nice and hard when I get taken down, and I am pretty decent at breakfalls. So, some guys know that they can throw me hard, and I'll be ok. So, the daughter brings a couple of her tumbling class friends over and says, "hey, show them that takedown." So, I get reaped hard, smack the mat and fall hard, and she says to her friends "see, don't mess with Stan (my DT partner)." :lol: I was like, man, thanks a lot. Glad I got to make you look good, buddy...we had a laugh over it. Good stuff.

TKD class: 6:00 - 7:10. We have a testing on Thursday, so the class worked on mostly prepping for that. My old training buddy was in the class, so when we did one-steps together, we had a bit of fun hitting each other while we were standing there as a target. Good times. :D

Man, my legs are sore today from the lunges I did on Monday. I think I need to do them more often, to get my legs stronger. I don't do a lot of weights with my legs, but maybe I should start. My knees don't like the squats, so I have to be careful.

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training at my old school. plenty of strking drills, move to sparring of various sorts followed by grappling to exhaustion. finished with knife work. spent time against good knifers wroking my scheme, it's showing really good results all things considered.


3 mile run

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I'm glad to hear that your knife work is coming along for you. Its cool to see that you gave it a pretty good litmus test, too. Did the guys you worked with have any tips to offer you, as well?



Power clean & jerk: 135x5, 5

Dead lift: 155x10, 185x8

Ab wheel: 10

Cardio: Bike for 25 minutes, then had a really good stretch.

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100 Push-ups

Week 5, Day 2: 10, 10, 13, 13, 10, 10, 9, 25 = 100

TKD testing: 6:30 - 8:15. Testing went well tonight. We did a demo at the beginning, that went ok. I tried my two level round kick break; got the first, bounced the second. When I reared back to get that top board, I had to take 2 more attempts at it. I hate it when I do that, but the ball of my foot has been feeling it for a while. It was a pretty tough board. But, I'll keep working at it, and hopefully get it next time.

We had 3 white belts test, which was nice, and they did well. Next were our orange belts; 2 low and 3 high orange, and they all did well, too. Then we had a low and a high blue belt, and a high brown belt. Overall, it was a pretty good test.

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Thanks bushido man, yeah, there were some good things that got brought up. The overall scheme remained intact, so the core remained pretty much untouched. There were some thoughts about the beggining posture that I plan to encorporate but overall, I was happy with how it went.

Now I want to do some cut work on meat in the next couple of weeks to make sure I'm getting the depth and damge I want. Then, I need to use it agaist knifers and attackers that are out of radically differnt systems who move and think differently.

If those go well, I'll start putting stuff on paper and locking things in. Alot of our guys have trained in differnt arts you'd think of along these lines, but I want some guys who don't have the same "group think" when it comes to the cross trining we've all done.

Still, I'm really hopeful for my little project at this time.

two days ago-

range time:

400 rounds of handgun. Basic marksmanship and then combat move/shoot drills

100 rounds of long gun. Mostly weapon familiarization with the AK-47


sparring day:

2, 3 min rounds of stand up only at range

2, 3 min rounds of stand up to clinch and infight as well

2, 3 min rounds adding takedowns as well

1, 3 min round with grappling/striking on the ground

15 min block of drilling on escape from guard. Then half guard series after escape.

4, 3 min rounds of free roll

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10 min of shrimping drills, rolls, leg overs, ect.

20 min of drilling finish to single leg and series from there

10 min drilling escape from mount

2, 2 min rounds of rolling for mount escape

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from knees

7, 3 min rounds of free roll from feet

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Good idea to get out of that "group think" to test things. Going to different gyms and stuff to get different perspectives always helps to get out of the comfort zones.



Bench press: 225x6, 7 fail

Row: 180x7, 8 fail

Military press: 125x5, 6 fail

Lat pull-down: 170x6, 7 fail

Machine curls: 55x8, 9 fail

Triceps push-down: 180x4, 5 fail

Leg extensions: 130x10

Leg curls: 190x10

Ab wheel: 15, 10

Cable trunk twist: 90x10, 10

Cardio: Bike for 20 minutes, then a good stretch.

MA Workout

Aikido: 8:45 - 9:20. We worked on Katatori Ikkyo (lapel grab, 1st teaching) from the intercept like before, and also deciphered Katatekosatori Kotegaeshi (cross-hand grab, wrist turning throw). I say "deciphered" because we went off a bit of what we had done in the past, and use some common sense to put it together like we think it might work. We plan to square it up with the instructor, but I think we have a handle on it.

Combat Hapkido: 9:20 - 10:00. In only worked on a few of the red belt techniques, from two-hand lapel grabs, and from middle sleeve grabs. I wanted to focus on the grips, and proper set-ups, which I feel better on. I also dug up a few alternatives for each that I did, in case things change up. One of the variations comes from the Aikido that we have done a bit, so I am starting to see more and more cross-over, which is good.

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warm up with shrimping, rolls, leg overs

2, 2 min rounds of ball drills

20 min work with series from passing open guard, side mount, submission series, reversal, counter

10 min on detailed review and work on armbar that the above drill ended on.

3, 3 min rounds free roll from knees

9, 3 min rounds free roll from feet. Heavy work on my end of shooting and takedowns. Set up lateral drop quite a bit.

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3, 2 min rounds of the ball drill

20 min block of working thru series from side mount to full mount to two submission series.

3, 3 min rounds of free roll from knees

6, 3 min rounds of free roll from feet, heavy takedown focus today

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