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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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3, 2 min rounds of working trapping to infight range. grab by opponant, elbow over release and backfist. add cross, add folding elbow to end of cross. strikes go to palm of opponants glove rather than mitts. this allows for grabbing to be more realistic.

2, 3 min rounds of free sparring, heavier gear, from the infight. lead legs tied together to make people stay in that range. focus on rolling the elbows and trapping to the back fist. make sure not to forget regualr striking when appropriate.

2, 3 min rounds free sparring, from normal start. to tie up only, then add to takedown.

15 min instructinal block on sweeping from an open guard, a couple of niche moves from being taken down vs. a still standing attacker.

2, 3 min rounds free roll from knees

1, 3 min round free roll from standing

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Pre-class warm-up; wall-kicks, not setting the leg down

Side kicks: 2x5 each leg

Round kicks: 2x5 each leg

Also practiced some jumping and spinning kicks on the Wavemaster.

TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. Class was going good, and about half way through, the instructor got paged out with a work emergency, so I took over the second half of the class. We got to do a little bit of sparring at the end.

At the end of class, I also made a comment about one-steps that probably revealed my opinion of them in general. I told the class that there were a lot of things we could do related to sparring, and not just sport sparring, that could lead into more applicable self-defense. I mentioned something to the point of one-steps being great if you ever get attacked by a statue.....we need to move on to more resistive movement exercises.

Edited by bushido_man96
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bushido man, just out of curiosity, how did that coversation go?


crossfit (modified):

50 dips

1/4 mile run

50 pushups

1/4 mile run

50 shoulder presses, standing

1/4 mile run

I added a last 1/4 on just to even out a mile.

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Work 7 and 7 on land. Days on, have gym workout in the morning then work on forms, blocks and attacks, and one-steps when I can. Run through newest forms multiple times. On days off, try to get workout at home. Have classes in the afternoons twice a week. Therefore I work mostly on strength one week and cardio the next at class.

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1 mile

modified crossfit:

21 R- arm DB squat cleans

21 pull ups

21 L- arm DB sc's

21 pull ups

14 R-DB sc's

14 pull ups

14 L-DB sc's

14 pull ups

7 R-DB sc's

7 pull ups

7 L-DB sc's

7 pull ups

1 mile run

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1 mile run


5 set, 3 reps each of front squat as heavy as possible


ab work- heavy

1 mile run

3, 2 min rounds of knife work to cool down

All in a vain effort to burn off the calories consumed while watching the fights on Sat. night. Given the amount of appitizers and sammy's consumed, that's not likely. Still, I missed a good chunk of the Oscars that my wife was watching :) .

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bushido man, just out of curiosity, how did that coversation go?

Well, it went pretty well, considering I was the only instructor there, and we were bowing out of class... :P But, the comment did get a little chuckle from throughout the room, and I think that some might share my sentiments.

At any rate, I don't have a lot of say in the matter, so I just do what I can, when I get the chance.


Push-ups: 23, 21, 12. Not many; slow day.



Bench press: 215x6, 7 fail

Seated row: 145x8, 9 fail, different machine.

Military press: 125x5, 6 fail

Lat pull-down: 160x7, 8 fail

Machine curl: 50x7, 8 fail

Triceps push-down: 165x6, 7 fail

Leg press: 410x10, on what they used to call the "hip sled."

Ab wheel: 2x5

Cardio: Bike for 25 minutes, then stretched.


100 Push-ups

Week 4, Day 2: 20, 25, 20, 20, 28 = 113



Bench press: 215x7, 8 fail

Seated row: 160x7, 8 fail

Military press: 125x6, 7 fail

Lat pull-down: 160x7, 8 fail

Machine curl: 50x7, 8 fail

Triceps push-down: 165x7, 8 fail

Leg press: 460x5, with much protest from the knees.

Ab wheel: 10, 6

Combat Hapkido: 8:50 - 9:20. Worked on some review stuff. Next week, we'll focus on this more, I think.

Sparring: 9:20 - 9:45. Our organization's tournament is coming up, and one of the students wanted to work on some sparring strategy for the tourney. So, we put on the chest protectors, and I set stuff up so that he could work on some things. It was fun; I got beat on the whole time. I would like to see some more stuff like this done in class time, too.

Cardio: Bike for 15 minutes, then stretched briefly. After I got home, I walked the dog for about 25 minutes, too.

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Well, bushido man, at least you've got a couple of sympathetic ears in the group. That's got to count for something. Maybe getting those guys together for an independant workout time during the week sometime might give you an outlet for what you want to do.

I know that I spent quite a bit of time doing this, just to work on stuff we were doing. Peer work can be real benifical if you're all striving for the same thing. You'd probibly be surprised at the forward progress you'd make.

Good luck.


crossfit (modified)-

1/4 mile run

21 push press, 95 lbs.

1/4 mile run

18 push press, 95 lbs

1/4 mile run

15 push press, 95 lbs

1/4 mile run

12 push press, 95 lbs.

ches tris

5, 2 min rounds of:




ground n pound bag

knife defensive scheme

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Spent 8 hours teaching DT at the dpt. Mainly striking, locks/takedowns and weapon retention/disarming. I'm not a big fan of our cuffing and pressure point stuff so I tend to pass that off to other instructors. Broke out hte armor and let them work stuff at speed agaisnt a mover, baton and all. Good time, and I even got some reps of my own in.


1 mile on incline treadmill. Mostly walking to work out the quad trauma from the day.


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Thanks for the advise, tallgeese. I keep working toward some things, and even if I can't do it the way I'd like to, I can change things a little, and get closer.

Awesome DT stuff. You gotta love dept. DT training. I want to get in and help my DT partner with his PD classes, but there seems to be a bit of a "cross-over resistance" that is pretty petty between the departments, if you ask me. Oh well, politics are everywhere.

100 Push-ups

Week 4, Day 3: 23, 28, 23, 23, (13, 13, 7) 33 = 130. That last set got broke up, but I pushed through to get the amount I needed to finish it out. Its hardly optimal, but it got me through. That last set is tough.

Floor kicking

Side kick: 3x10 each side

Round kick: 3x10 each side

I didn't get to class tonight; the wife was pretty ill, so I stayed home to help out with the kids and all. Oh, well. There is always Thursday, and this Saturday at the college, instead of the Aikido class, there is going to be an open DT session with one of the Highway Patrol guys showing up to present some cuffing stuff; one of the professors that teaches a DT course through the college is going to be there; the 4th dan from our school, who also does the Aikido, will be there as well. It should be a good training opportunity, I think. I look forward to it.

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